Elite: Game talk

11 Jun 2017, 5:23am
VeyderYeah let's be civil... I can assure you we are far from malicious.

Now this thing with Big Pappa and the Paladins... Could things have been handled much better? Absolutely...

Basically from my point of view we have two groups who have obvious distrust for each other. Big Pappa when you screwed us back in the day I never ever retaliated, I saw no benefit in fighting.

I only asked that you leave us alone.

When you guys first started out and found out the hard way not to base yourselves in a popular imperial slave trade route without forethought and resorted to trying to stop peaceful traders from taking advantage of routes that existed before your faction. We did not involve ourselves in the fallout.

When Lion Freeman left and immediately joined PalCon and suddenly we lost our headquarters I didn't suspect your group nor did I pursue trying to see if you were involved.

Even after he sent me a PM gloating over our loss (freaking amateur).

When you got caught spying on the community we did not involve ourselves in any action against you.

We have never taken any action against you prior to this week.

I have never issued a KOS on PalCon prior to this week.

We were not undermining you...

Anytime any member of my group did something out of line I corrected it and worked to assure it didn't happen again. I sent you evidence of that.

Can you tell me one time my guys did something to undermine or sabotage your group prior to this week that I didn't take care of when it was brought to my attention? Can you tell me one time where I have lied or deceived you?

Sir o7

You forgot the one reason why BP had to leave GS (Ghost Squadron, as how we were known in the beginning).

Attempting to recruit CMDRs from inside the Wing to form a Special Unit, Taskforce or whatever you want to call it. To have people under him that would do his bidding and follow his commands.

One of them being to test the loyalty of the other Wing members and ascertain that they wouldn't fall out of line or have any malicious intend.

Some might call this cautious, I call this spying on others.

And in the light of the PalCon spybot reveleation it seems that no lessons were learned at all regarding this topic.

Which makes BP and Lion Freeman brothers in arms, because he tried to do the same.

At any rate, the dice have been cast, and it'll take more then a few humbled words to end what has been started.

Again, it wasn't our desire to have this whole thing blow out of proportion as it did. But ignorance and paranoia are seldom a good pairing when it comes to try to avoid conflicts.

The only regret that I have is that everyone will feel it's impact, regardless if actively participating or just trying to truck along. Certainly not fair, but it is as it is.

Last edit: 11 Jun 2017, 5:33am
11 Jun 2017, 6:52am
So will you guys be flying in Open so I can shoot you?  I'll be recording this time, so if the 12.5 show up I'll have some nice evidence.

Last edit: 11 Jun 2017, 8:15am
11 Jun 2017, 7:06am
M.a.r.s.h.a.l.l.So will you guys be flying in Open so I can shoot you? I'll be recording this time, so if the 12.5 show up I'll have some nice evidence.
And just out of curiosity ... what you will want do with such 'evidence'?
11 Jun 2017, 7:17am
Martind Forlon
M.a.r.s.h.a.l.l.So will you guys be flying in Open so I can shoot you? I'll be recording this time, so if the 12.5 show up I'll have some nice evidence.

And just out of curiosity ... what you will want do with such 'evidence'?

Show it to the PvP community (RSM, Code, Renegades, SDC, GPL etc).  Which will then put you in the same "league" as the 12.5, meaning your ships will be shot on sight, assuming of course you actually come out of PG (the running joke in Code is that you only play in Open when you accidentally hit the wrong button).

Having a quick look through my contacts history, you can see GL are with the 12.5
11 Jun 2017, 7:23am
About the bounty on Big Pappa how do I claim it? (proof attached)
Although we may have to share it.
11 Jun 2017, 7:35am
I'm pretty sure staged Sidewinder killings don't count. You can have a packet of biscuits for the effort though.
11 Jun 2017, 7:36am
They didn't specify I like custard creams by the way.
11 Jun 2017, 7:38am
Hey now, let's not be too extravagant. You can have mint thins or Tim Tams. The latter go nicely with a hot beverage.
11 Jun 2017, 7:41am
Ha ha!
11 Jun 2017, 8:10am
@M.a.r.s.h.a.l.l. jeez who pissed in your weetabix this morning? You sound disgruntled or constipated, actually perhaps both.

I will accidentally hit the open option a lot more just for you...does that make you feel better now chuckles? As if those player groups care what mode we play in enough to even make a running joke...

Last edit: 11 Jun 2017, 8:19am
11 Jun 2017, 8:18am
For a group that proclaims that they meet out justice in the game, I find it hilarious that I can count on 1 hand the times I've seen you folks in open and I've been playing since premium beta. Shooting NPCs does not count mate.
11 Jun 2017, 8:26am
I am glad we entertain you. But you sound stalkerish...who sits and actually looks for us? Are you lonely or bored? I also claim to fly a space ship and be a billionaire... Why don't you rant about how you've never seen me in one and that I am actually broke.

Last edit: 11 Jun 2017, 8:56am
11 Jun 2017, 8:39am
VeyderI am glad we entertain you. But you sound stalkerish...who sits and actually looks for us? Are you lonely or bored? I also claim to fly a space ship and be a billionaire... Why don't you rant about how you've never seen me in in one and that I am actually broke.

Once we meet Out Justice (whoever that is) all will be explained. I'm guessing we need to meet them in open.
11 Jun 2017, 9:07am

In a game with such a huge landscape, why do you bother yourself with our affairs?  Why do you care?  According to you, you regularly patrol our space... did we do something to trigger you?  You can DM me about any issues and I will do my best to help you work through them.

This may or may not be a graphical representation of M.A.R.S.H.A.L.L

Last edit: 11 Jun 2017, 9:27am
11 Jun 2017, 9:09am
You may or may not live in your parent's basement... I left that because I didn't want to crop out the chins and I was too lazy to find a picture without the text.;)

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