Elite: Game talk

25 Jul 2016, 5:24pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Silverdrake220but it seems to be the norm any ship just seems to be able to take any ship I have apart in no short order  where I have to pound and most any thing to kill it. Any  suggestions  or help would be  so Welcome.

To be honest, an Asp should not stand a chance against a Federal Gunship. You need to be quick at deciding whether to run or fight and getting info on the target is the first priority. If you're being interdicted, select the interdicting ship before you voluntarily drop. If it's a sidewinder, blow it a away. If it's an Anaconda, run for your life.

And if it's a Wing of 8 Sideweiners, you're truly screwed.
25 Jul 2016, 7:17pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Silverdrake220but it seems to be the norm any ship just seems to be able to take any ship I have apart in no short order  where I have to pound and most any thing to kill it. Any  suggestions  or help would be  so Welcome.

To be honest, an Asp should not stand a chance against a Federal Gunship. You need to be quick at deciding whether to run or fight and getting info on the target is the first priority. If you're being interdicted, select the interdicting ship before you voluntarily drop. If it's a sidewinder, blow it a away. If it's an Anaconda, run for your life.

I need to work on what class is, what as far as what to take on and what to run from. it just seems like if I am on my own its always a tough tough fight. i
25 Jul 2016, 7:25pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Silverdrake220but it seems to be the norm any ship just seems to be able to take any ship I have apart in no short order  where I have to pound and most any thing to kill it. Any  suggestions  or help would be  so Welcome.

To be honest, an Asp should not stand a chance against a Federal Gunship. You need to be quick at deciding whether to run or fight and getting info on the target is the first priority. If you're being interdicted, select the interdicting ship before you voluntarily drop. If it's a sidewinder, blow it a away. If it's an Anaconda, run for your life.

I need to work on what class is, what as far as what to take on and what to run from. it just seems like if I am on my own its always a tough tough fight. i

I've been playing for a year and some now, and still to this day, I find that manytimes when an NPC that has interdicted me, its a brutal fight.
25 Jul 2016, 8:29pm
Stryker Aune
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Silverdrake220but it seems to be the norm any ship just seems to be able to take any ship I have apart in no short order  where I have to pound and most any thing to kill it. Any  suggestions  or help would be  so Welcome.

To be honest, an Asp should not stand a chance against a Federal Gunship. You need to be quick at deciding whether to run or fight and getting info on the target is the first priority. If you're being interdicted, select the interdicting ship before you voluntarily drop. If it's a sidewinder, blow it a away. If it's an Anaconda, run for your life.

I need to work on what class is, what as far as what to take on and what to run from. it just seems like if I am on my own its always a tough tough fight. i

I've been playing for a year and some now, and still to this day, I find that manytimes when an NPC that has interdicted me, its a brutal fight.

Couldn't you just get out of your ship and smash theirs apart like the hulk?
25 Jul 2016, 8:47pm
Stryker Aune
Ozmundo Vasqualez[quote=Silverdrake220]but it seems to be the norm any ship just seems to be able to take any ship I have apart in no short order  where I have to pound and most any thing to kill it. Any  suggestions  or help would be  so Welcome.

To be honest, an Asp should not stand a chance against a Federal Gunship. You need to be quick at deciding whether to run or fight and getting info on the target is the first priority. If you're being interdicted, select the interdicting ship before you voluntarily drop. If it's a sidewinder, blow it a away. If it's an Anaconda, run for your life.

I need to work on what class is, what as far as what to take on and what to run from. it just seems like if I am on my own its always a tough tough fight. i

I've been playing for a year and some now, and still to this day, I find that manytimes when an NPC that has interdicted me, its a brutal fight.

Couldn't you just get out of your ship and smash theirs apart like the hulk?

Stryker Smaaaash...
25 Jul 2016, 10:31pm

Forgive me if this is in the wrong spot.

I have in my possession and "Unknown Artefact" and I don't know what to do with it. Any suggestions?
25 Jul 2016, 11:05pm
Get rid of it! It can only be use to cause trouble, and ultimately helps the Thargoids.
25 Jul 2016, 11:24pm
Well as it turns out, I decided to tinker with it a bit. I dropped out of supercruise and jettisoned it. When I did this, another ship (NPC) dropped in and Took it (no scooping) the "unkown Artefact" was gone. Poof! I assume the Npc Pilot took it with him when he Jumped. This pilot was "Clean" so I did not want to attack him. I am sad to not have the Artefact in my possesion, but happy to because it did some damage to my modules. I just wish i could have played with it a bit longer.
25 Jul 2016, 11:53pm
It's not a toy! Those things are dangerous! And Yes. It will damage your ship, it damages everything it touches. Like I said, the Thargoids sent it to scan and transmit data... And you brought it ON BOARD? Nuts!
26 Jul 2016, 12:02am
It seems like hauling the clearly-more-powerful-than-you-are unknown artifact is exactly the boneheaded move needed to launch an Elite-themed horror story.

Wheels in head begin to turn....
26 Jul 2016, 12:17am
lol where's the fun without a little play...

Understanding the game is the most fun for me.

thanks for your reply's.
26 Jul 2016, 12:17am
I'm down If you are Matt. I'll be awesome!
26 Jul 2016, 12:18am
Oh... PS: Yeah, it's boneheaded as hell! lol.
26 Jul 2016, 12:51am
Stryker Aune
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Silverdrake220but it seems to be the norm any ship just seems to be able to take any ship I have apart in no short order  where I have to pound and most any thing to kill it. Any  suggestions  or help would be  so Welcome.

To be honest, an Asp should not stand a chance against a Federal Gunship. You need to be quick at deciding whether to run or fight and getting info on the target is the first priority. If you're being interdicted, select the interdicting ship before you voluntarily drop. If it's a sidewinder, blow it a away. If it's an Anaconda, run for your life.

I need to work on what class is, what as far as what to take on and what to run from. it just seems like if I am on my own its always a tough tough fight. i

I've been playing for a year and some now, and still to this day, I find that manytimes when an NPC that has interdicted me, its a brutal fight.

Couldn't you just get out of your ship and smash theirs apart like the hulk?
Hulk skills are not top knotch but I would at least like to put up a bit of a fight, at least stay alive long enough to get the hell out of Dodge
26 Jul 2016, 2:38am
M. LehmanIt seems like hauling the clearly-more-powerful-than-you-are unknown artifact is exactly the boneheaded move needed to launch an Elite-themed horror story.

Wheels in head begin to turn....

THAT would definitely be worth a read to me! Go for it!
Best wishes,

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