Elite: Game talk

15 Jan 2017, 12:52pm
Ozmundo VasqualezI know, we need to make it fun for all people. I think I have a solution though. I have invented the idea of a 'difficulty setting'. It would allow players to choose how hard the combat would be. Now don't tell anyone, because I haven't filed the patent yet.

Not working in an MMO setting. One difficulty for all. In ED you could make it work, by only instancing players together that play on the same setting, but that would split the players up even more.

What Numa said.

In addition, if Frontier did have a lapse of sanity and implement a difficulty level, it should be rank-capped. For example, if you play on Easy level, you can't go beyond Novice (or equivalent Trade / Explorer rank). Seems fair and a good way to stop the ridiculous outcome of someone becoming Elite on Easy mode.
15 Jan 2017, 12:54pm
Its like the first one dropped in sz or to res without any cmdrs in.. or the last one standing can define difficulty of instance. And its only applies in open and to PG.


Settings like
1. Starter.
2. Experienced.
3. Veteran.
4. Crazy or E.modded.
5. Impossible.

;) and with that new grifering will become possible, like holding site in cg by being 24 km away in a mothership and flying and watching how murder is happening on impossible settings to all noobs dared to drop in
15 Jan 2017, 4:58pm
Anyone know a good place to find Personal Weapons, Explosives, and Reactive Armour?
I've visited over 5 stations that (according to Inara's market) had them with no success.
Can anyone confirm where they've gotten them?
15 Jan 2017, 6:19pm
Ozmundo VasqualezI know, we need to make it fun for all people. I think I have a solution though. I have invented the idea of a 'difficulty setting'. It would allow players to choose how hard the combat would be. Now don't tell anyone, because I haven't filed the patent yet.

Not working in an MMO setting. One difficulty for all. In ED you could make it work, by only instancing players together that play on the same setting, but that would split the players up even more.

I wasn't being entirely serious, but I think you're opening the egg from the wrong end. I'd implement it by upping the aggression of the NPC ships to what it was, but the optional setting would affect how 'hittable'/tough the player's ship is for NPCs, along the lines of the heat signature. That would allow people to play together in a wing, with the lower setting players getting less attention from the enemy. I'd also scale the experience points for people playing in Tinky Winky Mode.
15 Jan 2017, 6:29pm
K. GungooseAnyone know a good place to find Personal Weapons, Explosives, and Reactive Armour?
I've visited over 5 stations that (according to Inara's market) had them with no success.
Can anyone confirm where they've gotten them?

eddb.io has (largely) up to date information like that. It will tell you how long ago the stations' information were updated to help you decide if it's worth the risk of a trip.
15 Jan 2017, 7:26pm
Just an amusing note. I'm landing in the local Coriolis station to turn in the CG, and just before I lock down on the landing pad, the Public Address system is doing it's "Don't loiter or block the entrance or face lethal response" spiel.

Just as I lock down and the announcement ends, I hear explosions behind me and wreckage goes floating past overhead.

I was reminded of that moment in "The Last Crusade" when Indy tosses the S.S. agent out the window of the Zeppelin and the passengers are looking at him in shock.


16 Jan 2017, 1:15am
Is there a way to import Ship Information to update your fleet? Coriolis doesn't appear to have the Beluga Liner, and I'm sure I've heard/read it's no longer being updated.
16 Jan 2017, 1:28am
Luke3107Is there a way to import Ship Information to update your fleet? Coriolis doesn't appear to have the Beluga Liner, and I'm sure I've heard/read it's no longer being updated.

New version of Coriolis: https://coriolis.edcd.io/

Also has the ability to add engineered modules.
16 Jan 2017, 2:03am
Thanks very much
16 Jan 2017, 6:58am
Someday... ... I want to go down to the surface of a planet like THAT and fly around. Throw up some rooster-tails on a low pass over the water... Cause sonic booms on a "Ghost Rider the pattern is full" buzz of a local landing field tower... Heh.

Don't get me wrong. I GET why Frontier is taking their time. I want them to do it RIGHT as much as they do.

I'm just saying - I've already got a ship here with wings and I'm ITCHING to put them to their proper use!

Though that does beg the question - what about ships like the Anaconda that are too heavy or with no wing surfaces to use for stabilization?

Wait... Waiiiiit a MINUTE!!! Maybe THAT'S what the ship customization packs are REALLY all about! Giving your favorite ship enough aerodynamic stabilization to qualify for atmospheric travel! And when they have them for all ships that need them...

But that's just a theory. A GAME theory! (Oh the REFERENCES!!! )
16 Jan 2017, 7:15am
Actually, I think the big ships just throw downward thrusters to stay in the air as they would on an airless world, the difference being is that they'll handle very different when things like wind resistence come into play. I'm genuinely interested in what the atmospheric flight model will be like though.
16 Jan 2017, 7:36am
In all likelihood you're right. Even so, I'd love it if they take the fins and wings into account. Not that a ship without them couldn't work in atmosphere. Many Elite ships are already effective "lifting body" shapes (Viper III and Cobra III are best examples) and of course - if you have the power and thrusters to spare, there's no reason a yellow-painted 'Conda can't hang in the air exactly the way that bricks don't.

Edit: They could learn a few things from the way that Kerbal Space Program evolved their atmospheric modeling. It started off as nothing more than "Drag" or "soup" but the more recent versions are full-on atmospheric models for anything from Earth (Kerbin) density atmosphere to that of Mars (Duna). And the way you put planes (and spaceplanes) together with balance, lift and drag actually matters.
16 Jan 2017, 7:44am
Logan DarklighterEven so, I'd love it if they take the fins and wings into account. Not that a ship without them couldn't work in atmosphere. Many Elite ships are already effective "lifting body" shapes (Viper III and Cobra III are best examples) and of course - if you have the power and thrusters to spare, there's no reason a yellow-painted 'Conda can't hang in the air exactly the way that bricks don't.

Gods no.

We pay actual money for the wingy bits. If they had any benefit to a ship's performance, ED would be on the dark road to Pay-to-Win.

They are best kept as shiny cosmetic bling.
16 Jan 2017, 8:06am
^ Pretty much this. Also, there's plenty of concept art suggesting that atmo-flight is possible for most ships without wings, and some of them would look super ugly if they got fitted with wings actually capable of generating the lift they'd need to stay airborn.

Edit: Yes, looks are important, and I am shallow.
16 Jan 2017, 8:36am
For the larger ships I'm not talking about lift wings, just yaw/pitch/roll stabilization at speed. You'd still primarily be using thrusters.

I do take your point about the cosmetic bits not affecting game-play though. No pay-to-win.

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