Elite: Game talk

03 Nov 2016, 3:10pm
COL 285 SECTOR OS-T D3-148

Near Deciat
03 Nov 2016, 3:11pm
Thanks, I'll check it out.
03 Nov 2016, 3:13pm
Jumping there now
03 Nov 2016, 5:28pm
hey so for the mysterious CG do we have be on the planet
04 Nov 2016, 4:02am
how do i get in contact with the administrator i gave the wrong email to get a verification
04 Nov 2016, 4:41am
Is it really necessary to ask the same thing in five different places?
04 Nov 2016, 4:49am
there is no easy way at this site to get in contact with the administrator so what other way is there when a question is ignored just like what you did you ask a question when you could of given an answer
04 Nov 2016, 4:50am
This site is run by one guy who also happens to have a life outside of Inara.

Try looking at the settings.
04 Nov 2016, 4:50am
Or learn something from Obi Wan: Patience!
04 Nov 2016, 4:52am
i did there is nothing there about it
04 Nov 2016, 4:53am
It's right there on the front page.

Address hidden for obvious reasons.
04 Nov 2016, 4:55am
i did change it to the right one i still did not get a confirmation in my email
04 Nov 2016, 4:56am

did you check your junk folder?
04 Nov 2016, 4:56am
Then be patient and wait for a response instead of spamming.

Like I said, Inara is a one-man project and like the rest of us, he has a life outside of it. Be patient. A lot of work goes into the site, especially with 2.2 being a fairly recent release.
04 Nov 2016, 4:58am
yes i did check my junk folder and i changed the email yesterday

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Elite:Dangerous related questions, answers, tips and help. Simply anything that is directly related to the game and its gameplay goes here.
For the discussions about the community, other stuff related to the game like astrophysics and so on please use the General talk thread.

What does belong here:
  • Questions, answers, tips and guides about ship loadouts, game activities like exploration, mining, combat and similar things that directly relate to the gameplay.
  • Game technical issues and problems, if you are looking for a help. For the bug reports please head to the official FD forum.
  • Discussion about "official" events from GalNet and community goals.
What does not belong here:
  • Discussing player actions and activities, general topics about Elite community and player events, topics related to the game but also real world (like astrophysics and similar). Please post these to the "General talk" thread instead.
  • Any off topic discussion, please post this kind of stuff to the "Offtopic" thread.