Elite: Game talk

04 May 2024, 8:14pm
I never said p2w But give them time and it might happen. It depends how the new changes will be accepted and how desparate for cash they will become.
04 May 2024, 10:00pm
Some people are, so I mentioned it.

But I'm not pulling the gun on anything. So far, none of this is anything that particularly impacts my enjoyment of the game anyway...
04 May 2024, 10:13pm
If you need need need to have cosmetics right away, then sure you're going to get fleeced. That is how regular retail works, too. And that is okay, because FDev needs money to keep the lights on and servers running.

But if you'd rather be fleeced less, then hold out for the holiday sales when most of these cosmetics get deeply discounted. That's when you get the most bang for your buck.

Not really any different from the annual Steam sales, TBH.

Last edit: 04 May 2024, 10:20pm
04 May 2024, 10:56pm
Sooo... An expectable question. Where the hecks are the tons of lookalike boring bland copypasted Pee Mk2 screenshots?
04 May 2024, 11:45pm
You'll have to wait until the 7th for those to begin showing up.
05 May 2024, 4:21am
just curious why some wake scans return nothing? what's the % of getting data vs getting nothing?
05 May 2024, 5:57am
Faizajust curious why some wake scans return nothing? what's the % of getting data vs getting nothing?

It is a casino AKA rng for players' enjoyment
05 May 2024, 6:48am
Faizajust curious why some wake scans return nothing? what's the % of getting data vs getting nothing?

It is a casino AKA rng for players' enjoyment

It's enjoyment if you are into taking a cat-o-nine-tails across your own back...just sayin'
05 May 2024, 7:08am
Talon Avex
Faizajust curious why some wake scans return nothing? what's the % of getting data vs getting nothing?

It is a casino AKA rng for players' enjoyment

It's enjoyment if you are into taking a cat-o-nine-tails across your own back...just sayin'

oh, that's alright then

it's not too bad....i don't really need that many anyway for pve...right? >.>;;
06 May 2024, 4:59pm
Shg56Don't listen to the BS above. AXMC is the most universal weapons against goids from scout to medusa inclusively. I earned 4 star goids' badge with these weapons. MKII hull tank, AXMC 3X3C+1x2E plus long range Grade 5-2D Beam with vent. I hope that new PMKII with 6 hard points and 6 utility slots will allow to shred hydras, as well.

Show me your Hydra kill, if you're so four star cool. Ah, I forgot, you don't have one. And there are six dead Hydras casually packed in my last 5 minute long video.

Anyway, I'd like to hear more from the person on the receiving end of those 'advices'. Impartial opinion is the best opinion.

Thank you all for your advice and guidance on this subject. I very much appreciate it! Apparently, opinions differ on the effectiveness of the AX multicannons. I have been looking at the website of the AX-initiative where different Krait beginner builds are suggested. The solo and AXCZ builds have Gauss canons, whereas a build specifically for Scout hunting uses the enhanced AXMC multicannons. Notably, all of the builds have level-5 engineered modules for almost every other module. So "beginner" build in this context means a build for an experienced ED player with already full access to engineering who is a beginner to AX combat. Which is not applicable to me since I am also a beginner with regard to the complete engineering aspect.

Last weekend I have been busy driving my SRV around Guardian sites. I now have the Gauss cannons unlocked, as well as the Guardian hull, module and shield reinforcements. Having installed the Gauss cannons , I ran into a "Threat-1 Weapons fire", which I considered a good opportunity to do some testing (I am aware that Gauss canons are not as effective against regular NPCs, this was for testing only). While I was able to fire some shots, already upon firing the second shot I got warnings about overheating and taking damage to the ship.

So my question now is, can Gauss canons be effectively used on an otherwise unengineered ship? Or is engineering of other modules required first to counteract the overheating problems? If this is the case, are the AX multicannons then may be a better choice to start with? And maybe start out with Scout hunting first?

I am interested to hear your opinions.
06 May 2024, 6:07pm
So... Guardian weapons are quite energy-hungry and hot, as you've figured out already. Though, I tried 4x Medium Gauss on a non-engineered FDL quite a while ago and it was... tolerable. Thing is, temperature management is one of the AX fundamentals due to the '20% rule' (Thargoids can't target you properly unless you're literally in front of them, if you stay below 20%) and using heatsinks or (engineered) thermal vent beam laser is a must. Unless you're suicidal of course, but "suicide prevention practices amongst AX pilots" is another topic.

AMXCs and other non-Guardian weapons generate heat too and whilst I don't have exact numbers regarding their 'thermal efficiency', like, how much damage they can produce per one percent of heat etc... Something tells me you still won't be able to stay below 20% using them, if you don't use heatsinks or vent beam. Silent running can hide you too, but that's more of an emergency measure.

Why did AXI suggest AXMCs for Scouts? I've no idea. Maybe because there are gimballed AXMCs too, and you can just lock on, spray and pray. Though, Scout-sniping with Gauss was (and maybe still is) considered a good accuracy training routine. Anyway, I can't say much about Scouts, 4x Modshards end them, and that's all, perhaps. I fight Interceptors, Scouts are just getting in the way sometimes. So I'm afraid I won't be that much of a help regarding Scouts if you decide to start with them.
06 May 2024, 6:12pm
Nemii ZiyalSo my question now is, can Gauss canons be effectively used on an otherwise unengineered ship? Or is engineering of other modules required first to counteract the overheating problems? If this is the case, are the AX multicannons then may be a better choice to start with? And maybe start out with Scout hunting first? I am interested to hear your opinions.

Gauss, shards and axmc to the lesser extend require heat management. Heatsinks and beam vents help, separation of your 4 gauss between primary and secondary fire would also help. Keep in mind vents are continues but not that effective, heatsinks are very effective but time limited. It is up to you how you want to start your fight with goids from gimballed mc against scouts first and then transition to interceptors when your skills mature or start with fixed weapons right away but it would probably mean more losses and longer time to acquire necessary skills. Your experience will be different from whatever you read about that. Fighting with goids is experience and it needs to be experienced.
06 May 2024, 6:13pm
Hi there,

i have a question. Maybe some would be so kind to help me. I saw on youtube a video on which the people jump with there foot dresses on a planet surface real high. If it try it by pressing the space key, i only can jump like 1 meter high, or so. But those people on video are able to jump real high. Is this a kind of update of the suite? I use the explorer Artemis suite. Do i need to buy an other on, or does this action is on a special key on keyborard?
06 May 2024, 7:06pm
CMDR Nemii Ziyal,

I am nowhere close to having the experience of CMDR Kasumi Goto - thanks for doing the math on damage dealers for us, this gives me quite a bit to think about - CMDR Meowers - love your "how not do AX" video not tutorial - or CMDR Shg56. I am still 1 Basilisk short of completing Tier3. That said, this is my views:

I would opt. for 2..3 enhanced AX MCs on your MK2, large size and gimballed. Thats enough to wreak havoc with Scouts and is a good basis for expansion later (take a look at my Pee MK 1 ship Mavis. She is my main AX build and good enough for Cyclops, Glaives and the likes in solo runs and anything else in wings). Add a caustic sink launcher so you don't need to worry much about caustic damage. Increase your hull strength, e.g. by upgrading your armor to military spec. Your ship has a pretty good jump range. I would install hull reinforcement instead of your fuel scoop.

I used a similar setup for doing evac at stations under attack. Taking out Scouts while you are there gains you some extra money plus it boosts rank progression for combat. If you play in open, you can follow other players if they are engaging interceptors. Hitting them space flowers just once will not get you credit for a kill but you will still get you good money when the interceptor is done.

If you are not the first to engage the interceptor you should be good. Also, the base is near if your hull goes down. Keeping your heat below 20% is important for attacking Interceptors and entering Maelstroms, for fighting Scouts it does not matter much though.

See you out there!
06 May 2024, 7:20pm
NetdiggerHi there,

i have a question. Maybe some would be so kind to help me. I saw on youtube a video on which the people jump with there foot dresses on a planet surface real high. If it try it by pressing the space key, i only can jump like 1 meter high, or so. But those people on video are able to jump real high. Is this a kind of update of the suite? I use the explorer Artemis suite. Do i need to buy an other on, or does this action is on a special key on keyborard?

It depends on the gravity of the planet. Lower gravity easier flying. Also it depends on the suit. Artemis>Maverik>Dominator and there is improved jump assist engineering option.

Last edit: 06 May 2024, 7:36pm

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