Elite: Game talk

20 Feb 2022, 10:56pm
Iwao KishiroI've been doing that Imperial CG 3-5 hours a day and I'm still stuck in 75% participants. Frontier does not value the player's time at this point. And I say that as player with something over 2500 hours since 2016/2017.

If you have Odyssey, do the surface CZs for bonds. For what ever reason, the surface high CZs grant a lot of bonds. Each rount at Uutini netted me 12+ million bonds. I haven't put much time into this CG at all due to work and am in the top 10%. As for rewards, it's already hit tier 5 so for a little while there will be a 30% discount at the station for Imperial ships.
20 Feb 2022, 11:02pm
Light-HawkIf you have Odyssey, do the surface CZs for bonds.

We, console players, don't really have Odyssey... And won't have for a rather long time I guess. I really tried to keep positive but I start to think we just play at borrowed time before Elite is forgotten and abandoned for consoles entirely.

It would suck, given ED has no alternative. And no, moving to PC is not an option or even possibility.
20 Feb 2022, 11:35pm
Iwao KishiroFrontier does not value the player's time at this point. And I say that as player with something over 2500 hours since 2016/2017.

They never really did. This may be the only game where I've spent more time going from point A to B than time at point A or B.
20 Feb 2022, 11:36pm
KurakilThis may be the only game where I've spent more time going from point A to B than spending time at point A or B.
But... It's a game about space travel?
21 Feb 2022, 12:08am
KurakilThis may be the only game where I've spent more time going from point A to B than spending time at point A or B.

But... It's a game about space travel?

The journey may be part of the experience but unfortunately it feels like 99% of the experience is supercruising or hyperjumping, and eventually all star systems begin to look and feel the same. It's a game about alt-tabbing.
21 Feb 2022, 12:10am
Ah, yeah, that's more accurate... At least you can't (almost) hit anything in space
Having a second screen for social media doomscrolling should be mentioned in the system requirements!

p.s. That's why Carriers are awesome! I'm making a tea, having a smoke or doing smth else while it jumps!

Last edit: 21 Feb 2022, 12:17am
21 Feb 2022, 12:16am
MeowersAh, yeah, that's more accurate... At least you can't (almost) hit anything in space
Having a second screen for social media doomscrolling should be mentioned in the system requirements!

I spend more time these days in Inara rather than the game itself. 
21 Feb 2022, 12:26am
Iwao KishiroWe, console players, don't really have Odyssey...

My apologies. I didn't realize you were on console. You have my sympathy for that as while I might be on PC, I don't like how the whole situation with Odyssey has been handled.

Kurakil[quote=Meowers]I spend more time these days in Inara rather than the game itself. 

21 Feb 2022, 4:45am
Salmonea[quote=Silver Taffer]
If corvette is brick what is then T10 defender?

It is giant moving cowshed with guns, or cargo variant, you know...
21 Feb 2022, 5:38am
21 Feb 2022, 6:35am
look at this and you can change your hud colors

21 Feb 2022, 6:46am
Yuna SakashiroI'm thinking about building this frag courier...

Oh, a shocker! Sakashiro will build a courier.

Anyway ...
21 Feb 2022, 6:58am
I'm wondering, do I need double shot frags or will lightweight get the job done? I don't want to sacrifice speed.
21 Feb 2022, 7:22am
Episparh the BluntOh, a shocker! Sakashiro will build a courier.

Anyway ...

Look who's talking. You have more Couriers than I have!
21 Feb 2022, 7:28am
Yuna SakashiroI'm wondering, do I need double shot frags or will lightweight get the job done? I don't want to sacrifice speed.

A shotgun and a roll of duct tape!

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