Elite: Game talk

06 Mar 2024, 10:28am
ThinderMy Carrier, Charles de Gaulle (H4M-33Y) is parked on Ross 342 at the moment. Did anyone visit it?

If you have an active bartender, I might be game when I get off of work.
06 Mar 2024, 1:50pm
Talon Avex
ThinderMy Carrier, Charles de Gaulle (H4M-33Y) is parked on Ross 342 at the moment. Did anyone visit it?

If you have an active bartender, I might be game when I get off of work.

I'm not sure if it's worth it, since I'm not doing ground game, I'm unable to use it for myself...

Having said that, it's not worse than Outfitting, since I don't seem to be very successful at selling Exploration Ships and modules, so I'm gonna go to 27 Kappa Persei for a while and see what I can do...

Bar is now open...

Last edit: 06 Mar 2024, 2:15pm
06 Mar 2024, 4:51pm
06 Mar 2024, 5:29pm
Yeah. Here I was parked out by Thor, hammering it, but there's no point in doing that until 100 other people show up, and there's a chance it will go kablooie in a week.
06 Mar 2024, 6:44pm
Glen van RossYeah. Here I was parked out by Thor, hammering it, but there's no point in doing that until 100 other people show up, and there's a chance it will go kablooie in a week.

Yeah. If there is a set schedule of when titans become vulnerable to attack, and a set timeline in which you can achieve the rewards, there is no point in attacking any titan until it becomes vulnerable. Just go along with the scripted timeline. I was annoying Hadad, but with it being 37,000 LS from the entry point, it is now even less appealing to take the time to fly out there until it is vulnerable. Especially if something goes wrong at the Titan and the ship gets blown to bits.
06 Mar 2024, 6:50pm
I estimate the probability of Thor going kablooie in a week as 0.0%.

Leigong is the only one that is somewhat likely to get finished off within a week. See this FDev forums thread. (DCoH Overwatch is also a good site to keep track of what is going on.)
06 Mar 2024, 8:31pm
Vasil Vasilescu. If there is a set schedule of when titans become vulnerable to attack,

There currently is no scripted timeline of when Titans become ‘vulnerable’, it is entirely down to the players - their damage resistance is dependent on the number of controls that they hold. Meaning when those start being cleared, the Titan will begin to take more damage (at the mid-lower end of damage resistance, Extremely High and Maximum appear to basically be in “Absolutely not worth bothering” territory).
06 Mar 2024, 9:25pm
Kasumi Goto There currently is no scripted timeline of when Titans become ‘vulnerable’, it is entirely down to the players - their damage resistance is dependent on the number of controls that they hold....

Ah, okay. Rather than the players driving the defeat of the titans, I had it in my mind that something would magically happen to trigger a window of vulnerability so that humanity's glorious victory over the space roaches would proceed at a pace predetermined by FD.
06 Mar 2024, 9:31pm
The timeline is governing whether you get the Space Barbie rewards, that's all.

If you've done heat damage to a Titan in the week before it goes into meltdown, and if your accrued damage adds up to 2 million in combat bonds, then you get free goodies.

Me sitting out here by Thor racking up 4 million credits doesn't mean jack, because it's not going into meltdown next week.

We have to "follow the pack" to get the freebies.
06 Mar 2024, 9:35pm
Glen van Ross We have to "follow the pack" to get the freebies.

So, slackers just wait until the titan is near meltdown, fly out to it in open, hang around while others clog up vents, then blast the core until requirements are met, and leave. Got it.
06 Mar 2024, 9:46pm
I'm not too wound up about it. It is the end of a 2-year-long war and as many players may as well get to see the show as possible.

My only regret is that if the maelstroms disappear, how am I going to get materials to synth more caustic sink reloads? The horror.

I hope a Titan or two hangs around somewhere permanently, it's one of the coolest environments in-game (spires as well), and it would be a shame for it all to just disappear.
06 Mar 2024, 10:27pm
Glen van Ross
My only regret is that if the maelstroms disappear, how am I going to get materials to synth more caustic sink reloads?

If there are no titans why would you need caustic sink reloads?
Those are made exclusively to cope with extensive caustic damage of Maelstroms. We were fine with decontamination limpets and heat burn prior of titans' arrival.
06 Mar 2024, 10:29pm
I’m fairly confident that they won’t. I mean, they put the work into it all… so it should really stay around somewhere. If not outright remaining in the Bubble.

I for one don’t think the remains of Taranis are going to be going anywhere soon… (and I’m still very critical of Aegis for their chosen method of “disposal” - would like to see something from Frontier on people calling out that killing something by overheating it to death or to the point where its fusion core turns into a giga-nuke ripping it apart from the inside is a pretty shitty, dirty weapon)

Glen van RossMy only regret is that if the maelstroms disappear, how am I going to get materials to synth more caustic sink reloads? The horror.

On that note, I’m sure they could make a Hunter that drops them. Or have them be in Scouts. I don’t know. But as I said, Titans are probably not just going to disappear.

… and I think there may be some plot twists to make us reconsider if attacking the Titans is such a good idea in the end, instead of being in such an extreme hurry to just “Kill Them All” while basically dropping all other considerations. Or seeming to do so, at least …
06 Mar 2024, 10:57pm
Glen van Ross
My only regret is that if the maelstroms disappear, how am I going to get materials to synth more caustic sink reloads?

If there are no titans why would you need caustic sink reloads?
Those are made exclusively to cope with extensive caustic damage of Maelstroms. We were fine with decontamination limpets and heat burn prior of titans' arrival.

Caustic sinks are extremely useful for AX conflict zones as the longer you spend blowing up interceptors and scouts the more clouds you'll end up flying through. My 3 AX conflict zone ships all have caustic sink launchers and they get used a lot.

Last edit: 06 Mar 2024, 11:09pm
06 Mar 2024, 11:23pm
EpisparhIf there are no titans why would you need caustic sink reloads?
Those are made exclusively to cope with extensive caustic damage of Maelstroms. We were fine with decontamination limpets and heat burn prior of titans' arrival.

To each their own, but ... I find it more convenient to have caustic sinks, and not have to burn two slots accommodating a cargo rack and limpet controller.

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