Elite: Game talk

23 Mar 2022, 6:55pm
Episparh the Blunt
DescartesHello people, been away, came back, catching up. Is Oddessy any better than it was a few months ago after the latest update?

Also, it might be my brain not working, but the frag canons on my Vulture seem to disappear when I try to use them - any suggestions please, (keep them clean.... you know who you are, and what you suggested last time was impossible!)

Disappear? Can you explain?

There was a bug few patches ago that removed all fire group settings. Check if you have them assigned properly.

I'm in Horizons, with latest update. I can deploy the frag cannons but when I try to fire them they disappear from the screen and nothing happens. Tried swapping them with multi-cannons, they worked, replaced frag cannons, same fault happens..

Meantime, I'll fly my Fed Assault ship.

Flippin Eck, now only two frag cannons show up (one gimballed one turreted) on my FAS(I have 4)

EDIT; solved it, I think, gimballed won't work on certain hardpoints

Last edit: 23 Mar 2022, 7:32pm
23 Mar 2022, 7:18pm
I'm in Horizons, with latest update. I can deploy the frag cannons but when I try to fire them they disappear from the screen and nothing happens. Tried swapping them with multi-cannons, they worked, replaced frag cannons, same fault happens..

Meantime, I'll fly my Fed Assault ship.

I switched to horizons and used my Ward, which is a pacifier vulture. All works as expected. Perhaps you can try and report a bug.... Unfortunately, FDev works on issues only if they are upvoted by a lot of people.
23 Mar 2022, 8:36pm
DescartesEDIT; solved it, I think, gimballed won't work on certain hardpoints

Sounds like a bug to me. Gimballed weapons don't fire when the ship's hitbox is in the way, but they shouldn't disappear.
23 Mar 2022, 10:55pm
24 Mar 2022, 12:01am
Episparh the BluntYes, it is a bug. Saw at leat 2 threads on the forum. Class 3 fragments canons are borked. Pacifiers work.


Happens to me at random with Class 4 Fixed Beam Lasers too. Sometimes redefining the Firegroups works, other times relogging fixes it. Sometimes they just don't work at all no matter what you do and you need to restart the game.
24 Mar 2022, 3:21am
What experimentals to people use for Plasma Accelerators other than Target Lock Breaker?
24 Mar 2022, 4:42am
KurakilWhat experimentals to people use for Plasma Accelerators other than Target Lock Breaker?

Thermal conduit. It's very spicy.
24 Mar 2022, 11:55am
That Frag thing... It's got to be a bug. I have 3 on my Piffon. The 2 gimballed frags don't show up when deploying weapons while the Pacifier does. When I went to Outfitting to test... They aren't there. When I slotted in something else you could see them being fitted, reverting back to my Gfrags they don't appear. Cheers update 11.
24 Mar 2022, 1:01pm
Just a reminder that Thargoid Scouts were nerfed and no longer count as elite kills. The rate of increase of rank killing Scouts is now slower than other methods.

If you want combat rank, high resource extraction site using a fast ship with A-rated long-range sensors and at least two long-range weapons is the place to go, and log until you get a busy spawn of only small ships. A small ship spawn only has ships up to Asp, so you don't need any special weapons. An all-laser build works pretty well.
24 Mar 2022, 2:30pm
I have that feel combat rank raises also with shooting on foot.
24 Mar 2022, 2:47pm
Would make sense since your combat rank also rises by shooting guardian sentinels
24 Mar 2022, 3:19pm
SalmoneaI have that feel combat rank raises also with shooting on foot.

I does!
I finished a rank while bullying anarchists lately.

But I'm not sure, about real combat zones on foot, though.
I feel, like combat zones do not count towards your combat rank, but only to your mercenary rank instead.
24 Mar 2022, 9:31pm

Was this intentional you think?
25 Mar 2022, 12:05am

Was this intentional you think?

Maybe it means you should wait until they're out of gas, and then tow their ship away with a tractor?
25 Mar 2022, 3:06am

Was this intentional you think?

One of the players in my squadron had this the other day:

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