Elite: Game talk

04 Apr 2024, 4:51pm
The AXI folks decided to skip crippling Oya's control systems and go directly to Titan bombing.

Last edit: 04 Apr 2024, 5:12pm
04 Apr 2024, 5:00pm
They don’t really have another option unless it is to clear out some of the outliers of 30 alerts. Because the inner core is impossible to take out without a spire siege to support that, and well, those alerts placed far out are basically stopping that tactic cold.

But I assume you’re aware of that already.

Going to be interesting to see if it is possible for them to power through a Titan at High damage resistance within a week. As opposed to following Frontier’s plan of dealing with the total mess the Titan threw out today.
04 Apr 2024, 5:15pm
I actually wasn't, ha ha. I have not paid as much attention to Tharg war mechanics as BGS, but I suppose I should because PP 2.0 might incorporate a lot of it. So thank you for the primer.

I don't know if a week is achievable, but a week and a half, or two, can probably be done given that everybody shows up for the Titan decal-hunting.
04 Apr 2024, 5:23pm
Week and a half is gonna be difficult when its resistance jumps up. Although Leigong is difficult to judge due to people being busy cleaning up its systems, it made 50% of one heart in a week at 10 controls. Can’t imagine that it’d be a lot faster for Oya even then.

But I’m not involved in the Titan assaults so it mostly isn’t my problem.
05 Apr 2024, 10:28am
Hello Everyone o7 My Fleet Carrier Queen Of The Void (V7Q-B8W) is leaving the Bubble for some Deep Black Exploration on the far outer rims of the Galaxy all services are installed and your all welcome aboard if your a like minded explorer and want to get your name on many things departure System 59 Virginis but i will keep my Inara as Up to date as possible if your interested feel free to drop me a PM or send a Friend request ingame and on Inara
05 Apr 2024, 2:04pm
SGT-AndersonHello Everyone o7 My Fleet Carrier Queen Of The Void (V7Q-B8W) is leaving the Bubble for some Deep Black Exploration on the far outer rims of the Galaxy all services are installed and your all welcome aboard if your a like minded explorer and want to get your name on many things departure System 59 Virginis but i will keep my Inara as Up to date as possible if your interested feel free to drop me a PM or send a Friend request ingame and on Inara

I just started a exploration myself, for a change of pace and to get my Elite V in exploration. Ill happily tag along
07 Apr 2024, 2:34pm
Can be Leigong looting good way how to get few credits? And are Thargs inside wreck aggresive or just looking at you if you dont have any "prohibited" cargo or shootin them into face?
07 Apr 2024, 4:54pm
Thargoids inside the wreckage will still attack on sight, but their detection range seems like it's turned way down. My Maelstrom Clipper (idles at 15-16% thermal) can have a gaggle of limpets out collecting crap and still be undetected when an interceptor flies by at 400m. Pre-destruction, that range typically had to be greater.

I haven't really found a good spot to unload all the garbage you collect while in there, so I can't speak to its revenue possibilities.
07 Apr 2024, 8:05pm
Also, how big chance is that one of FSD anomalies is Interceptor? Today, I was inside wreck for 20 minutes (but with Krait-if I would need to get lost very fast) and saw only few Scouts and probably Scythe
07 Apr 2024, 10:34pm
Adam 'The detective' ŠtefánikAlso, how big chance is that one of FSD anomalies is Interceptor? Today, I was inside wreck for 20 minutes (but with Krait-if I would need to get lost very fast) and saw only few Scouts and probably Scythe

100% chance you're going to run into an interceptor, but it is not always the first thing to jump in. I haven't been to Leigong yet, but my experience with Taranis over the 2 weeks of the CG was that there's about 2-3 minutes of no Thargoids at all, and then they start jumping in.

Typically 1-2 Interceptors of a random type, a pair of Hunters (Glaives or Scythes), and a little squadron of 5-6 scouts. I never had issues with being detected by the Interceptors or scouts, but would always have to kill a Scythe or two because I can't resist picking up the bio-capsules.

First week (and maybe second, too?) post-destruction, you will encounter some minor residual caustics and need the sinks. After that it's essentially dissipated and you only need one if you're going to be fighting.

Last edit: 07 Apr 2024, 11:57pm
08 Apr 2024, 2:50am
Thanks for reply, good to know
08 Apr 2024, 11:02am
Glaives show up there? I’ve only seen Scythes.
08 Apr 2024, 12:00pm
They are fairly rare; I only encountered Glaives on a couple of dives into the Taranis wreckage, and I believe they were all during the CG's second week when the caustic cloud had fully dissipated (and the area is full of NPC AX pilots and pirates). Most of the time, the Hunters were Scythes.
09 Apr 2024, 3:00pm
Update 18.02 - Wednesday 10th April 2024
"Super Cruise Overcharge:
New Rating C Frame Shift Drive modules will be available. They can be found at a number of Outfitting services, especially in more technologically advanced markets, and these will introduce a new functionality: Super Cruise Overcharge."

... Any theories on what this'll do? Super fast super cruise perhaps? I'm not mad on the idea of engineering new FSD's for my whole fleet.
09 Apr 2024, 3:08pm
Given how Titans travelled through deep space, faster supercruise(even if temporarily or for some heat/power drawback) seems like the most likely candidate.

But you will be trading off some jump range compared to an A rated FSD. Whether that’s worth it to you, well. You know.

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