Elite: Game talk

06 Mar 2024, 11:37pm
Kasumi Gotoand I’m still very critical of Aegis for their chosen method of “disposal” - would like to see something from Frontier on people calling out that killing something by overheating it to death or to the point where its fusion core turns into a giga-nuke ripping it apart from the inside is a pretty shitty, dirty weapon

The nanite torpedoes aren't the cleanest weapon humanity's ever built, but they do have a very limited scope and are about as surgical as one could wish for under the circumstances. Can't be used against scouts, hunters, interceptors, etc... Just the Titans.

I know your feelings on this and I understand, but I think these are a long, long way from say Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Thargoids even have ample time (multiple days) to evacuate the Titan before it overloads, and if you hang around prior to, you can actually see them streaming out of the maw on a pretty regular basis.

The lousy part is that (as you have said before) the Titans are probably living entities, like all of their biomechanical ships, and it's not going to feel like a million bucks while parts of you cook themselves over the course of a few days. And in that respect it's probably inhumane.
06 Mar 2024, 11:52pm
The Titans only go into an evacuation phase in the last day when they enter that so-called meltdown state. And having observed Taranis, I know what that looks like. The maw and exit points are constantly active just to get the remaining Thargoids onboard out of there over defending the Titan, which they will right up until its last heart goes down. Before that point, leaving Thargoids are still sent out to the surrounding systems which the Titan holds or intends to attack.

You know what the other problem with that is? Those things are one of the main heat-producing components of the Titan - given that they frequently are open only when the heat vents ar, or the vents open up shortly therafter - and it just makes things even worse for it while it ensures as many Thargoids as is possible can get off it. I can’t imagine that it is any better than getting eaten alive by a highly ‘virulent’ and lethal mushroom. And you don’t know if every Thargoid will have made it off the Titan before it goes.

How can I be sure the Titans only go into evacuation during the last day? Because Scouts under normal operation will never exit through the primary maw, yet I’ve most definitely seen them leave through it on Taranis in its last moments.

I don’t think I’ll want to discuss this much further. I don’t enjoy the subject and it just upsets me more the more I think about it. Another large part of that is that Aegis has just decided to forgo all consequences or considerations that attacking the Titans might have to rush the ‘war’ to an end, for… what reason?

Preventing further loss of human life only goes so far for me as the explanation. This is not an extreme genocidal threat actively marching and burning territory in the Bubble scorched earth style, yet it feels way too much like it is being presented as one, and it does not feel genuine in the slightest.

*From an in-character perspective.

This war was already a slaughterhouse of madness before. But this one ‘simple’ change just made it a hundred times worse. And if I’m sitting here listening to that eerie ambience left behind after Taranis’ destruction, I do not get the impression of “You did a good job of bringing down the Titan, player”.

Last edit: 06 Mar 2024, 11:59pm
07 Mar 2024, 12:48am
I’m working towards getting the corvette. I primarily use my ships as an all around, with trading and the occasional combat thrown in. How do y’all use your ships mainly? Mining, Trading, Combat? I’m just curious because everyone plays the game differently.
- Good luck Commanders.
07 Mar 2024, 1:50am
Most of mine are either single or dual purpose.

Any general purpose ship is because I have not decided what role to put it in
07 Mar 2024, 1:55am
Since I had a variety of ship roles already covered by the time I got a Corvette, I went full combat loadout with it. Usually don't need anything else with it.
07 Mar 2024, 3:38am
To vette that's the best choice. although it can be used as a transport but not nearly as good at like the conda or cutter.
07 Mar 2024, 10:26am
MikeHarding19I’m working towards getting the corvette. I primarily use my ships as an all around, with trading and the occasional combat thrown in. How do y’all use your ships mainly? Mining, Trading, Combat? I’m just curious because everyone plays the game differently.
- Good luck Commanders.

Trading isn't the Corvette forte.
You'd be better off with an Imperial Cutter, I have both, I wouldn't use the Imperial Cutter for bounty hunting, the corvette eat them for breakfast, but when it comes to hauling the Cutter is even better than a T9, it has speed, capacity, can easily defeat an interdiction and is armed enough to kill any pirate thrown at it.

btw, the Cutter also can do mining...


07 Mar 2024, 1:47pm
Thinder...when it comes to hauling the Cutter is even better than a T9, it has speed, capacity, can easily defeat an interdiction and is armed enough to kill any pirate thrown at it.

Better except for the price. But once you get to the point of buying a cutter, you are likely not worried about the price or paying the rebuy cost if you accidentally hit boost 2KM above a high-G planet.
07 Mar 2024, 2:07pm
Oh, I got it. Making the decals black is too difficult. It's too much to expect. The team that had made the previous sets like the ship name and ID in two variations doesn't work in FDev anymore and nobody can reach their level of proficiency at the moment. Lol. :p

07 Mar 2024, 2:10pm
I find it almost more ironic that they used a Cobra for the decal. As though Jameson returned after he delivered the mycoid. Or felt like he did a good thing by doing so (he did not).
07 Mar 2024, 2:13pm
The fix is obvious, Meowers. Repaint the ship black and rename it the Roasted Marshmallow.
07 Mar 2024, 2:24pm
Nah. Only Thargoids are getting roasted in my shift!

("Another settlement needs your help!")

Kasumi GotoI find it almost more ironic that they used a Cobra for the decal. As though Jameson returned after he delivered the mycoid. Or felt like he did a good thing by doing so (he did not).
Kind of, 'default ship' on the decals etc. Thanks not the Python. :p

Last edit: 07 Mar 2024, 3:05pm
07 Mar 2024, 3:45pm
FDev are particularly obsessed by the Cobra ... even naming their engine after it.

Building the Cobra
07 Mar 2024, 3:51pm
EpisparhFDev are particularly obsessed by the Cobra ... even naming their engine after it.
Yeah, and all the computer stuff you could see in on-foot content, runs 'CobraOS'. Okay, I understand, first (and only playable, though you can't have an outside view of it) ship in the original '84 Elite.
07 Mar 2024, 3:58pm
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the four ships is actually a cobra. A Grand or King Cobra with the length of the Anaconda and the width of Type-9 with x2 the Cutter shield potential and more firepower than Corvette but still as maneuverable and nimble as Cobra MkII

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