Elite: Game talk

12 Jun 2017, 6:03am
it was a good fight however the best is yet to come  

good game commander and I  apologize for what I said to you and the Inara community for annoying them with this nonsense lol

let's be honest we all want some Drama as sometimes it gets a bit boring lol

12 Jun 2017, 6:17am
Was fun, feel free to shoot me again
12 Jun 2017, 7:20am
John Mathurin
Luke3107Well, if we must then may I politely request that PC and GL both up the quality of their trash talk?

I stand by my previous statement. I've seen this level of trash coming from 12 year olds... =P

Or at least, you know, start fighting a *war* instead of whining at each other.

Honest question. What does a war even look like in Elite Dangerous? I feel like Eve has completely spoiled me in terms of player faction wars.

With instancing, the most you are looking at is around 8v8 if you are very lucky (I have seen more but it was very flaky). Even with 8vs8, you will normally get some folks who can't actually see some of their opponents which leads to a bizarre event where you wing with your enemies to get into the right instance before reforming with your "real" wing and start shooting.

The game does not have in game war declaration function as Frontier still can't decide on whether it's a single player game or an MMO (EVE is way more ahead). Which is a sad thing. So much potential, yet so many missing or broken mechanics.
12 Jun 2017, 8:52am
The game does not have in game war declaration function as Frontier still can't decide on whether it's a single player game or an MMO (EVE is way more ahead). Which is a sad thing. So much potential, yet so many missing or broken mechanics.

Well, here's hoping after these network stress tests in the new beta we might see some larger instances turning up!

The recent 100+ Jumps from the Small Worlds expedition gives me hope that it should be possible. Though I'd love it if we seen some playtime servers introduced like most MMO's rather than peer to peer. But, what you gonna do... I hose are expensive and I sure as hell don't feel like paying a subscription to this game.
12 Jun 2017, 10:42am
I wish that we could engage in a 20v20 or more between our groups but i guess thats not possible hopefully just for now. As for the cmdrs who are running from a fight, we have them in both sides and i dont think that everyone have billions to afford rebuys. Also it is not heroic to stay and fight alone against 4 or more players. Personally i dont care that much about killiing or dying as long as i am having fun. Respect is earned on the battlefield so respect to all commanders who showed up and fought for both of the sides
12 Jun 2017, 11:03am
Get_outI wish that we could engage in a 20v20 or more between our groups but i guess thats not possible hopefully just for now. As for the cmdrs who are running from a fight, we have them in both sides and i dont think that everyone have billions to afford rebuys. Also it is not heroic to stay and fight alone against 4 or more players. Personally i dont care that much about killiing or dying as long as i am having fun. Respect is earned on the battlefield so respect to all commanders who showed up and fought for both of the sides

This guy knows what's up! Running away when you're outnumbered is legit acceptable, running away when you know you're out classed is acceptable, fighting till you inevitability turn to space dust for no other reason than "buh-buh-but muh honour" is just thick. It's also fine to avoid a fight if you're not particularly looking for one, lol. Having fun though, yes! Enjoy your fight, enjoy your shitey BGS competition, have fun with the game you enjoy
12 Jun 2017, 12:40pm
I believe the term is "live to fight another day, because you're no use when you're dead."
12 Jun 2017, 3:29pm
GiyariI believe the term is "live to fight another day, because you're no use when you're dead."
GiyariI believe the term is "live to fight another day, because you're no use when you're dead."

Agreed, another apropos maxim for those situations where one finds one's self outnumbered, out-gunned, and at a distinct tactical disadvantage.

Rule of the acquisition n°125 : You can't make a deal if you're dead.
12 Jun 2017, 3:49pm
And a similar quote from General George S. Patton. "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
12 Jun 2017, 4:46pm
GiyariI believe the term is "live to fight another day, because you're no use when you're dead."


*loves Gran Torino*
12 Jun 2017, 4:49pm
Just a note - the hammer started its work and any unfunny discussion to the previous topic will be send to the Great Annihilator.
12 Jun 2017, 5:34pm
MakairaAnd a similar quote from General George S. Patton. "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

Oh this is beautiful ..
12 Jun 2017, 6:20pm
Wars don't determine who's right, only who's left.
12 Jun 2017, 8:41pm
Rebecca Hail
GiyariI believe the term is "live to fight another day, because you're no use when you're dead."


*loves Gran Torino*

Me too.
12 Jun 2017, 9:02pm
All praise the Grand Hammer of Peace and​ Love!

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