Elite: Game talk

10 Jun 2017, 11:55pm
Please take this discussion to PM's.

The general forum probably isn't the place for a discussion such as this as it doesn't involve a majority of the rest of us. I, as well as many others, would probably appreciate it.
10 Jun 2017, 11:55pm
Yeah... "carebear" is, like, the worst way to discredit something.
11 Jun 2017, 12:00am
ArtieWell, I am also care...bear(?) and I am proud of it!

lol yeah it is Carebear not Care bear and i didn't mean you Artie i am just really done with this useless conversation as I see that it has no point they just want to complain and disagree over something that is well known in the ED community as its not GL's fault that they dont know or haven't been around long enough to know.
11 Jun 2017, 12:15am
I'm actually more like one of these. Git off mah lawn.

Waves shotgun from Python cockpit.

11 Jun 2017, 12:19am
Simon Datura Git off mah lawn.

Waves shotgun from Python cockpit.

11 Jun 2017, 12:27am
Thank you for your response.

Originally, I had a long post prepared to explain my position, but I deleted it. At this point I'm just repeating what I've said here and on the Discord using slightly different wording, and I don't want to he a party to hogging the general game talk board over a difference of opinion.

I'd be happy to continue this conversation with any of you via PM. Have a pleasant day, everyone.
11 Jun 2017, 12:29am
Hey can we all get back to the bounty placed on my head please??? Already had to use over a dozen escape pods today... they sure are adding up quick.

11 Jun 2017, 12:40am
Nah. I think it's time for a thermally ignited tobacco product.
11 Jun 2017, 1:10am
I actually see M. Lehman's point.  In a game where conflicts between player groups basically equate to kicking over each other's sand castles, electing to not advertise your group should be a choice.

We have never actively undermined any neighboring groups, and we have been approached many times by other player groups to coexist.  We aren't hiding at all... I wrote some stories with Simon Datura where I mentioned SJC. Looking through my logs will tell you I affiliated with SJC. We have hosted 2 community goals under the banner of SJC. Anyone who is willing to do the work would easily deduce that we support SJC... And many have.

It is the unfortunate truth that those who advertise themselves in game are more susceptible to be targeted. That is why I chose not to advertise.

Last edit: 11 Jun 2017, 3:52am
11 Jun 2017, 1:52am
Thanks for your response, Veyder.
11 Jun 2017, 3:38am
Do they ever have PvP or CQC events ??? and if so where can i check on that kinda thing ?? it seems like no one really goes into the arena very often.
11 Jun 2017, 3:47am
Unfortunately, the only PvP events that happen are player-organized.

And as for CQC? Well, getting successfully matched is the event.:P
11 Jun 2017, 3:48am
Yeah let's be civil... I can assure you we are far from malicious.

Now this thing with Big Pappa and the Paladins... Could things have been handled much better? Absolutely...

Basically from my point of view we have two groups who have obvious distrust for each other. Big Pappa when you screwed us back in the day I never ever retaliated, I saw no benefit in fighting.

I only asked that you leave us alone.

When you guys first started out and found out the hard way not to base yourselves in a popular imperial slave trade route without forethought and resorted to trying to stop peaceful traders from taking advantage of routes that existed before your faction. We did not involve ourselves in the fallout.

When Lion Freeman left and immediately joined PalCon and suddenly we lost our headquarters I didn't suspect your group nor did I pursue trying to see if you were involved.

Even after he sent me a PM gloating over our loss (freaking amateur).

When you got caught spying on the community we did not involve ourselves in any action against you.

We have never taken any action against you prior to this week.

I have never issued a KOS on PalCon prior to this week.

We were not undermining you...

Anytime any member of my group did something out of line I corrected it and worked to assure it didn't happen again. I sent you evidence of that.

Can you tell me one time my guys did something to undermine or sabotage your group prior to this week that I didn't take care of when it was brought to my attention? Can you tell me one time where I have lied or deceived you?
11 Jun 2017, 3:53am
M. LehmanThanks for your response, Veyder.

No problem... By the way I am a fan...
11 Jun 2017, 4:08am
M. LehmanThanks for your response, Veyder.

No problem... By the way I am a fan...

Thank again! A few more like you and I'll need two hands to count my total number of readers!

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