Elite: Game talk

26 Jul 2016, 12:11pm
Silverdrake220Ok, so I know some of this is a skill thing and still learning about this game and have not by no means fully mastered it. I make be asking to much from my ships, but  how and  why when ever I get into a dog fight  on my own I seem to just get ripped apart? Example  playing  yesterday  I got jumped my and  NPC  while running a Data Transfer mission I was in a ASP explorer  First time the NPC  jumped me  I was dead before I could even find out what type of ship it was. the second time  same NPC  was flying a Federal gunship. This time I  did at least get to deplot weapons and  target him before  he killed me, but it seems to be the norm any ship just seems to be able to take any ship I have apart in no short order  where I have to pound and most any thing to kill it. Any  suggestions  or help would be  so Welcome.

Since the 2.1 patch, AI have been far more deadly, and this even after Frontier tweaked them DOWN several notches. I used to relish most interdictions whether in my Cobra or ASP, and especially the Vulture as it meant a nice bounty for me. Now I usually RUN unless the Interdictor is relatively low in combat rating or in a small ship.

Even in the RES zones Bounty Hunting in the Vulture, ships I used to take on solo without a second thought give me pause. I used to routinely go up against Python's or smaller (though Imperial Clippers ALWAYS gave me a hard time) without much worry. NOW pretty much only Sidewinders/Eagles/Vipers and the occasional ASP, DBS, Imperial Courier. Even then if there is a Police presences, or other attackers I wait for them to do some damage before jumping in. When winged up it's a different story, but by myself I have gotten much more careful.
26 Jul 2016, 10:26pm
This is probably a silly question, but how long will sites like this one and things like sidewinder radio going to be around? Also what is the life expectancy of elite. Not trying to be chicken little here, I really enjoy this game and want to see it around for a long time. I want to see it grow and and keep growning. It dose have a lot of supposed challenges ahead with other games coming out. I sorta take that with a grain of salt because every Game like wow that came out was supposed to dethrone wow and non ever did. I just want to keep playing and enjoying everything this game has to offer including sites like this one that add to the game and game play
26 Jul 2016, 10:55pm
Silverdrake220Ok, so I know some of this is a skill thing and still learning about this game and have not by no means fully mastered it. I make be asking to much from my ships, but  how and  why when ever I get into a dog fight  on my own I seem to just get ripped apart? Example  playing  yesterday  I got jumped my and  NPC  while running a Data Transfer mission I was in a ASP explorer  First time the NPC  jumped me  I was dead before I could even find out what type of ship it was. the second time  same NPC  was flying a Federal gunship. This time I  did at least get to deplot weapons and  target him before  he killed me, but it seems to be the norm any ship just seems to be able to take any ship I have apart in no short order  where I have to pound and most any thing to kill it. Any  suggestions  or help would be  so Welcome.

Since the 2.1 patch, AI have been far more deadly, and this even after Frontier tweaked them DOWN several notches. I used to relish most interdictions whether in my Cobra or ASP, and especially the Vulture as it meant a nice bounty for me. Now I usually RUN unless the Interdictor is relatively low in combat rating or in a small ship.

Even in the RES zones Bounty Hunting in the Vulture, ships I used to take on solo without a second thought give me pause. I used to routinely go up against Python's or smaller (though Imperial Clippers ALWAYS gave me a hard time) without much worry. NOW pretty much only Sidewinders/Eagles/Vipers and the occasional ASP, DBS, Imperial Courier. Even then if there is a Police presences, or other attackers I wait for them to do some damage before jumping in. When winged up it's a different story, but by myself I have gotten much more careful.
I also bounty hunt the same way hook up with a system authority wing and blast away I acual enjoy that. I am going to work on engines and my flight skill so I my self can become more deadly
27 Jul 2016, 1:38am
27 Jul 2016, 2:08am
Hey Artie,

I was looking through the Galaxy section, to find some info on a particular system, and saw that it wasn't there, (the info, not the system itself). Is there a way for players to update data to Inara, regarding existing systems? Sorry, if this was already asked.

27 Jul 2016, 5:56am
Crassus AchenarisIf Frontier developers were to re-balance ships in Elite, which one would you like to see nerfed the most?
Vote here: http://www.strawpoll.me/10843015

I'm very happy that the majority so far voted none. There is no ship that requires nerfing, but there sure are some that need buffing.
27 Jul 2016, 9:41am
CharlieSixHey Artie,

I was looking through the Galaxy section, to find some info on a particular system, and saw that it wasn't there, (the info, not the system itself). Is there a way for players to update data to Inara, regarding existing systems? Sorry, if this was already asked.


Hello, what kind of info were you looking for? In any case, there is planned to add a (more or less) complete star system information including celestial bodies, probably soon.
27 Jul 2016, 9:54am
CharlieSixHey Artie,

I was looking through the Galaxy section, to find some info on a particular system, and saw that it wasn't there, (the info, not the system itself). Is there a way for players to update data to Inara, regarding existing systems? Sorry, if this was already asked.


Hello, what kind of info were you looking for? In any case, there is planned to add a (more or less) complete star system information including celestial bodies, probably soon.

Thanks for getting back to me!

Basically, the entire Market info for the system in question, is blank. If the system is in lockdown, then perhaps it might be possible to have some kind of indicator for system that maintain a state of lockdown, beyond one cycle?


Thanks for getting back to me!

Basically, the entire Market info for the system in question, is blank. If the system is in lockdown, then perhaps it might be possible to have some kind of indicator for system that maintain a state of lockdown, beyond one cycle?

27 Jul 2016, 11:58am

I also bounty hunt the same way hook up with a system authority wing and blast away I acual enjoy that. I am going to work on engines and my flight skill so I my self can become more deadly

LOL... last night I did not take my own advice. Was cruising around the HIGH RES in MURUS waiting for the Authorities to show up. Blasted a little Eagle hoping to invite a police presence but finally got antsy and decided to take on an Asp Explorer. How hard could it be in a Vulture??? I think he was rated either Dangerous or Deadly.

Long story short, I waited too long to run away, tried to LOW WAKE out and got Mass Locked. By the time I switched to a High Wake escape, my Thrusters went down and I was probably about 1 second away from JUMP when I got vaporized. The loss of the ship and the ~1.5 million insurance didn't hurt as much as the loss of the almost 1.5 million in Bounties in other jurisdictions (Federation/Alliance) that I was counting on cashing in after the CG..

After that, hunting wasn't very good and I came away with about 800K for the night, well short of average, but still in the Top 10% for the CG, so I will still end up on the plus side..
27 Jul 2016, 3:52pm

I also bounty hunt the same way hook up with a system authority wing and blast away I acual enjoy that. I am going to work on engines and my flight skill so I my self can become more deadly

LOL... last night I did not take my own advice. Was cruising around the HIGH RES in MURUS waiting for the Authorities to show up. Blasted a little Eagle hoping to invite a police presence but finally got antsy and decided to take on an Asp Explorer. How hard could it be in a Vulture??? I think he was rated either Dangerous or Deadly.

Long story short, I waited too long to run away, tried to LOW WAKE out and got Mass Locked. By the time I switched to a High Wake escape, my Thrusters went down and I was probably about 1 second away from JUMP when I got vaporized. The loss of the ship and the ~1.5 million insurance didn't hurt as much as the loss of the almost 1.5 million in Bounties in other jurisdictions (Federation/Alliance) that I was counting on cashing in after the CG..

After that, hunting wasn't very good and I came away with about 800K for the night, well short of average, but still in the Top 10% for the CG, so I will still end up on the plus side..

I also bounty hunt the same way hook up with a system authority wing and blast away I acual enjoy that. I am going to work on engines and my flight skill so I my self can become more deadly

LOL... last night I did not take my own advice. Was cruising around the HIGH RES in MURUS waiting for the Authorities to show up. Blasted a little Eagle hoping to invite a police presence but finally got antsy and decided to take on an Asp Explorer. How hard could it be in a Vulture??? I think he was rated either Dangerous or Deadly.

Long story short, I waited too long to run away, tried to LOW WAKE out and got Mass Locked. By the time I switched to a High Wake escape, my Thrusters went down and I was probably about 1 second away from JUMP when I got vaporized. The loss of the ship and the ~1.5 million insurance didn't hurt as much as the loss of the almost 1.5 million in Bounties in other jurisdictions (Federation/Alliance) that I was counting on cashing in after the CG..

After that, hunting wasn't very good and I came away with about 800K for the night, well short of average, but still in the Top 10% for the CG, so I will still end up on the plus side..

Have Been in Carthage running supplies so far, the last day of the even I planned on doing nothing besides BH in Carthage. I have done the same thing. I have been collecting bounties get beat up a bit, know you should take what you have and turn it in. then you see that last ship and your like just one more. and bomb its gone all gone
27 Jul 2016, 6:58pm
Thanks for getting back to me!
Basically, the entire Market info for the system in question, is blank. If the system is in lockdown, then perhaps it might be possible to have some kind of indicator for system that maintain a state of lockdown, beyond one cycle?

That kind of info can be edited manually for sure, any station and star system (except coords) property can be edited and also market data can be entered manually or imported (via .csv file or via EDMarketConnector/EDDN). So if do you will find any incomplete info, feel free to update it (appropriate edit buttons are usually on the right side of the header)
29 Jul 2016, 4:53am
Anyone know where I can find a Conflict Zone with a Capital Ship in it at the moment? I'm looking for a dynamic and chaotic battle to join in on!
29 Jul 2016, 10:35pm
does anyone know any good spots for fed rank grinding?

AKA Iron

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Jul 2016, 9:26am
30 Jul 2016, 3:35am
Yo- so, I just read a little about that first article, the one featuring Jasmina Hasley? It was talking about how humans have gone to the farthest lengths of their own abilities to obtain every natural resource, and now they are spreading throughout the cosmos. Now of course this game is purely science fiction but.. Say that we are the only intelligent beings in our little galaxy, and we've evolved past sickness and wars of conquest (or at least the death toll is minimal compared to scenes in today's society such as the Holocaust). When we learn how to travel across vast distances to escape our over populous planet-

Well what do y'all think? Do you think we could actually somehow over populate the Galaxy and squander its resources in the next three to five thousand years? Pending y'alls answers, wouldn't that be horrific. : /
30 Jul 2016, 3:42am
I understand your concerns, but the expanse of the galaxy itself is much too massive for us to have that kind of impact upon it. IMHO.

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