Elite: Game talk

01 Jan 2017, 4:01pm
Whiskey and Bacon.
01 Jan 2017, 5:42pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Ryan Murdoc
Anna ReidWith how boring you are, I shouldn't be surprised you'd say that, but somehow I still am.


And yes, I know your comment wasn't aimed at me. But just see it as a answer to the one you aimed at me earlier

Some people are unhappy with their life and detest their own weakness when they seek solace in substance abuse, so they often want to shame you into joining them. Yes I'm boring, but I'm very happy being boring.

The projection here is pretty funny.
01 Jan 2017, 5:54pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez

Some people are unhappy with their life and detest their own weakness when they seek solace in substance abuse, so they often want to shame you into joining them. Yes I'm boring, but I'm very happy being boring.

The projection here is pretty funny.

I am known for my funny projection. It precedes me.
01 Jan 2017, 6:22pm
Anna ReidWow, ya'll are so boring you couldn't recognize a joke if it danced naked on your table with a shot of jaegermeister in its hand.

I'd say you got a lot to learn how to express yourself properly so that people actually get it that you're joking. Splatting line of text without additional emotes doesn't cut it, at least not for the majority out there.

Besides, since the time you slammed yourself into the RP without a proper introduction and how you actually got there, you didn't really come off as a person that actually cares much. And some of us love to take up the gauntlet of such a person and throw it right back at you, just for the sake to meddle around until you get boring again

Last edit: 01 Jan 2017, 6:29pm
01 Jan 2017, 6:25pm
Ryan Murdoc
Anna ReidWow, ya'll are so boring you couldn't recognize a joke if it danced naked on your table with a shot of jaegermeister in its hand.

I'd say you got a lot to learn how to express yourself properly so that people actually get it that you're joking. Splatting line of text without additional emotes doesn't cut it, at least not for the majority out there.

Besides, since the time you slammed yourself into the RP without a proper introduction and how you actually got there, you didn't really come off as a person that actually cares much. And some of us love to take up the gauntlet of such a person and throw it right back at you, just for the sake to meddle around until you get boring again

Sure, but speaking as someone who is occasionally antagonistic (and having to suffer the consequences) this usually makes you look as almost as big of a douche as the person who threw the gauntlet in the first place.
01 Jan 2017, 6:32pm
Yep, well, what can I say? Can't resist sometimes. Even though I should know better and Murphy's Law is oh so true.

"Never argue with a fool, people might not know the difference"
01 Jan 2017, 8:58pm
Is this normal or does it make any sense that on Vulture planetary aproach module takes over the only slot 8 and on other ships it fits in slot 1? I tried selling it but when trying to buy anything diferent for slot 8 i only see planet. aproach in store
01 Jan 2017, 10:45pm
Guys is Naitis dead now?
01 Jan 2017, 10:47pm
GruberTDIs this normal or does it make any sense that on Vulture planetary aproach module takes over the only slot 8 and on other ships it fits in slot 1? I tried selling it but when trying to buy anything diferent for slot 8 i only see planet. aproach in store

All of the ships have a class 8 slot that's restricted to planetary approach modules only. My best guess is that a last-minute design decision change made it so that every ship requires only a class 1 module, but the class 8 slot remains.
01 Jan 2017, 10:50pm
GruberTDIs this normal or does it make any sense that on Vulture planetary aproach module takes over the only slot 8 and on other ships it fits in slot 1? I tried selling it but when trying to buy anything diferent for slot 8 i only see planet. aproach in store

Yes. THat slot was put in only for planetary suite.
02 Jan 2017, 10:06am
What are you talking about Ryan? I have never RP'd on this site.
02 Jan 2017, 1:09pm
Anna ReidWhat are you talking about Ryan? I have never RP'd on this site.

I think he meant Kyla Emmerich. If I remember correctly she had the same Avatar you have now originally.
02 Jan 2017, 7:35pm
Anna ReidWhat are you talking about Ryan? I have never RP'd on this site.

For some reason I can't get the direct link to show up, but Page 55 in the InGaBa, bottom post

Additionally your charming replies make you quite hard to forget. Verbally slamming is what you do best, but aside of that you've got nothing to show.

So I have to agree that you never RP'd on this site. Or at all.

Have a nice day

Last edit: 02 Jan 2017, 8:05pm
02 Jan 2017, 9:30pm
Hey, what? Don't bring me into this. I've always had my own avatars.

And if you actually read the RP I participated in, you'd know Ryan wasn't referring to me. Thank you and good day.

I thought Jem, Marra and I did a good job, anyway. Jem still owes me a drink.

Last edit: 02 Jan 2017, 9:45pm
02 Jan 2017, 9:32pm
Kyla EmmerichHey, what? Don't bring me into this. I've always had my own avatars, thank you.

It's all becoming a bit Alice in Wonderland.

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