Elite: Game talk

03 Jan 2017, 1:36am
So I did. You've got me Ryan. I posted once to call someone out for their spelling and grammar. You really got me there. What ever shall I do now that I have been shown up on the internet?
03 Jan 2017, 1:45am

Can't we all just... get along?
03 Jan 2017, 1:50am
Just joined PA yesterday. At least the website and sent a request on Elite Dangerous. Havent gotten the response in game but i figure that takes a day or two.

I loaded Discord and clicked on the link. I see several text channels and 1 voice channel. Do i need to be authorized to see more or is that all their is there>>???

I saw many folks online but no one was chatting, is this normal or am i missing something
03 Jan 2017, 1:55am
That's normal. It's a relatively quiet place.

Then again I haven't really paid much attention to it lately so I could be completely wrong.
03 Jan 2017, 2:45am
Isaiah don't break up the fighting yet! I haven't even finished eating my popcorn!
03 Jan 2017, 6:15am
Well maybe you shouldn't have made so much.
03 Jan 2017, 7:03am
Kyla EmmerichHey, what? Don't bring me into this. I've always had my own avatars.

And if you actually read the RP I participated in, you'd know Ryan wasn't referring to me. Thank you and good day.

I thought Jem, Marra and I did a good job, anyway. Jem still owes me a drink.

I'm sorry then, memory failure.
03 Jan 2017, 8:05am
Anna ReidSo I did. You've got me Ryan. I posted once to call someone out for their spelling and grammar. You really got me there. What ever shall I do now that I have been shown up on the internet?

Learn from your mistakes and try and be a better person?
03 Jan 2017, 4:06pm
Is noone playing Arena any more? i tried starting myself but cant get any battle going on, just wait...
03 Jan 2017, 4:29pm
GruberTDIs noone playing Arena any more? i tried starting myself but cant get any battle going on, just wait...

They mostly come out at night.......mostly!
03 Jan 2017, 5:10pm
Dragon Darko
GruberTDIs noone playing Arena any more? i tried starting myself but cant get any battle going on, just wait...

They mostly come out at night.......mostly!

I'm game for it occasionally. But first I have to put in my vampire teeth.
03 Jan 2017, 10:41pm
Hello Commanders!

This is my first post on this site, and unfortunately, I have to ask a question that will reveal my level of n0.ob-ishness. I'm currently trying to unlock "The Dweller", and in order to do so, it says I must 'Deal with 5 Black Markets'. I'm not certain what this means. Do I need to just sell goods to them once in order to have 'dealt' with that Black Market? Do I need to farm reputation with them? Is there some hidden metric I might be missing in regards to doing this?

Safe skies,
03 Jan 2017, 11:14pm
Honor ImperiousHello Commanders!

I'm currently trying to unlock "The Dweller", and in order to do so, it says I must 'Deal with 5 Black Markets'. I'm not certain what this means. Do I need to just sell goods to them once in order to have 'dealt' with that Black Market?

This just means you need to sell stolen/illegal items at 5 different black markets. No other qualifiers needed!
03 Jan 2017, 11:20pm

Thank you for the information!

Safe skies!
04 Jan 2017, 4:06am
Can't seem to find a support email here. Any ideas Commanders? Appreciate it in advance.

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