Elite: Game talk

21 Mar 2022, 9:34am
I see what you mean, and I agree. I'd just point out that the Elite ranks do provide some benefits. Most intangible.
You get access to Jamesons Memorial,
You get skins and badges,
Elite rank has a (admittedly extremely low chance) of convincing lowbie NPC's to not risk hassling you,
Mission availability, rewards, and challenge increase: NPCs intercepting you are Elite which increases their bounty reward and are usually in an Anaconda which on destruction gives R5 mats and also can much more easily have its interdiction avoided outright than versus more nimble but lowbie ships.
21 Mar 2022, 10:27am
And you get 2.5% discount on everything.
21 Mar 2022, 11:13pm
Burstar or somethingI see what you mean, and I agree. I'd just point out that the Elite ranks do provide some benefits. Most intangible.
You get access to Jamesons Memorial,
You get skins and badges,
Elite rank has a (admittedly extremely low chance) of convincing lowbie NPC's to not risk hassling you,
Mission availability, rewards, and challenge increase: NPCs intercepting you are Elite which increases their bounty reward and are usually in an Anaconda which on destruction gives R5 mats and also can much more easily have its interdiction avoided outright than versus more nimble but lowbie ships.

Yuna SakashiroAnd you get 2.5% discount on everything.

Personally I think the missions rewards increase is the only thing worth ranking up for, however I do use Jameson for convenience so I don't have to spend hours flying around finding the right module/ship at a station in LYR space (like I used to do).
23 Mar 2022, 12:39am
Burstar or somethingAlso, this could also be an argument for a Piracy Badge to help level the playing field, but I don't care about this particular thing either way so I'll just let the idea fester.
Xeno-hunter badge: 1000 scouts or 1000 interceptors. Wait, oh shit...
23 Mar 2022, 1:25am
Not sure why, but there is something very satisfying about hitting a module with three rail guns from a distance of almost 6km.

Praised be the micro gimbal feature.
23 Mar 2022, 3:52am
Burstar or somethingAlso, this could also be an argument for a Piracy Badge to help level the playing field, but I don't care about this particular thing either way so I'll just let the idea fester.

Xeno-hunter badge: 1000 scouts or 1000 interceptors. Wait, oh shit...

I don't think scouts count for anything except ranking up your combat, big time. Each scout kill is equal to Elite kill from what I found out.
Just finally unlocked Lori, now time to shoot more to get to elite.

The xeno badge has a star shaped thargoid ship so no cookies for scouts.

If anybody want to take my hand and walk me through killing big thargoid. I will be on line.

BTW does inara have something where players can put thier status for game type/available to team up with others or something.
23 Mar 2022, 3:53am
I am now in open, come see me.
23 Mar 2022, 4:19am
TomciopalecThe xeno badge has a star shaped thargoid ship so no cookies for scouts.
The Soldier badge has two swords on it, but I was fighting a space combat, and it wasn't on swords!
23 Mar 2022, 2:13pm
Burstar or somethingAlso, this could also be an argument for a Piracy Badge to help level the playing field, but I don't care about this particular thing either way so I'll just let the idea fester.

Xeno-hunter badge: 1000 scouts or 1000 interceptors. Wait, oh shit...

I don't think scouts count for anything except ranking up your combat, big time. Each scout kill is equal to Elite kill from what I found out.
Just finally unlocked Lori, now time to shoot more to get to elite.

The xeno badge has a star shaped thargoid ship so no cookies for scouts.

If anybody want to take my hand and walk me through killing big thargoid. I will be on line.

BTW does inara have something where players can put thier status for game type/available to team up with others or something.

It depends on your skill. No some confused and allways dying commander is needed.
23 Mar 2022, 2:15pm
And sadly that metal is for total 1000 T-goids. Next grade is 2500 T-goids total included 50 interceptors. Thats anoying, cus for someone who is interested in only higher interceptors its long journey.
23 Mar 2022, 2:17pm
SalmoneaIt depends on your skill. No some confused and allways dying commander is needed.
Maybe he's a masochist?
23 Mar 2022, 4:26pm
Hello people, been away, came back, catching up. Is Oddessy any better than it was a few months ago after the latest update?

Also, it might be my brain not working, but the frag canons on my Vulture seem to disappear when I try to use them - any suggestions please, (keep them clean.... you know who you are, and what you suggested last time was impossible!)
23 Mar 2022, 4:58pm
TomciopalecI don't think scouts count for anything except ranking up your combat, big time. Each scout kill is equal to Elite kill from what I found out.

They used to be but that was nerfed a long time ago. They now rate as Dangerous IIRC. No longer the easy rank farm fest they once were. If you want to grind Combat Rank then Anarchy Outbreak Systems > Checkpoints are full of Elite Sys Sec. Alternatively, Pirate Activity Threat 5+ are filled 100% with Deadly opponents so less restarting if you prefer long term grind sessions.

Tomciopalec If anybody want to take my hand and walk me through killing big thargoid. I will be on line.

23 Mar 2022, 5:17pm
Tomciopalec If anybody want to take my hand and walk me through killing big thargoid. I will be on line.


thank you, I completely forgot about that
gotta love this group
23 Mar 2022, 6:08pm
DescartesHello people, been away, came back, catching up. Is Oddessy any better than it was a few months ago after the latest update?

Also, it might be my brain not working, but the frag canons on my Vulture seem to disappear when I try to use them - any suggestions please, (keep them clean.... you know who you are, and what you suggested last time was impossible!)

Disappear? Can you explain?

There was a bug few patches ago that removed all fire group settings. Check if you have them assigned properly.

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