Elite: Game talk

16 May 2017, 2:20pm
Nah, not happening
16 May 2017, 4:09pm
Son of khzvoltz
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Son of khzvoltzthat moment you realise you have 5M creds, and THEN realise you have enough to buy the scavinger birb, so. now im torn between the Vulture or the dolphin

Vulture every time. Get a Dolphin when you've made enough by killing things with the Vulture.

ok then, also, vultchi can be used for MC combat shots so yeah

Also Vultures are AMAZING fun.
16 May 2017, 4:36pm
GiyariAlso Vultures are AMAZING fun.

Do a dual heavy cannon build and make it like an overlord tank
High yield shells are a good idea too. It's gonna be a bit lame at first, but after
you break through the shields it's hail Marry and kingdom come time.

Overlord cannot be stopped!

Anyway, don't go too crazy with that stuff. Cheers
16 May 2017, 4:50pm
Not hoping to break the model, But any ideas for Ferdie building?

Experience with stealth builds and such?

I think I want to try that...
16 May 2017, 4:55pm
HappyComrieNot hoping to break the model, But any ideas for Ferdie building?

Experience with stealth builds and such?

I think I want to try that...

If by ferdie you meen fdl, i'm not sure...
So far diamonback explorer seems to be the
best ship for silent running/stealth, given
that it has the highest heat sink capacity
ratio for it's given size. And it's a small ship
to begin with, that's a bonus. It's not crazy to
think you can equip one for SR and take on
vettes and condas... oww wait...
ppl have been killed before by these, while
flying vettes and condas. Nvm...
16 May 2017, 5:14pm
Comrie, stealth FDLs are great fun. What are you looking to do with it? I'd be happy to give you ideas.
16 May 2017, 5:22pm
The Ferdie is life. The Ferdie is love.

... except for those it righteously annihilates.
16 May 2017, 6:10pm
I have never been able to get the hang of driving an FdL. I have tried three times, and each time I end up selling it back and going back to my other ships. Anyone here good with them? What is the secret I seem to be missing??
16 May 2017, 6:18pm
Oliver N. HardyI have never been able to get the hang of driving an FdL. I have tried three times, and each time I end up selling it back and going back to my other ships. Anyone here good with them? What is the secret I seem to be missing??

The Secret is:
Git Gud Scrub
16 May 2017, 6:20pm
Ok, no seriously, I don't know. I've never had one I just know the only way to learn how to fly an FDL is to fly and FDL.
16 May 2017, 6:21pm
It could be possible that the both of us are just more used to larger / heavier ships, that rely more on their protection than they do on manouvrability. Such as the python.

I've only just got it, and soo far I'm feeling like the extra manouvrability isn't worth the drop in shields...

But to be honest, that may be because I've been flying a Corvette with modded shields for the past few months!

What I'm looking for is a fun, small, manouvrable craft with plenty of firepower to go around with, for PVE business, and getting into PVP at some time. Ofcourse, the fer-de-lance fits the bill for this, (even though it's +/- 75 metres long)

I'd appreciate any advice / tips you have!
16 May 2017, 6:29pm
Oliver N. HardyI have never been able to get the hang of driving an FdL. I have tried three times, and each time I end up selling it back and going back to my other ships. Anyone here good with them? What is the secret I seem to be missing??

Can you elaborate? What don't you like? Also, what ships do you go back to?

Comrie, I'll write more tonight when I'm at my PC.
16 May 2017, 6:55pm
WELL SHIT, my dolphin got stranded...... so, rip my creds, back to LHS3447 for me and mining
16 May 2017, 7:01pm
Oliver N. HardyI have never been able to get the hang of driving an FdL. I have tried three times, and each time I end up selling it back and going back to my other ships. Anyone here good with them? What is the secret I seem to be missing??

I, too, am curious as to what you mean by this.

What do you look for in a ship, especially a combat ship? Or is combat not your thing?
16 May 2017, 7:56pm
I am about 6% into my Deadly ranking, so I have seen "a little bit" of combat I regularly use both a Federal Assault Ship and a heavily modded Python for combat. Both of these ships "feel" more maneuverable than a Fer-de-Lance to me while fighting, and both can take a lot more abuse, but the maneuverability is my big issue. I mostly do PvE, so my weapons are usually a mix of turrets and gimbled weapons. It might be that I am just not a boom and zoom pilot when it comes to fighting. My usual combat method involves a mix of maneuvering and burning, both with and without flight assist, so I suppose I am the equivalent of an in-atmosphere turn fighter. I have not tried engineering an FdL yet, so maybe that is my next step before I write it off as a loss for me.

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