Elite: Game talk

08 Mar 2024, 12:21am
MikeHarding19Thanks for the input everyone. I have the Cutter and the Anaconda. Once I have the corvette I’ll put the prismatic shields on and try bounty hunting with it. Again thanks everyone.

No problem. I have 3 ships dedicated to bounty hunting, the Corvette is the most suited to heavy duty, assassination missions, Combat zones etc.

From time to time I use my Krait Mk II or the MEGITSUNE, a Keelback fitted for SpecOps missions in Resource Extraction Site [High], where join a kill party and collect the pieces, including escape pods.

But obviously the Corvette is the most efficient for Combat.
08 Mar 2024, 12:47am
If Guardian relics are little supercomputers with clusters of microscopic nanites defending them, and these nanites react aggressively against Thargoid biotechnology and disrupt it on a molecular level... How did the Thargoids manage to reverse engineer the Guardian-derived Proteus Wave and use it against humans?

I'm just asking questions.
08 Mar 2024, 1:01am
Questions which the narrative seems to have forgotten or wants us to ask for the event that the Thargoids figure out “Hey, humans made these by plugging the funny crystals into our machines and they can make Thargoid-Guardian hybrid stuff”, so the nanites kind of just stop working on Titans*.

(I mean really, I would have asked if the Thargoids wouldn’t just happen to know about these already because their machines make them and somehow don’t disintegrate in front of our eyes. While they used to previously vaporize all Guardian tech.)

*If we are not already seeing that with Leigong rather than its apparent toughness being down to its damage resistance and possibly lower player participation.
08 Mar 2024, 1:53am
Aegis just announced that Taranis made a final cry to wake up goids hatchings implanted into human abductees...
08 Mar 2024, 1:57am
Have they, now? Because I don’t remember seeing anything.

(And how would they have missed that? Actually serious question.)
08 Mar 2024, 2:12am
MikeHarding19I’m working towards getting the corvette. I primarily use my ships as an all around, with trading and the occasional combat thrown in. How do y’all use your ships mainly? Mining, Trading, Combat? I’m just curious because everyone plays the game differently.
- Good luck Commanders.

Trading isn't the Corvette forte.
You'd be better off with an Imperial Cutter, I have both, I wouldn't use the Imperial Cutter for bounty hunting, the corvette eat them for breakfast, but when it comes to hauling the Cutter is even better than a T9, it has speed, capacity, can easily defeat an interdiction and is armed enough to kill any pirate thrown at it.

btw, the Cutter also can do mining...



Agreed, even the best cutter build going to result a flying brick it can pack quite a punch, but way too easily outmaneuvered.
08 Mar 2024, 3:09am

Agreed, even the best cutter build going to result a flying brick it can pack quite a punch, but way too easily outmaneuvered.

The problem of the Cutter and the Anaconda is that they offer a huge target combined with low maneuverability.

To be honest, they are my favorite targets while bounty hunting, but what I have noticed is that when upgrading the Thruster to its maximum, it results in increased drift.

To counter this I can use boosting and thrusters which the Corvette can do all day long, she is comparatively slow, but maneuverable with good pitch and roll rates which provide with longer time on target than what can be achieved by a Cutter or an Anaconda.

Time on target is important, at equal fire power, the longer you can fire at your target, the higher the chances to kill it before your shields are down, since the Corvette has the possibility to fit tons of shield, combined with Shield Cell Banks, if one manages them properly it is very hard to kill.

In my last upgrade, I lowered the shield Thermal strength and increased protection against Remote Release Flechette Launcher (just in case, I don't play PVP so I never come across one ship equipped with them), the ship is lighter, and I still can manage my shields without issues even when fighting several ships at the same time.

Last edit: 08 Mar 2024, 6:59am
08 Mar 2024, 6:50am
good morning commanders, anyone happen to know what is a good selling mining material that i can just sit in a belt for hours and just mine? I use to hit up the triple painite spots back when they were good for selling but now they dont sell for as much now adays.
08 Mar 2024, 7:41am
I bloody swear those NPC pilots have a little game of "Let's make that Hydra turn its side to her all the time". :p
08 Mar 2024, 3:06pm
Reye Ardagood morning commanders, anyone happen to know what is a good selling mining material that i can just sit in a belt for hours and just mine? I use to hit up the triple painite spots back when they were good for selling but now they dont sell for as much now adays.

To me, a good material is any that are selling at high prices and high demand and are within a jump or two of the buying station. Other than tritium for the carrier I have not been profit mining for a while, but after searching through the commodities markets it looks like Monazite and Rhodplumsite are going for fairly high prices. Of course, prices depend on the station and the demand.
08 Mar 2024, 4:25pm
Kasumi GotoHave they, now? Because I don’t remember seeing anything.

(And how would they have missed that? Actually serious question.)

Yeap, you are about to become a host parent of little crawling goids...
08 Mar 2024, 7:55pm
Vasil Vasilescu
Reye Ardagood morning commanders, anyone happen to know what is a good selling mining material that i can just sit in a belt for hours and just mine? I use to hit up the triple painite spots back when they were good for selling but now they dont sell for as much now adays.

To me, a good material is any that are selling at high prices and high demand and are within a jump or two of the buying station. Other than tritium for the carrier I have not been profit mining for a while, but after searching through the commodities markets it looks like Monazite and Rhodplumsite are going for fairly high prices. Of course, prices depend on the station and the demand.

Mining Tritium for your F.C is always a good idea when you need it. In fact, the only reason why I retain this capability is to make sure I don't run dry during mishandled exploration runs, but I didn't develop mining further than laser mining.

Tritium can also be sold with profit if you don't plan a long trip like Colonia and back which I have done several times over with my F.C.

I find Colonia exotic but frankly apart for new Engineers, I haven't find much interest in the location, other players might find exploration of new systems interesting tough.
08 Mar 2024, 8:04pm
Kasumi GotoHave they, now? Because I don’t remember seeing anything.

(And how would they have missed that? Actually serious question.)

Yeap, you are about to become a host parent of little crawling goids...

Damn it, I told them I didn’t want kids. Especially not a bunch of little, rowdy Thargoids.
08 Mar 2024, 8:05pm
Reye Ardagood morning commanders, anyone happen to know what is a good selling mining material that i can just sit in a belt for hours and just mine? I use to hit up the triple painite spots back when they were good for selling but now they dont sell for as much now adays.

Laser mining platinum is kind of the meta and has been for a while, though it is not super exciting. But if that's your thing, go for it.

In terms of credits-per-hour, Orthrus hunting at spire sites is probably the top earner, followed by exobiology, and then stacking massacre missions, wing mining missions, etc.

Last edit: 08 Mar 2024, 8:11pm
08 Mar 2024, 8:21pm
MikeHarding19I’m working towards getting the corvette. I primarily use my ships as an all around, with trading and the occasional combat thrown in. How do y’all use your ships mainly? Mining, Trading, Combat? I’m just curious because everyone plays the game differently.
- Good luck Commanders.

Trading isn't the Corvette forte.
You'd be better off with an Imperial Cutter, I have both, I wouldn't use the Imperial Cutter for bounty hunting, the corvette eat them for breakfast, but when it comes to hauling the Cutter is even better than a T9, it has speed, capacity, can easily defeat an interdiction and is armed enough to kill any pirate thrown at it.

btw, the Cutter also can do mining...



Agreed, even the best cutter build going to result a flying brick it can pack quite a punch, but way too easily outmaneuvered.

I dont necessarily agree, especially in pve. If you have good range control and long range weapons you can have just as high time on target and its viable for pvp as well. The cutter just isnt as much fun to fly in my opinion.

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