Elite: Game talk

25 Mar 2022, 5:44pm
ExplainableChaosHello again,

I have a small question about some of the terms that keep popping up. I feel like I should know them. What exactly is power playing? Is your allegiance really all that important? How much lore would I need to know going into the community of this game? Also I am really confused on how Engineers work...

Probably my bad for kind of wading into a nearly 40 year old series, but in for a penny, in for a pound.

Mixed opinions but PP doesn't really matter for a casual player except for two scenarios:
1) You want to buy ships and modules in Li Yong Rui's systems, because 15% price tag off.
2) You want to get special modules, but that takes 4 weeks of Powerplay activities, which is yet another grind.

As for point 2), there's a trick: if there are no authorities around you can smash the hell out of smaller "enemy" Power - preferably transports, such as Sirius Transport or Federal Logistcs - in their respective systems without consequences, as message is a bit misleading; you are not bountied by system authorities... and bounties issued by Powers are not the reason for system authorities to chase after you. HOWEVER, you will be attacked on sight by Power bounty hunters and Power security vessels.

If authority ships came and started attacking you, just run. As long as you don't attack authorities, they won't issue bounties on you. Also, attacking PP ships do not influence system BGS (such as security level) so it's not accounted for if you were wary to disturb some player faction's influence.
25 Mar 2022, 7:37pm
clean trusters are good when you buildng a cold running ship.
25 Mar 2022, 8:20pm
Alex Hoffmannclean trusters are good when you buildng a cold running ship.

No. That is a trap. Engines - dirty / drag drive... at least in 99% of the cases.
25 Mar 2022, 8:42pm
Alex Hoffmannclean trusters are good when you buildng a cold running ship.

That's why I said "misleading".
Don't ask me why, but out of reasons unknown, "clean" is maybe one percentage cooler in normal cruise;
which is not a big win.
(and we usually do not need cold engines in normal)

But somehow clean drives run a bit hotter in supercruise.
(which is odd, since we need a cool ship while scooping)

And finally, cleaner drives are slower;
so "dirty" is probably the better choice , all the way

Oh, and it took me a while to really take note of this,
so I fell for that trap quite often myself.
25 Mar 2022, 9:03pm
Does any one know if edsy.org shows Thermals right?

Last edit: 25 Mar 2022, 9:22pm
25 Mar 2022, 9:48pm
Zero0magiCDoes any one know if edsy.org shows Thermals right?

25 Mar 2022, 10:05pm
Alex Hoffmannclean trusters are good when you buildng a cold running ship.
Literally tested this with my FDL. The difference is 2-3% at the cost of about 30-40 m/s in max speed, so I'm losing the ability to be faster than the Basilisk, without any significant gain.
25 Mar 2022, 10:07pm
Perfect, difference between clean and dirty on my build is 3% on thrust.
Clean 25% and dirty 28% and 1% Fsd and weapon 54% to 55%
But with dirty i have more benefits, i am faster and can pit, roll and yaw faster.
Dirty Drag Drive ftw xD
25 Mar 2022, 10:07pm
Am I correct in thinking there haven't been any other pre-engineered stuffs made available at Tech Brokers aside from the size 5 FSD, medium Seeker Missiles, and DSS?
26 Mar 2022, 1:15am
So. Will delete this message after the offer is closed.

yup, got enough Tritium, thank you

Epi, you may start laughing or ranting at the person who just wants to play and do what she likes, like shooting at Thargoids, not hauling that damn Tritium to her carrier.

Last edit: 26 Mar 2022, 12:45pm
26 Mar 2022, 6:08am
Good luck.
26 Mar 2022, 6:14am
Oh. Ow. Thank you

Really, I'll better spend my time running after Medusas, yelling and waving a stick over my head. I'll get money for it and buy that Tritium.
26 Mar 2022, 9:42am
It is in Pleiades sector, which means FC operation. AKA regular scrubs that need money are out of the deal.

If I were you I would jump it to the bubble and remain in Pleiades with ship. You can restock/repair at a station.

Oh, I just figured out that you use that FDL to transfer tritium from cargo to tritium depot

Last edit: 26 Mar 2022, 9:51am
26 Mar 2022, 9:58am
Isn't that why it's called the Fuel Depot Lance?
26 Mar 2022, 10:03am
EpisparhOh, I just figured out that you use that FDL to transfer tritium from cargo to tritium depot

There is a secret 2nd account with a cutter or type 9 on it

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