Elite: Game talk

26 Feb 2024, 12:14pm
Ah lol, I thought about chess too but seems like forgot to ask. Actually, one (and maybe the only) of the games that might (much likely) make it to the 34th century in its current form, I even mentioned playing chess in my stories once.
27 Feb 2024, 9:03am
There'd wanna be an awful lot of hidden upcoming content to justify me deleting 30GB's worth of drum samples for a torpedo.

Just sayin...
27 Feb 2024, 10:16am
For me the Updates change nothing. CQC is the same it was 6 years ago

Still, it's a lot of fun. Last Sunday for example..
29 Feb 2024, 2:25am
Hey, just to let you all know how subspace and FTL work:

Lets remember that time goes in two directions (theoretically), and space is represented as area,
so if you have 4D (space-time) everything in space itself is not moving, but time makes space move for future,
and pivots away from past. What I'm getting at here is that from the perspective of the shape of space-time
separately it is the 3D version of a 4D object. Where on time moves space around, instead of traversing through
space directly. So for someone accelerating past the speed of light, one will be bringing the "future" of that point and squeeze it
towards your location. Causing the person to reach their destination faster than light allows. Light itself is bound by space, but
not time.

Additionally, if one attains enough energy they can propel themselves thru space using time. Where time is conserved but augmented
to reach a destination without sub-light devices.

This applies to:
Gravometric - Planetary/Moon (Gravometric impulse)
FTL - Innersystem (Supercruise)
FTL - Intersystem (Hyperspace)
Subspace - Intergalactic (Wormhole/Rift)
Subspace - Intersector (Using galactic rings to boost range)
Subspace - Inneruniverse (Drives that encapsulate vessel for local-body attainability)

Just to let everyone know. =3
29 Feb 2024, 6:46pm
29 Feb 2024, 7:09pm
With the Titans focused on survival, we have noticed that Glaive interdictions and hyperdictions have currently ceased


NGL they are speaking my language by offering all the Space Barbie goodies (paint, decal, ship kit).
29 Feb 2024, 7:12pm
thats odd i was hyperdicted by a glaive earlier this morning this must be a new change
29 Feb 2024, 7:22pm
And where is, exactly, that 'Hearts Left' counter?
29 Feb 2024, 8:42pm
MeowersAnd where is, exactly, that 'Hearts Left' counter?

Filter by Taranis, Titan. Or just any Titan and hit 'Titan' for which systems are displayed.


The progress value displayed is per heart, imported via journal entires, the overall Titan progress is visible when you click on the system name. Not sure if this heart counter is updated automatically or manually, but it is reflected as 'rings' of the in-game UI. When depleted, the ring is grey instead of red and the display moves to the next one.
01 Mar 2024, 4:37am
I will probably update the game and have look at Titan myself. Cuz my closest approach to somthing Thargoid bigger than interceptor was Spire and I didnt wanted to go to that Thargoid bases for pickles. I dont say this is right way, I only want to have look what is inside.

Btw, Python 2 inspired by 5th gen fighters? This could be interesting (aviation and F22 Raptor fan here)
01 Mar 2024, 5:34am
I've still no idea what they mean by "Titan Heart". Okay, I pumped some lead into that glowing piece of corn sticking out of the Titan's... Which side is the top, which one is the bottom? Got my bonds. Does that count? :p

p.s. Apparently, it does. That's why we need a correct naming of things. :p

p.s.2. Yeah, the sounds they make are... Satisfying.

Last edit: 01 Mar 2024, 6:14am
01 Mar 2024, 6:42am
Uhm, how much is one bond or what it is?
01 Mar 2024, 6:56am
Depends on how much damage you deal to the thermal core. Spoiler: not too much. If not to say 'pathetic', lol. I managed to get a bit below 2mil for several subsequent strikes (during one infiltration). In terms of making money, I'd totally prefer soloing Hydras or Medusas via old-school signal hunting. But that isn't for money. That's /theatrical/ FOR HUMANKIND lol.

Maybe it's better when you're in a wing with three more people, and you have one dedicated torpedo bomber who joins the vent core party but mainly does torpedo shoving, while others are pounding the core as soon as it shows up, since the available time window is kind of short.

p.s. Stupid game designey nonsense. By the look of it, that Thermal Core Corn just asks for some modshards, but you can't. However, the torpedoes are Guardian tech too, but they have ow ow ow lo and behold magical shield. Pft.

p.s.2. If Titan's Maw is, literally, a maw, a mouth, then... Well, that thing pops from the opposite side of the Titan. And we have to live with this knowledge.

Last edit: 01 Mar 2024, 7:14am
01 Mar 2024, 9:18am
Titan “Heart” is not a visible component, it’s hidden under… well, probably all of that really impenetrable-looking armor(putting aside that it’s likely no such thing exists even in the 34th century with a species that’s been spacefaring for a few million years), and a message will pop up when one is destroyed(aka a circle gets filled in/emptied of red). Because of the limits imposed by Elite’s shitty instancing, of course. Or presumably, anyway.

If Interceptors are a clue, Titans may have a last-ditch defensive mechanism. Assuming Taranis doesn’t value its life more than this assault(or, more accurately, the Thargoids behind its presence) and it doesn’t do something that makes further assaulting pointless but preventing it from doing anything in that same time.

(And I don’t think that the maw is a mouth so much as just an entry-exit point for Thargoid ships, as much as our idiot humans brains may be tempted to see something else.)
01 Mar 2024, 11:31am
AX Missile Racks is the absolute way to get the arse of that bastard handed to it. Just finished 1.4mil worth strike with <1% damage (to a FDL with 1.7k hull). Throw your pea shooters out of the window. :p

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