Elite: Game talk

14 Mar 2024, 3:19pm
It was already at 70+% on the first heart at the time of the weekly reset, actually. It's not quite that fast.

(And I'm on my laptop now.)
14 Mar 2024, 3:21pm
It was at 25% when I checked it at 1325Z, it's now (1521Z) lost the first heart entirely and 33% of the way through the second.
14 Mar 2024, 3:35pm
Just have a look here under Leigong, Titan. And click/tap on the system name for a more in-depth overview and history. You'll see it was already approaching 70% on the first heart yesterday, after a week of people bashing their heads against the brick wall of its defense rating.

14 Mar 2024, 3:39pm
I believe you saw what you saw, I know I saw what I saw in the galaxy map UI. I cannot tell you how to reconcile these differing data points.

We're approaching 50% lost on Heart 2 in the 15 minutes since I posted. It's disappearing fast.
14 Mar 2024, 3:43pm
The galaxy map UI is prone to bugs. Just some 30 minutes ago I saw someone post a screenshot of the second ring full even though it was at ~2/3 full(33% damage or thereabouts).

Either way, I'm not expecting the Titan to last past Friday at this rate, not without some funny stuff happening around it once it has lost 4 hearts or something.
14 Mar 2024, 3:50pm
So, the next starfish stomp has commenced.

Or, given the tendency to call Thargoid ships murder flowers, this is the next deflowering.
15 Mar 2024, 2:32pm
Done Leigong. Leave the titan for the masses to finish off. Heading to Oya.

Is scythe tissue sampling still the most efficient way to progress a controlled system?
15 Mar 2024, 3:09pm

Is scythe tissue sampling still the most efficient way to progress a controlled system?

It is indeed (tissue sampling in general, I'm told bugging scouts into being inert is the preferred method but you need several players for that iirc), if you can suffer through the boredom. But combat appears to basically still be worthless bar a full AXI-level focus on a particular control with fighting.

Alternatively - you can club Orthrus at a spire or sabotage them. That will support the effort too.
16 Mar 2024, 3:33am
A cat (Meowers) question - do you think this current Titan mess is just going to go over smoothly for humans with all eight of them? (Or not?)

And yeah, I need to remember which account I’m logged in with where. But at least it’s not gonna look like the same person posting twice in a row.
16 Mar 2024, 6:12am
I'd rather mew in response but uh, okay. I assume, yep. It is. But the Titans, Titan-bombing, station defence, AXCZ etc. aren't going anywhere, I hope. Too much of a gameplay to lose.
17 Mar 2024, 5:19am
They has to dealt with, this is not a matter of choice, to needlessly keep doing something cannot possibly end well? Is...
17 Mar 2024, 8:18pm
Jana RazekiA cat (Meowers) question - do you think this current Titan mess is just going to go over smoothly for humans with all eight of them? (Or not?)

I would expect not, it would just be too easy. There's more out there, maybe the Titans are their capital ships, but maybe not, there could be something bigger, or more likely just another set to turn up with upgrades.

There's also the option for expedition to trace where they came from and take the war to the Tharg worlds.
18 Mar 2024, 2:50am
I don't think the war'll go over to their home space. I can understand us holding our own when we have home advantage and Guardian technology, but taking on Thargoids on their home turf (which we don't even know where that is)? Ehhh... yeah, I dunno. That'd stretch the limits of the believable a little too much. And the only people that have a reason to pursue the Thargoids there are Salvation's nutjobs. Who, I believe, are no longer very popular after the Proteus Wave and its colossal failure.

There is a good chance some of this may well end up reused for whatever that great old powerplay rework is. Will it interest me? Summer will have to tell ...

On a related note, Leigong meeting an explosive demise in Taranis 2.0 fashion was... not really anywhere near as impressive. I did experience it in a slightly different way by actively participating in evacuation of onboard humans, and maybe flinching a few times when an explosion on the hull occurred right where my ship was (even though they don't appear to cause any damage). Or where I either just pulled out/was about to pull out a bunch of pods from. (Which I'm also sure is not in the game code but shhh.)

... I also don't expect things to go so easily even if the two first Titans were relatively problem-free. But I'd be hard pressed to provide guesses as to what those plot twists might be. I just feel like... something still needs to be there for the inevitable return of Salvation in Nemesis form to actually matter. Even if it would be quite funny to see him arrive, find that the Thargoid situation is dealt with, shrug and just go back away.
18 Mar 2024, 4:43pm
They've hinted that an evil disembodied Salvation is a possibility, but then also hinted that the recovered abductees might invade Westeros the bubble, and that doesn't seem to be going anywhere either.

While it would be kind of 50s pulp-novel fun for Salvation to wreak havoc, half of me is hoping they are going to learn from another franchise and avoid the whole "somehow, Palpatine has returned" debacle.

I wouldn't mind NPC-only Thargoid and Guardian factions + territories in the PP re-work, though. Just to liven things up and add an element of unpredictability to the usual Fed/Imp player-driven conflict.
18 Mar 2024, 5:03pm
"Evil" depends on perspective. He was obsessed with Thargoids so he wouldn't necessarily have a problem with humanity(though I've seen people suggest this because of possible memory corruption due to interference from the Proteus Wave, yada yada), but the reception of his return might be rather lukewarm. Don't really need to say why, do I?

Still not sold on this current direction from Aegis. "Overjoyed at the results" glosses over what the torpedoes make an - arguably? - living creature suffer through, and those humans that get vaporized with the majority of the Titan. Or just doesn't address them at all beyond that original mention before their release for public use. Saving human lives, ok, fine, but this seems like a step a little too far from someone who claimed to want communication with the Thargoids.

The way I see it, blasting eight of their expensive motherships won't make them too interested. And claiming that the force approach will make them want to behave rather than continue the war, as humans would, is just doing the same 'humanizing' that peace advocates are accused of. Only in the other direction.

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