Elite: Game talk

23 Mar 2024, 2:12am
Yeah, good luck. AX is a great fun, especially on medium ships. Hope you could find a ship that's 'yours'.
24 Mar 2024, 8:51am
My verdict on the AX FDL after trial by fire in Bormuninus near Titan Raijin...

It's a murder machine that has no business being nearly as good as it is at this and yet it does it anyway. Low-ish hull seems to be less of an issue than I expected it to be and I was very happy to have taken a caustic sink. Partly because the way I play, the first trigger pull momentarily (and barely) sends the ship above 20% to annoy me with caustic missile spam. Or at least one which could otherwise have been avoided, thanks NPCs.

Hydras also still have no business being as ridiculously tough as they are. I think I am just going to avoid trying to beat them again now that I've done an AXCZ solo a second time around a planetary port.

(I might have felt slightly sorry for the poor two Cyclops which were left behind to try dealing with the mess that their big brothers failed to get rid of.)
24 Mar 2024, 10:21am
I think they have done something to Hydras, they're wussies now. :c
24 Mar 2024, 3:22pm
Apparently their AI has been wonky for a while now and they just randomly refuse to fire at your ship if vertical speed is too high and/or at the right angle while facing them (the latter half involving movement as the cause is my own observation). I notice the same thing with regular NPCs using plasma accelerators, they'll just refuse to fire in some instances.

It just becomes more obvious with Interceptors(it isn't just the Hydras which do it). Scouts also exhibit that same behavior... if less frequently. This was a bug reported I don't know when, exactly, maybe around the time the spires appeared with U16. Clearly, nobody saw much of a need to get it fixed.

(Even though it leads to situations of the goids not firing when your ship is at over 100 heat.)
25 Mar 2024, 9:00pm

Sunday in Bormuninus... where, apparently, a Scout was either really confused about where to actually land, or the Titan thought to try a sneaky infiltration maneuver with this particular Thargoid. I don't think it quite worked... no thanks to the pilot's ineptitude at finding the correct spot despite lining up properly with the center line.
25 Mar 2024, 9:03pm
Hehe, lol
26 Mar 2024, 8:10pm
For the last 3 days of looking for metal alloys, I have traveled to at least 6 fleet carriers and 3 in game bases all of which are being updated with quantities of 1-127. I get there and there's none and in some cases I get denied access to dock. WTH is going on? I just need 1 metal alloy. Can individual not dock on private fleet carries? IF this is the case INARA.cz needs to have a notification saying not public. Any answer is a good answer.
Please note I have made over 400 jumps and have not gotten even 1 metal alloy.
26 Mar 2024, 8:18pm
They might just be selling out very quickly due to people looking for the corrosive resistant cargo rack which requires a bunch of meta-alloys to unlock(16 iirc) due to an ongoing CG. And yes, you cannot dock on carriers which have their docking access set to anything but 'All' (which it should say in the nav panel, or in the 'station' features list in the system map if you have it available).

If it is of use, you can go to the Taranis debris field in Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 and pick up a meta-alloy there without too much hassle - just buy a caustic sink launcher or two from a rescue megaship prior to going there(if you need one - go to Hutner in the Telin system), and don't approach the center of the wreck, so patrolling Thargoids don't bother you. Maybe also a heatsink if you want to keep your heat level low.
26 Mar 2024, 9:46pm
User442363For the last 3 days of looking for metal alloys, I have traveled to at least 6 fleet carriers and 3 in game bases all of which are being updated with quantities of 1-127. I get there and there's none and in some cases I get denied access to dock. WTH is going on? I just need 1 metal alloy. Can individual not dock on private fleet carries? IF this is the case INARA.cz needs to have a notification saying not public. Any answer is a good answer.
Please note I have made over 400 jumps and have not gotten even 1 metal alloy.

In the commodity search, etc. Inara lists only fleet carriers that are known to have the docked access set to "All" and were updated more or less recently. But as it's a player driven market, things may change very fast, so there is no guarantee as any commodity may be sold out any minute and the FC's docking privileges may change that fast as well. If the docking privileges are your major problem, you can increase your chances by setting "Include fleet carriers" option to "Yes (with docking access updated recently)" in the commodity search, as it will use even more strict limit on the time of the update.
26 Mar 2024, 9:53pm
thanks all
27 Mar 2024, 9:57am
User442363For the last 3 days of looking for metal alloys, I have traveled to at least 6 fleet carriers and 3 in game bases all of which are being updated with quantities of 1-127. I get there and there's none and in some cases I get denied access to dock. WTH is going on? I just need 1 metal alloy. Can individual not dock on private fleet carries? IF this is the case INARA.cz needs to have a notification saying not public. Any answer is a good answer.
Please note I have made over 400 jumps and have not gotten even 1 metal alloy.

I have a carrier within a few jumps of your current location with meta alloys aboard. If you would like to grab one send me a PM and we can arrange a time, I can set my carrier permissions and make the MA's available 07
27 Mar 2024, 1:38pm
hello peasants
27 Mar 2024, 2:40pm
I hope you got your meta alloy

you can't depend on carriers for trade unless you contact the owner
not to mention they are also used as bait to kill and/or hijack newbies

tbh as a multiple carrier owner, I am never aware of cmdrs nearby other than ship to ship
there is no way for any carrier owner to know about you unless you contact them directly somehow

that said

Darnielle's Progress in maia sells them

for newbies, always buy 2...chances are very high you will get robbed on your way.

and there are currently very many locations you can pick them yourself from a barnacle or free floating in space
31 Mar 2024, 5:32pm
User442363For the last 3 days of looking for metal alloys, I have traveled to at least 6 fleet carriers and 3 in game bases all of which are being updated with quantities of 1-127. I get there and there's none and in some cases I get denied access to dock. WTH is going on? I just need 1 metal alloy. Can individual not dock on private fleet carries? IF this is the case INARA.cz needs to have a notification saying not public. Any answer is a good answer.
Please note I have made over 400 jumps and have not gotten even 1 metal alloy.

If you go to either of the destroyed Titans you'll find quite a bit of the Meta Alloys. They were every-flipping-where.
04 Apr 2024, 4:17pm
Oya really wanted to scare people this morning, didn’t it?

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