Elite: Game talk

08 Mar 2024, 8:31pm
Thinder I find Colonia exotic but frankly apart for new Engineers, I haven't find much interest in the location, other players might find exploration of new systems interesting tough.

One benefit of Colonia for miner/traders is that things are closer to one another. The sell prices are not as high as in the bubble, but there are cases where you can buy commodities at one station and sell them at a huge profit to another station in the same system, or just one system away. Good mining sites were never more than 30LY from a station paying premium prices. Mining and trading are not exciting, but I find them relaxing, and I made a two and a half butt-tons of credits doing it the last time I was in Colonia.
08 Mar 2024, 8:39pm

Trading isn't the Corvette forte.
You'd be better off with an Imperial Cutter, I have both, I wouldn't use the Imperial Cutter for bounty hunting, the corvette eat them for breakfast, but when it comes to hauling the Cutter is even better than a T9, it has speed, capacity, can easily defeat an interdiction and is armed enough to kill any pirate thrown at it.

btw, the Cutter also can do mining...



Agreed, even the best cutter build going to result a flying brick it can pack quite a punch, but way too easily outmaneuvered.

I dont necessarily agree, especially in pve. If you have good range control and long range weapons you can have just as high time on target and its viable for pvp as well. The cutter just isnt as much fun to fly in my opinion.

At equal weaponry, less time on target due to lack of pointability is not working for you, that's a fact.

Best example is my Beam Laser [Fixed] fit; both 3C and 1E (just realized I need to finish to engineer one of the 1e), maximum range, fall off at the same max range.

I always start by taking down the target shield, so when the other weapons start to fire, the damage is immediately higher, I saw no evidence of a Cutter able to take down my shield this way ever, even with equivalent weapons, time on target due to pointability and superior shielding works for me.

Last edit: 08 Mar 2024, 9:37pm
08 Mar 2024, 8:50pm
Kasumi Goto
Kasumi GotoHave they, now? Because I don’t remember seeing anything.

(And how would they have missed that? Actually serious question.)

Yeap, you are about to become a host parent of little crawling goids...

Damn it, I told them I didn’t want kids. Especially not a bunch of little, rowdy Thargoids.

...and the best part but not the least it won't be food shortage for them based on your body type...
08 Mar 2024, 10:28pm

I decided to play a little game with some Sentinels at a Guardian site to see how far up I could lure them with my ship. I stopped when they were at five kilometers and showing no sign of stopping.
08 Mar 2024, 11:57pm
Can Someone take me on Thargoid Titans Hunt?
09 Mar 2024, 1:02am
It isn't a 'hunt', more like infiltration and sabotage. And, if you're talking about your Chieftain, you'd better start with equipping it with non-Guardian loadout. Those guns suck a lot of bent rusty barrels but, if doing everything right, you don't even have to actually fight there, only damage the vent core (and I'd recommend AX Missile Racks for that, but fighting Scouts and Hunters with them is more difficult).

'Hunting' was more about Interceptors previously. Now, they hunt us. Try to. Lol.

Last edit: 09 Mar 2024, 1:34am
09 Mar 2024, 12:08pm

Agreed, even the best cutter build going to result a flying brick it can pack quite a punch, but way too easily outmaneuvered.

I dont necessarily agree, especially in pve. If you have good range control and long range weapons you can have just as high time on target and its viable for pvp as well. The cutter just isnt as much fun to fly in my opinion.

At equal weaponry, less time on target due to lack of pointability is not working for you, that's a fact.

Best example is my Beam Laser [Fixed] fit; both 3C and 1E (just realized I need to finish to engineer one of the 1e), maximum range, fall off at the same max range.

I always start by taking down the target shield, so when the other weapons start to fire, the damage is immediately higher, I saw no evidence of a Cutter able to take down my shield this way ever, even with equivalent weapons, time on target due to pointability and superior shielding works for me.

First of all, if you fly correctly in pve, any ship can have the same time on target, the slightly higher pitch and yaw of a corvette wont make it better for that, it just might mean most people prefer it. I will admit the hardpoints and c8 distributor allow for more flexibility in builds. Plus if you fly the cutter in flight assist on its pretty annoying so i understand why people dont wanna use it.

"I saw no evidence of a Cutter able to take down my shield this way ever, even with equivalent weapons, time on target due to pointability and superior shielding works for me." You mean no npc cutter? well yes, theyre not engineered at all for the most part and they cant fly, no wonder. Plus their builds are shit. And also, cutter has actually superior shielding compared to corvette, it has a better shield multiplier, can have a larger generator and more shields in banks so that doesnt hold up either.

That being said, i still think the corvette is sort of the "pve king" and i use my corvettes a lot but all i was trying to demonstrate is that the cutter can be extremely viable and with the correct build can even be better than most corvettes out there at pve.

This footage showcases it pretty well: https://youtu.be/9Q5TJ3cqLTQ?si=IkH9NKnOlvGS_vSV

I cant really finish czs this quickly in any of my corvette builds. You can sort of do a similar thing on the corvette and put rails on the huge hardpoints but then youll only end up with like 3 medium and 2 small rails that you can use (the medium hardpoints dont line up well for fixed hitscan weapons) so for that loadout the cutter is actually better.

As for pvp, the cutter is pretty viable as well, loadouts like Plasmas / pacifiers can hold their own against corvettes if you know how to fly. And the cutter is probably better in ax as well due to its superior speed.
09 Mar 2024, 10:30pm
The problem of the Cutter and the Anaconda is that they offer a huge target combined with low maneuverability.

To be honest, they are my favorite targets while bounty hunting, but what I have noticed is that when upgrading the Thruster to its maximum, it results in increased drift.

To counter this I can use boosting and thrusters which the Corvette can do all day long, she is comparatively slow, but maneuverable with good pitch and roll rates which provide with longer time on target than what can be achieved by a Cutter or an Anaconda.

Aye, flies like a brick turns like a whale. The cost of begin the big girl. On the other hand, Conda can have an impressive Jump range if its engineered correctly, and cutter the big hauler.

And someone earlier mentioned he was accidentally flied into the planet with a cutter.

Well, than, that's what boosters and overshooting for. Pull up, and hit the after burner if you approaching too fast but you has to time it right and punch boost early on, otherwise? It's just makes things worse, and fly straight into that sizeable space rock with afterburners on...
10 Mar 2024, 10:13pm
GhoustREIDERCan Someone take me on Thargoid Titans Hunt?

Like crew?
13 Mar 2024, 8:18am
Dammit, still a whole lot of 'em in Kagutsuchi. Need moar shreddin'! Going to do that all day... :p
14 Mar 2024, 10:12am
Vasil VasilescuBetter except for the price. But once you get to the point of buying a cutter, you are likely not worried about the price or paying the rebuy cost if you accidentally hit boost 2KM above a high-G planet.

The Cutter is one of the few ships that can actually survive such a crash landing. It's an excellent shield tank.
14 Mar 2024, 2:24pm
Leigong’s damage resistance is down to ‘Compromised’. Might not be a terrible idea for those who’d like their rewards to get a few shots in on its core before it gets obliterated with (presumably) the weekend. Or Friday, I’d guess.

(If you have the time to go to it, of course.)
14 Mar 2024, 2:41pm
The Taranis cloud is now accessible....
14 Mar 2024, 2:47pm
Indeed. And I expect a CG for that, maybe today already. Not much of a point in collecting the bits scattered around until something to do with them appears. Other than stockpiling while exploring a new-ish activity, anyway.

Was there with main already, right now just being a lazy idiot writing on the phone where my alt’s logged in.
14 Mar 2024, 3:17pm
Jana RazekiLeigong’s damage resistance is down to ‘Compromised’. Might not be a terrible idea for those who’d like their rewards to get a few shots in on its core before it gets obliterated with (presumably) the weekend. Or Friday, I’d guess.

(If you have the time to go to it, of course.)

Leigong's already lost 1.25 hearts in the hour and a half I've been out here. It's not long for this world.

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