Elite: Game talk

21 Feb 2022, 7:46am
To finish that build, I need

12 Antimony
8 Compact Composites
35 Conductive Ceramics
7 Conductive Components
7 Electrochemical Arrays
11 Hybrid Capacitors
16 Polymer Capacitors

See you in three weeks...
21 Feb 2022, 9:56am
Maxing out top grade materials takes 6-8 hours and that would be enough for several builds. Not sure what you are doing.
21 Feb 2022, 10:23am
Classic Epi reply, but it's true though
21 Feb 2022, 10:40am
Well it might take 3 weeks if you are busy doing other things but if you focus grind you can do it in one (long and boring) day.
21 Feb 2022, 10:56am
Absolutely agree on that. This is the reason I collect stuff all the time and do small focused session from time to time. Frankly, most of the ship activities can earn you materials in the process. Only few activities do not provide materials: PvP, trading, exploration(I mean FSS/DSS - surface prospecting is good source of mats).
21 Feb 2022, 11:08am
Husamangelook at this and you can change your hud colors


check EDHM UI it`s les complicated
21 Feb 2022, 12:17pm
My advice for Eng Mat grind is to bite the bullet and do the literal grind method until you're capped on all your mats. Once you're at this point engineer ships and trade mats to replenish with the goal to keep all your levels at around 80% (or some level below capped) this way you can collect mats while playing the game from then on and you aren't losing out because you're full.

Edit: also trading mats is a quick and easy way to cap out your Weekly free Arx on slow weeks.
21 Feb 2022, 12:20pm
Episparh the BluntMaxing out top grade materials takes 6-8 hours and that would be enough for several builds. Not sure what you are doing.

I don't play 6-8 hours in a row. I know how to farm the same signal source over and over by relogging, but if you just play the game and pick up mats whenever the game presents them to you, you won't max them out in a day.
21 Feb 2022, 1:57pm
Yuna Sakashiro

I don't play 6-8 hours in a row. I know how to farm the same signal source over and over by relogging, but if you just play the game and pick up mats whenever the game presents them to you, you won't max them out in a day.

But you certainly do at least 10 hours per week. This time is only relevant for focused farming.

If you just play the game be sure to collect all materials left from PvE combat, scan ships you see in SC, stations etc., pick the material reward for missions, drop to every HGE you see and collect it(Far easier with collector limpets than manual scooping).

Raw materials are more hard to get just by playing. Only mining gives some low grades. But a hour spent at crystalline shards will max all 5 except Selenium
21 Feb 2022, 2:02pm
KurakilThis may be the only game where I've spent more time going from point A to B than spending time at point A or B.

But... It's a game about space travel?

The journey may be part of the experience but unfortunately it feels like 99% of the experience is supercruising or hyperjumping, and eventually all star systems begin to look and feel the same. It's a game about alt-tabbing.

When I get feeling that way I go drive NASCAR, or kill every motherfucker in the castle, or kill zombies in Pavlov.
My kids are always buying me new VR games. I have about a dozen I have not even played yet.
They're on the list...it's just a very long list.
Hell, sometimes I just take a cup of coffee and go sit on the beach...shooting the seagulls with a freeze ray.

21 Feb 2022, 4:58pm
Episparh the Bluntcrystalline shards will max all 5 except Selenium

Selenium Intensifies

Personally, I think data is the worst type of material since there is only one reliable source for data and it's only one Type of G5, otherwise there would only be missions as a "passive" source which will also only provide one different type of G5.
21 Feb 2022, 5:21pm

Selenium Intensifies

Personally, I think data is the worst type of material since there is only one reliable source for data and it's only one Type of G5, otherwise there would only be missions as a "passive" source which will also only provide one different type of G5.

I have no issue with data. I do megaship hacking from time to time. I like it more than Jameson's cobra and it looks equally profitable if not better.
21 Feb 2022, 9:20pm
Episparh the Blunt ... and it looks equally profitable if not better.

Yeah, no. MS farming may be more entertaining for you, but for pure grind rate Jameson's wins hands down.
21 Feb 2022, 9:36pm
Interesting grind? Oh, that's something new
21 Feb 2022, 10:06pm
MeowersInteresting grind? Oh, that's something new

I think by 'interesting' Epi meant 'you have to pay at least some attention to what you're doing if you want it done quickly' whereas Jamesons you can hotkey a macro and watch TV on another screen.

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