Elite: Game talk

25 Mar 2022, 9:12am

Was this intentional you think?

Who knows. But it looks funny with their nickname, that's for sure
25 Mar 2022, 2:43pm
Hi there.

I typically play this game for the more exploration and trading elements, but I figured why not and got into the combat. for a bit, got myself an Eagle since I am poor, but I am also quite bad. Is there any way to improve my skills in combat without making a fool of myself?
25 Mar 2022, 2:56pm
ExplainableChaosHi there.

I typically play this game for the more exploration and trading elements, but I figured why not and got into the combat. for a bit, got myself an Eagle since I am poor, but I am also quite bad. Is there any way to improve my skills in combat without making a fool of myself?

There's a training module, or you could try queuing for the Arena (good luck though). In game you could visit a Compromised Nav Beacon or any Resource Extraction Site that is not a Hazardous one (Low or blank type recommended).
25 Mar 2022, 2:59pm
ExplainableChaosHi there.

I typically play this game for the more exploration and trading elements, but I figured why not and got into the combat. for a bit, got myself an Eagle since I am poor, but I am also quite bad. Is there any way to improve my skills in combat without making a fool of myself?


I would recommend you go to low density extraction points, there with the help of the authorities, both system and federal, you can defeat some beginner pirates and have a broader sense of combat.

There is also the Elite training mode where you can learn the basics of combat.
25 Mar 2022, 3:42pm
Hey there,

could this build work in combat? Pve/Pvp?


I dont have any experience in combat outfitting, would be my first real combat build.
25 Mar 2022, 3:47pm
could this build work in combat? Pve/Pvp?

could it work? Sure! And it will be fun, I guess
Has it flaws? Yep. A lot! And I mean a lot

Should I go full frontal, or slowly?
25 Mar 2022, 3:48pm
could this build work in combat? Pve/Pvp?

could it work? Sure! And it will be fun, I guess
Has it flaws? Yep. A lot! And I mean a lot

Should I go full frontal, or slowly?

Full frontal please

Last edit: 25 Mar 2022, 3:59pm
25 Mar 2022, 3:49pm
Oh, a supercruise assist and a docking assist. Awesome! I like it!
25 Mar 2022, 3:56pm
MeowersOh, a supercruise assist and a docking assist. Awesome! I like it!

kind of standard on my trading ship, i dont know if i need it on my combat vessel
25 Mar 2022, 3:59pm
Zero0magiCFull frontal please

Reactive surface Armor;
probably the best armor available; but insane expensive...
You could do it, but it's not worth it.

Thruster; don't go clean! The game is misleading. It sound nice, but it is worthless. Always go for dirty

Frame shift drive: Shielded? OK, if you do not jump! But then a fuel scoop? If you wanna jump at all, go for increased range + mass manager.
(Or keep it, and don't jump at all, and ditch the scoop)

Life support 4A leightweight? If you wann keep your mass down, just take a 4D leightweight and don't loose your canopy ;-)
Or go safe with 4A reinforced

Same on Sensor either D-Class leightweight / long range (whatever suits you) Or 4A long range to flex out

Bi-Weave Reinforced and "fast charge" will burn your distro empty. go for "low draw" or always juggle with your pips all the time

Any other opinions?
Feel free to disagree
25 Mar 2022, 4:02pm
Zero0magiCFull frontal please

Reactive surface Armor;
probably the best armor available; but insane expensive...
You could do it, but it's not worth it.

Thruster; don't go clean! The game is misleading. It sound nice, but it is worthless. Always go for dirty

Frame shift drive: Shielded? OK, if you do not jump! But then a fuel scoop? If you wanna jump at all, go for increased range + mass manager.
(Or keep it, and don't jump at all, and ditch the scoop)

Life support 4A leightweight? If you wann keep your mass down, just take a 4D leightweight and don't loose your canopy ;-)
Or go safe with 4A reinforced

Same on Sensor either D-Class leightweight / long range (whatever suits you) Or 4A long range to flex out

Bi-Weave Reinforced and "fast charge" will burn your distro empty. go for "low draw" or always juggle with your pips all the time

Any other opinions?
Feel free to disagree

Oh, and if you want, you can keep SC assist and auto-dock
It's your game, play it as you like

But tRUe PlAyErS DoN't Do ThAT StuFf HerE
25 Mar 2022, 4:15pm
Zero0magiCFull frontal please

Reactive surface Armor;
probably the best armor available; but insane expensive...
You could do it, but it's not worth it.

Thruster; don't go clean! The game is misleading. It sound nice, but it is worthless. Always go for dirty

Frame shift drive: Shielded? OK, if you do not jump! But then a fuel scoop? If you wanna jump at all, go for increased range + mass manager.
(Or keep it, and don't jump at all, and ditch the scoop)

Life support 4A leightweight? If you wann keep your mass down, just take a 4D leightweight and don't loose your canopy ;-)
Or go safe with 4A reinforced

Same on Sensor either D-Class leightweight / long range (whatever suits you) Or 4A long range to flex out

Bi-Weave Reinforced and "fast charge" will burn your distro empty. go for "low draw" or always juggle with your pips all the time

Any other opinions?
Feel free to disagree

It is my first try for a combat Outfit and i am greatfull for the fast answer.
My tought process was , cause i am not using heatsinks , to get less heat while boosting and shooting.
Shield and hull i tried to get an even resistence close to 40+ and a faster bi shield.
I am writing your tips down and start with grinding for material
Thank you very much Commander

ps: i think i keep it xD flew long time without while trading and startet to use it this year. It comes in handy, getting some food or something to drink while flying or docking
25 Mar 2022, 4:32pm
I'll just clarify, that if you go D grade Sensors AND make them lightweight you'll be effectively blind. D+Longrange is usually the way to go, but A+Lightweight or Longrange has their uses in a couple of niche builds.
25 Mar 2022, 4:34pm
Hello again,

I have a small question about some of the terms that keep popping up. I feel like I should know them. What exactly is power playing? Is your allegiance really all that important? How much lore would I need to know going into the community of this game? Also I am really confused on how Engineers work...

Probably my bad for kind of wading into a nearly 40 year old series, but in for a penny, in for a pound.
25 Mar 2022, 4:43pm
Burstar or somethingI'll just clarify, that if you go D grade Sensors AND make them lightweight you'll be effectively blind. D+Longrange is usually the way to go, but A+Lightweight or Longrange has their uses in a couple of niche builds.

Ok , i will keep this in mind as well

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