Elite: Game talk

16 May 2017, 8:05pm
Oliver N. HardyI have never been able to get the hang of driving an FdL. I have tried three times, and each time I end up selling it back and going back to my other ships. Anyone here good with them? What is the secret I seem to be missing??

It's a weird ship to fly. It feels sluggish if you don't fly it the way it wants to be flown. At an FDL beginners level I would suggest keep it in the middle of the blue range when turning and then gas it towards the target just as you're nosing onto the target. Back off again towards the middle of the blue zone again and get ready to turn again to keep position dominance. That's an easy way to make it responsive and usable.

If you want to use it to its max, engineer the distributor to give you more engine power and use the boost repeatedly while also using some FA off and down thrust to get the nose on the target. Using that approach you can pretty much circle strafe any ship while the enemy is still trying to bring it's nose to bear on you.

That's my humble suggestion anyway.

Last edit: 16 May 2017, 8:11pm
16 May 2017, 8:20pm
Flight assist off.

If you can't fly with FA off, the FDL is useless to anyone hoping to use it in combat.
16 May 2017, 8:41pm
The problem with the FDL is that it is a British design. The steering wheel is on the wrong side, and like a Jaguar, mine spends more time in the shop than on the road. But, also like a Jaguar, it is a sexy beast and if flies way faster than it's size and weight should allow.

Seriously, this thing is the size of a Python, but A-rated, it moves like a Vulture. It's EXPENSIVE to A-rate, but the performance is outstanding. Maybe that's been the issue for anyone note happy with the FDL? The base model is under-powered and it's a big target with the easy to perforate stock bulkheads. Put some after market power and shields on it and the thing ROCKS.

I recently picked up the FAS and it too is a good ship. Also fast, also deadly, takes a beating when well outfitted, and a good counterpoint to the FDL, so if the right-hand steering arrangement isn't working for you, a FAS might be your better option, provided you've got the prerequisite Fed rank to get one. The FDL is lighter which makes it more agile than the FAS. The FDL has less hull but better shields. Both seem to be decent for heat dissipation, though I think the FDL is better at it. Though, you can buy TWO FAS for the price of on FDL and have enough money left over for a Dolphin, so, pick your poison.
16 May 2017, 9:01pm
Money really isn't a problem when you have been playing long enough. Neither is ranking. Really the only issue is the time it takes to engineer everything. At least we don't have to go flying all over creation to pick Magnetic Vibro Sticks and Plasma Wave Prophylactic Propagators anymore...
17 May 2017, 1:37am
Ok, so, time to talk FDL. Just based on my own experience, I don't claim to be the best FDL pilot, just one of the most zealous fans.

So I'll start out here.  In case you didn't know, a guy named Joker was the first FDL pilot ever.  That right there is exactly how I feel every time I step into the cockpit.  She's a nasty little boom and zoomer that brings all of the pain very quickly.  Focused rage and more than a little insanity brings out her best.

Ship has been through some changes though and now it really requires heavy engineering.  Some of the old timers will remember how she was before the "Skynet NPC" update.  In fact, I stopped playing Elite until the Engineers came out and heard that the FDL could be brought back to its former glory.  Which, this is all to say the old girl needs some tender love and affection if you really want to get why people rant and rave about the thing.  Sure, that means lots of blood, sweat, and tears but I can say (and many others I'm sure) it's absolutely worth it.

Getting specific to this conversation, folks coming from bigger ships (Big 3, Python) or more maneuverable ships (Vulture, FAS) will have a hard time if they try to fly the FDL like those.  A-Rate it, fly it like that clip I just showed you, and mess around with some heavy alpha damage load outs (plasmas, rail guns, frag cannons).  Go mess some people up!

If it ain't your cup of tea, hey, that's fine!  All the ships in this game are great.  Find what you love, and love it so hard it kills you!

Last edit: 17 May 2017, 1:56am
17 May 2017, 2:56am
As James Hussar said, steering wheel on the wrong side for me

And that bedamned frame of the cockpit going directly through where the reticule sits is the biggest flaw still in my eyes.

Those who love it, fine for them.

Guess I'm more of a practical guy.

And that means my heart is with

Ain't no other ship under no sun that is more versatile and can land on medium sized landing pads so far.

Pure ecstacy
17 May 2017, 3:23am
The Python is a marvelous ship, through and through. There isn't a single ship in the game that can do absolutely EVERYTHING well. It's not ideal for any one thing, but it is very good at every single thing. It will put up a hell of a fight. It can haul a respectable load of cargo - and deliver it to platforms where they tend to pay more credits per ton than on stations. It can't jump very far, but it will pack a decent scoop and will get you there eventually.

It's a generalist, not a specialist. It does nothing better than any other ship, but it does anything and everything well enough. Of all the ships I've flown, my Python is the most... Human. As the great Robert Heinlein once said:

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog,
conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall,
set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone,
solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer,
cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

The Python is a beautiful machine that taps into the essence of humanity. It is a brutal weapons platform, even when kitted out for another purpose. It is persistent and indomitable. It, and the Cobra Mk.III are the two ships in the game I would be happy to be limited to if I had to be limited to just two. And if I had to be restricted to a single ship, it would be the Python, bar none.
17 May 2017, 7:51am
James HussarThe Python is a marvelous ship, through and through. There isn't a single ship in the game that can do absolutely EVERYTHING well. It's not ideal for any one thing, but it is very good at every single thing. It will put up a hell of a fight. It can haul a respectable load of cargo - and deliver it to platforms where they tend to pay more credits per ton than on stations. It can't jump very far, but it will pack a decent scoop and will get you there eventually.

It's a generalist, not a specialist. It does nothing better than any other ship, but it does anything and everything well enough. Of all the ships I've flown, my Python is the most... Human. As the great Robert Heinlein once said:

build a wall,

im sure zach would like this ship
17 May 2017, 7:51am
welp, im back to REZ mining in the "aimless miner" and "the hopeful puffin"
17 May 2017, 7:57am
Oliver N. HardyI have never been able to get the hang of driving an FdL. I have tried three times, and each time I end up selling it back and going back to my other ships. Anyone here good with them? What is the secret I seem to be missing??

This sounds very familiar to me. I like fight and do it regularly, but not in this ship, I for some reason can't enjoy my time spent in FDL. I had it fully engineered but then returned again to my Python ...

17 May 2017, 10:06am
The FdL is certainly love at second sight. I sold my first one too, tried the FAS, didn't like it, never had a Vulture because of looks and power issues. Then I rebought the FdL and came to terms with it. Engineering has brought the Vulture to full potential by removing the power problems but by then I was already happy enough with the FdL and saw no need anymore for downgrading to two large hardpoints. So the FdL is now my fun fighting ship and my Corvette the choice for heavy fighting.
17 May 2017, 10:47am
Septimus Raven
GiyariAlso Vultures are AMAZING fun.

Do a dual heavy cannon build and make it like an overlord tank
High yield shells are a good idea too. It's gonna be a bit lame at first, but after
you break through the shields it's hail Marry and kingdom come time.

Overlord cannot be stopped!

Anyway, don't go too crazy with that stuff. Cheers

I run an efficient beam with thermal vent in one, and a sturdy corrosive multi in my other slot, it's a beast C:<

What I'm looking for is a fun, small, manouvrable craft with plenty of firepower to go around with, for PVE business, and getting into PVP at some time. Ofcourse, the fer-de-lance fits the bill for this, (even though it's +/- 75 metres long)

I'd appreciate any advice / tips you have!

Ever tried the Imperial Courier? It checks all the boxes!

Fun, small, manoeuvrable, plenty of firepower, can easily do PvE and with the right skills, PvP isn't out of the question. It also has STUPENDOUS shields for a craft of it's size and speed, they rival a Vultures (and have a powerplant strong enough to cope with all A rated), and almost match those of a Python if you feel like it!

Also fairly cheap rebuy
17 May 2017, 12:59pm
welp, im gonna be beaming for a while, its a good wep though, i counter the beams power drain with light taps, like a... a.... .a...... *goes quiet* erm.... single fire guns? idk, i just tap fire them deal some damage then wait for them to cool
17 May 2017, 1:09pm
Son of khzvoltzwelp, im gonna be beaming for a while, its a good wep though, i counter the beams power drain with light taps, like a... a.... .a...... *goes quiet* erm.... single fire guns? idk, i just tap fire them deal some damage then wait for them to cool

Beam weapons are ment to be fired as intended, wich is a continuous burst that last for as long
as possible. Else you'll be loosing dps and draining your capacitor for nothing.

You can try to make them efficient to drop some of that heat and power consumption, and boost
your capacitor size or recharge speed. Or both.

But if you try to burst fire beam weapons, you might just switch to burst lasers instead. Less heat
output and fairly decent dps and power consumption by comparison.

Or something... i donno.
Raiguns maybe.

Anyway, have fun.
17 May 2017, 1:27pm
Septimus Raven
Son of khzvoltzwelp, im gonna be beaming for a while, its a good wep though, i counter the beams power drain with light taps, like a... a.... .a...... *goes quiet* erm.... single fire guns? idk, i just tap fire them deal some damage then wait for them to cool

Beam weapons are ment to be fired as intended, wich is a continuous burst that last for as long
as possible. Else you'll be loosing dps and draining your capacitor for nothing.

You can try to make them efficient to drop some of that heat and power consumption, and boost
your capacitor size or recharge speed. Or both.

But if you try to burst fire beam weapons, you might just switch to burst lasers instead. Less heat
output and fairly decent dps and power consumption by comparison.

Or something... i donno.
Raiguns maybe.

Anyway, have fun.

it works for me, I don't drain my cap and not much heat is made, the cap and heat are increased per sec of constant usage

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