Elite roleplay: Off station


Your ship, deep space, anything that is not happening inside the Citi Gateway or Ingaba...

General Roleplay Etiquette:

1. Control only the actions of your own character(s). (AKA: God Mode)
This doesn't matter how small the action is, even if it is as simple as scratching their nose or a direct reaction to something else that just happened. This applies to everything from casual conversation to full blown fight scenes. If you'd like someone to do something specific, PM that person, however keep in mind they are completely within their rights to say no. Especially if said action is inappropriate to their character and/or circumstance.

2. Don't brute force your way into another persons RP.
Approaching with a conversation starter is fine, or indeed some other small action. However charging in, guns blazing and disrupting the flow of another person/pair/groups conversation/arc is about as rude as doing so in real life. If something is going on that you'd like to participate in, be subtle about it. Put out a gentle hook for someone to take, but again, be aware that said hook may not be taken. If you fear it was simply unnoticed, PM the person or people it concerns. Or even leave a message in the OOC forums.

3. Good grammar and spelling is preferred.
We're not asking you to be perfect, but please at least demonstrate willingness. no1 iz gna tak u srsly usng txt spk. There's a wide variety of people here, many who speak English as a second, or even third language. There are even some with varying degrees of dyslexia and/or likely other issues that affect spelling/grammar. We accept them all here. However, people who aren't accepted, are those unwilling to accept polite correction. Remember that even a small thing like the placement of a comma, or the wrong use of there/their/they're can completely change the definition of an entire sentence.

4. Accept constructive criticism gracefully and politely.
If someone spots an issue with your writings, they may wish to help you improve that writing. They may do this through PM or even publicly air their thoughts on the OOC forum. If they have taken the time to be polite and explain what is wrong with your writing, the best way to behave is to respond in kind, using the same manner they have approached you with. It means they have taken an active interest in what you have written and wish to see more. Basically, you have a fan!

5. Don't take the actions or opinions of things done IN RP, to be directly relevant to the writers thoughts or opinions.
Basically, if some ones character calls your character a jackass, it doesn't mean the writer thinks you are a jackass. It's a ROLE they are PLAYING. Watch a movie. The argument between the characters isn't an argument between the actors involved. The same applies here.

6. It's not a popularity contest.
Your RP might be bustling with participants. You have 3 people off station in a fire fight, while another 2 are infiltrating the darkest areas of the station, meanwhile a group of 4 others are tracking your movements in an effort to stop you. Good for you, I'm sure it will be a thrilling read! But you know what? Sometimes the absolute BEST work, comes from two RP characters having a simple heart to heart. Both are valid, both are great, but NEITHER is categorically better than the other. Period.

Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

2. Respect the characters created by others.
We have a wide variety of characters already here. It's expected that some will be similar, just as it's expected that two characters will be vastly different. Opinions of each persons character will naturally be varied, but all are valid provided they follow the rules of the universe. You are allowed to interact with, or avoid interaction with, any character in the RP forums. But you have no right to belittle others for their creation. You are not an authority figure on writing, nor are you directly affected by another persons imagination. You might not like it, but you MUST respect it.

3. Be caught up on current events before joining in.
You need basic things like character descriptions in order to interact with them. You also need to know what's going on in the surrounding areas. This is simply because the people you are hoping to RP with, might be gearing up to something that you might not want to be part of. Or simply that the most recent post, out of context, could leave a different impression on the goings on than if you gather that context. We don't expect you to read every single post from the beginning of the forums, just enough to get that basic understanding.

4. Either subscribe to, or frequently check, the Roleplay: Q&A and OOC forum.
People may be discussing something relevant to you there, or even discussing you directly. Perhaps someone asked what the general consensus on the existence or non-existence of a certain object. Or we're just chatting about random gibberish. Either way, be aware of it and use it. If you're unsure about something, such as how guns would look and or behave, or even the music selection, use the OOC forum to ask. We don't have all of the answers, but the collective knowledge and logic usually allows us to overcome an issue and come to a decision on what should be allowed. Frontier Developments, and even David Braben himself, don't have the answers to every possible question that can be asked.

5. Large Scale events exploding out of nowhere are a complete no go.
We get it. Everyone wants their character to be noticed and for people to be tripping over themselves to interact with them. In some audiences, an introduction involving you blasting in for landing in a fiery wreckage of a ship, before cart wheeling out and sword fighting 35 Ninjas before whisking off with the local celebrity for a glorious night of passion, is in fact, cool. This is not one of those audiences. It is generally considered better to build your character up slowly over time. Eventually, you might even have a legitimate excuse to fight those Ninjas. Maybe even with other RP participants by your side.

6. Perfect characters are boring.
The point of a character arc, is that it is in fact, an arc shape. One who is morally unquestionable, fully kitted out and an infinite fountain of knowledge, cannot go through an arc. Give your character flaws. Be it a tendency towards befriending the wrong people, or a bad knee that frequently gives out at inopportune moments. It gives readers something to latch onto and empathise with. You can give your character exceptional capabilities at something, but it requires balance. She's a damn good pilot with no equal, but can't drive an SRV for peanuts. It can lead to some very interesting moments between characters, be it heartfelt or comedic.

Other Notes:
It should be noted that there can be exceptions to these points. For example, good grammar when a character is speaking is actually rare. Few people in real life actually speak with perfect eloquence after all. Or previously arranged actions during a fight scene, such as someone stumbling back after a punch. What's key to remember is context.

All in all, remember this is purely for fun. We have some seriously talented writers here, and others whose writing history starts and ends at high school. But many are willing to help out in whatever way they can. All it takes is that you ask nicely.

Also keep in mind that many people who RP here, also have logbook stories related to the character, or characters, they portray. If it looks like there's an "in joke" going on that you're unsure of, it's probably in those.

In fact, some users have even gone to the trouble of creating "alts" to RP with. If you read back far enough, it's usually pretty clear who has and hasn't, and which ones are the "alts". It's therefore not unheard of to see the apparent seizing of control of other characters. If you do spot one, point it out in the OOC section. If intervention is needed, it will be sorted quickly and (hopefully) politely.

Most, if not all RP participants here have Logbook stories pertaining to their character(s). These are for the reading pleasure of anyone who wishes to do so. While it can be useful to read them in order to gain a bit of backstory on a character you wish to interact with, it should not be assumed that your character shares that knowledge. Within the E:D Universe, these Logbooks either don't exist, or are private diaries kept by the characters. Either way, without explicit statements to say otherwise from the writer, your interactions should reflect that your character is in the dark about any information you, the writer/reader, have gained from reading the stories.
20 Aug 2019, 12:44pm
After the lengthy dissertation and laying out the options to EC the girls got to work transferring equipment from the FDL to the Python. EC absorbed most of the information in silence before signing off with a “I’ll re-think our strategy. Give me a few hours.”

“Okay, copy.” Kai responds. She codes a transfer protocol and downloads it onto a data stick. “EC, next time hail me on the Hand, I’m jumping ship with her.”

“Roger Kai. We’ll call soon. We need to strategize this carefully.” EC killed the comms.

While Lambast moved supplies, Kaisla tucked into a panel just aft of the cockpit on the bridge. “Otto - wake up.”

“I’m here Commander.” Otto’s mechanical chirp responds.

“When was the last time you did a data sync with the Hand?”

Otto runs some quick calculations. “Why, Commander that was nearly 4 years, 275 days, 8 hours and 36 minutes ago.”

Kaisla stares at the panel. “I hate when you do that.” She continues, “Okay did you have the standard sync protocols run to completion?”

“Well, naturally Commander.”

Kaisla drops a thick plug from her slate to the console. “Awesome. I want you with me for some of this and a direct line back to the Dracul should we need the firepower. Standard remote stuff. Split your AI into functioning partitions and send the finger print over. Otto, Hol was fried back there at the Conduit.”

“I understand Commander, I’ll do my best.” Otto responded.

Lambast popped her head just as the data transfer was compiling. “Hey....you ready to go?”

Kaisla looked around. She hadn’t gotten so attached to a ship since the little Sidewinder that had been her Father’s. “Yeah, I suppose.”

She gathered up the last of her equipment and headed over to the Hand.

Although it was a bit.....’stuffy’ for Kai’s taste on the hand, Lambast did a great job at setting up her quarters just the way Kai liked it. Gone were the fancy rugs and opulent drapes and lamps. Replaced was the bare bones, stock utilitarianism that made the Python such a great ship.

Kaisla stored her small satchel of equipment and moved up to the bridge. She finished setting up Otto’s partition on a small wrist-mounted gauntlet and looked up at Lambast. “Lamb, can I have Otto sync up to the COVAS?”

Lamb raised her eyebrows. “Naturally. That’s never been an issue in the past.”

Kaisla hardwired in from the gauntlet sent the command. After several minutes, the speakers crackle to life. “KAaa...eeeeeeeeeee*Squelch* ay ay...COVAS OFFLINE>ERROR>>>>”

Lambast looks at the computer with a puzzled look. “What is that little device your....breaking.....my ship with.”

Kaisla, fingers busy on the screen, “Its a nifty gadget that I picked up from some traders that owed me a favor. They had modified them from standard data entry to interface with a ship’s COVAS so they could pilot and dock remotely while moving cargo. I modified it further to enable me full access and controls of Otto’s AI and autopilot. Its taken me about nine months of tinkering but I nearly have a perfected program.......wait.”

The speakers crackled again, a familiar voice breaks the silence. “Greetings Commander Lambast, Holly is online.”

Kaisla looks up, talking rapidly, “Its an old copy....from nearly five years ago but - it has most of the encrypted digital DNA that you had programmed into Holly....there will be gaps-“

Lambast holds up her hand, wiping a tear from her cheek. She stands up and grabs Kaisla in a firm hug. Kaisla, arms to her sides, shocked look on her face looks around nervously wrapped up in Lambasts firm hug. After a pause, she lets out a goofy grin and just rests her head on her shoulders.

Lambast lets go, letting Kai nearly fall over. “Okay. Back to work.” Lambast announces to no one in general as she takes her seat and starts entering data on her console.
20 Aug 2019, 4:34pm
Maul Montresor

His smile melts away and he drops his head. "Man, I fucked up bad. I told Vega that they'd be safe until we seen Shin off. She trusted me and now Lydia is....."

"Lydia, I'm so sorry." He mumbles to himself.

Khelan turns to face Maul and opens the visor of his helmet.

"It's no yer fault mate, how were ye tae know that twat wid dae that? Ye've no fucked up and if anywan says different then they'll hiv tae deal wi me" he says with a kind smile on his face.

Khelan looks at Maul, scanning him over with his cybernetic eye and points to the medical supply locker.

"There's a few derm patches in there that'll help ye wi the pain. Ah'd recommended yer careful wi them they're designed tae keep combat troops movin when they've goat big chunks of them missin. We'll get ye tae a doctor ASAP and ye'll be right as rain in nae time."

"Vessels incoming commander" interrupts Leo "Preliminary scans indicate mk iv vipers"

"Cops" says Khelan as he starts turning off every non essential system while swinging the ship around to get out of the area.

"Leo, plot us a course tae Shinigami, we've goat tae let Vega know that twat's dead"

"Shinigami has already jumped out of the system commander. Transmission from the Transporter indicates that they activated the override when the pilot left the vessel and it has returned safely back to its transporter. Apparently Ms Vega is not very happy about it."

Khelan punches the throttle to the firewall as three vipers painted in system authority colours drop out of supercruise and begin a standard search pattern.

" By ma reckoning mate, Ah've actually saved yer life three naw wait four times noo, but who's countin?"
20 Aug 2019, 7:36pm
Maul slowly gets up and walks over to the medical supply locker.

"Honestly, I've lost count of how many times you've saved my ass now. I guess we'll just have to keep working together till I pay off my debts, huh?" Maul says with a smile as he applies a derm patch.

He walks over and sits in the co-pilot seat with a sigh.

"You know, part of me actually thought that taking out that big prick would fix things or at least make me feel somewhat better. Deep down I knew it wouldn't but I really wanted it to. This incident probably has the rest of the corporation scrambling to protect themselves and prepare for another attack. Hell, Bryce said himself that this doesn't stop here."

He looks over at Khelan.

"But I guess what's done is done. Thanks for helping with...well...everything so far."

Last edit: 20 Aug 2019, 9:56pm
20 Aug 2019, 9:19pm
“Roger Kai. We’ll call soon. We need to strategize this carefully.” EC killed the comms.

EC turns to his crew.

"Well, you heard most of that. We need a guardian object large enough to conceal an escape pod, needs to be rigged with heat instead of cryo, since its short term and I have to be able to open it from the inside once aboard, and we aren't equipped at present to storm a surface site."

"Well... we have the fighter." Raven suggests. "We could use it to interact with that Guardian Beacon... you still have the coordinates for that thing?"

"Yeah..." EC says. "I'll have to pull that up. But it's a good idea."

"Those keys they dispense should be a decent size for what we need." Echo begins taking some notes. "I think I know how I can modify it, but those things are hard as hell. Hopefully we have enough of those carbon-steel grinder blades left... we could use lasers but I don't know how well that would work, since whatever that Guardian material is just seems to absorb that sort of energy..." he trails off as he wanders out off of the bridge, presumably to go check stores.

EC prepares to launch the Arbiter. He'd want to make sure the Guardian-hybrid fighter is still in working order, and he couldn't launch it while the ship was docked.


EC flips on the comms.

"Wait where are you going?" Kai's voice crackles over the speakers.

"Don't worry about it, we're not leaving. Just showing you something. Hang on a sec." he replies. He mutes the comms channel but leaves it open.

"Raven, get ready to launch."

Raven jogs to the door of the bridge, grabbing his helmet on the way by.

"I didn't realize we were at the stage where you were showing me your underside." says Kaisla over the comms as the Arbiter lifts off a couple ship-lengths.

"Well... never mind. I'm going to leave that one alone." he says, as his COVAS notifies him the fighter is ready to launch.
"Just... look. We have an idea. Rather than try and deal with a Guardian site, we're going to hit a Guardian beacon we know of. Hopefully a Guardian vessel shouldn't have any issues interacting with it like we did last time we were there."

"Last time I checked, a Krait is not a Guardian vessel."

"It's not." EC presses the button to launch the Guardian fighter from the fighter bay. "But this is. At least kinda."

The fighter hangar hatch lowers from the underside of the Krait, exposing a tri-wing fighter that, indeed, looked very Guardian in origin, which blasts off almost as soon as it cleared the hull, unfolding its wings.

"Yeeeeehaaaaaa!!!" Raven shouts over the comms. "I love this thing!"
The fighter comes back, blasting between the Arbiter and the Hand, spinning, and unleashing a hail of blue energy bursts from the shard cannon.

"Weapons work!" he shouts.

"OK, calm down we're trying to be incognito here. Dock it, we just wanted to make sure she was in working order." Ec chastises.

Back to Kaisla, he continues. "So anyway, we should be able to get a Guardian key from the beacon, and that should suit our needs for our bit of espionage. Then all we have to do is start a fight. Between us I have a hard time believing that will be the hard part."

Raven buzzes the canopy of the Hand one more time at full speed as a bit of payback for Kaisla startling him earlier doing the same, before lining up to re-dock with the Arbiter.

EC only hoped Lamb didn't spill her tea.
20 Aug 2019, 11:23pm
Maul Montresor

"But I guess what's done is done. Thanks for helping with...well...everything so far."

"Aye, that's the thing aboot revenge. Ye find the people wit did ye wrang, ye dae somethin tae them an ye dinnae feel any differently. It disnae really change things oar make the universe go" Hauld oan a minute here." while it sorts itself oot. All it does is make ye wonder if it wis worth it an it wisnae so ye start looking fur some wanelse tae take yer rage oot oan then some wan else and so oan an so forth until it's all ye know."

Khelan aims Headhunter towards the Diaguandri and engages the Frame Shift Drive as he throttles up Leo begins the countdown.

"Attention unknown vessel power down your engines and prepare to submit to a system authority scan." comes a voice over the comms.

"Aye, that'll be shining bright." Khelan says sarcastically and increases the throttle.

"Attention unknown vessel, this is your last warning. Power down and prepare to be scanned. You have 10 seconds to comply."

"4, 3, 2, 1..... Engage" announces Leo and Headhunter jumps towards the Diaguandri system, a couple of burst laser blasts pass harmlessly through the area where Headhunter was mere moments ago.

They arrive in system and Khelan checks for Shinigami's transporter. He finds it and hails it over a secure channel.

"Ye ready tae head fur home bhoys? Ah've goat Pilot safe an sound oanboard wi me, he's in need of some medical attention so Ah'm gonnae go on ahead and get him patched up back home." he pauses for a second before continuing "How's things wi the girl who wis wi Pilot. Has she calmed doon yet?"

A polite voice comes over the comms "Greetings Wakagashira, we're ready to head back home. We had to sedate the lady who was in Shinigami, she was extremely agitated about our taking control of the ship and bringing him back here but we figured she would be Pilot's problem. We'll keep her under until we arrive back home and Pilot is ready to deal with her. Transport out."

Khelan looks over at Maul.

"Ready tae head home bud? We've goat tae get ready fur Shin's funeral. And there's a couple of wee things Ah'd like tae talk tae ye aboot when yer in a wee bitty better shape."
21 Aug 2019, 2:36am
Kai cranes her head to get a better look at the Guardian fighter. She had heard of them and even seen some pictures floating around the holo-feeds but had never seen one up close.

She opens the line to the Arbiter, “EC when you pull your toys out, you don’t disappoint.” Raven interjects on the link, “Gross.”

Kaisla continues, “Haha, okay - I’ve jumped over to the Hand and put the Dracul in to hibernation. I’ve got it on a short leash should we need the fire power. Lamb has a few fighters on here. Send us the coordinates and lets get that key.”

EC Sends the coordinates over to the Hand and both ships finish up final preparations to jump. A mere hour later, the group is ready to depart.

Lambast looks over to Kaisla as she settles into the pilots chair. Lambast quips as Kai secures herself in, “Oh you think just ‘cause I let you fly us to the Conduit that you always get to fly my boat?

Kaisla produces a cheesy grin, “What?! I thought you would like the chance to sit back and relax.”

Lambast sighs, “Fine....”

Kaisla opens a line to EC, “Okay, we’re ready to go over here!”

EC’s voice crackles back, “Okay, lets get the fuck off this rock.”


“Mr. Johnston, can you remind me again how my agent and his security detail were killed?”

Johnston stands in front of a bare metal desk in a commandeered administration office on the Conduit.

“I told you Sir. The Python got a lucky shot on the cockpit. It wiped out one of my engineers as well. It’s regrettable, but there wasn’t much I could do.”

The person sitting behind the desk adjusts his tie. “What about my people’s bodies. I want them.”

Johnston pulls a cigar out of his mouth, “When the cockpit got hit, we broke pressure. It pulled the bodies of your men and mine into vacuum.

The man leans back and sighs. “Mr. Johnston, my boss seems to think, for some reason, that your worth your fee. I see a failed Federal pilot and washed up security flat foot with little to no bounty hunting experience. My recommendation was to just kill you. I was told not to. Don’t think I won’t hesitate disobey orders if I think its in my organizations best interest.”

Johnston turned on his heel and walked out of the office.

One of his aides was posted just outside the door waiting and fell in line with Johnston as he strode down the corridor. “Sir, I don’t like these people.”

Johnston takes another pull off his cigar, “Good thing I don’t pay you to like our employers. Did we ever get a call back from our friend?”

“Negative SIr. I’ve kept that link open that you told me monitor, but not even a peep.”

“Well, continue to monitor it and keep it to yourself. If you tell anyone, I’ll shoot you myself.”
21 Aug 2019, 3:24am
Maul relaxes into his seat and looks over at Khelan.

"I'm not sure I'll ever get used to the "Pilot" thing." He shakes his head. "Vega's going to be in an awful shape when she wakes up. She's got a lot to process."

Maul closes his eyes and leans his head back.

"Yeah, let's head home."
21 Aug 2019, 12:59pm

Kaisla produces a cheesy grin, “What?! I thought you would like the chance to sit back and relax.”

Lambast sighs, “Fine....”

“Just one little point to raise with you there Kai, you miss-informed EC on a small matter”

Here it comes thought Kaisla, little Miss Actually is going to strike again.
“I don’t think so. It was a clear simple straightforward and honest relay of the information YOU provided”

“Yes. Unfortunately, although the information was clear simple and straightforward, there is some difficulty in justifiably assigning to it the forth of the epitaphs you applied to the statement in as much as the precise correlation between the information you communicated, and the facts in so far as they can be determined and demonstrated, is such as to cause an epistemological problem of sufficient magnitude as to lay upon the logical and semantic resources of the English language a heavier burden then it can reasonably be expected to bear”

The thread had been lost by Kaisla after a correlation had been unjustly launched at her, but there was something magical about a Lambast in full correction mode that just made a person want to listen. Only one possible response to this kind of assault would have any impact on Lambast.
“What the fuck are you on about?”

Just a small flinch on the F-word, but it was there and it was satisfying.  
“In short Kailsa, you assigned capacities only found on The Hand of Mercy, to The Hand of Lambast. A Python can not be outfitted with a fighter bay, let alone two”

“But we’re on the Hand of Lambast, and you told me it had fighter bays.  By the way, naming ships after yourself does raise a few flags. Having an ego is one thing, but it's bordering on narcissism with you”

The slight bounced off Lambasts ego, somewhat proving Kai point.
“That maybe so, but this ship is the Hand of Lambast, my pleasure yacht. The ship with the fighter bays is the Hand of Mercy, my Cutter war yacht, and that is about six hundred light-years away”

Ok, kaisla admitted to herself, she had indeed said the wrong thing to EC, but it was Lamb's fault for the way she named her propriety.
“How many Hands have you got?  You can see how that would be confusing, can’t you? You need to come up with a better way of naming your ships. Using your own name is stupid”

“I only have two hands, well four if you count these”  
Lambast had a go at Jazz Hands. She just looked like a bad clown that had just told a joke that fell flat. She saw the unimpressed look on Kai's face and gave up.

“And there’s nothing stupid about the way I name my ships thank you so very much. I think the stupidity is elsewhere.
Oh, do go and take that makeup off. I feel like I’m talking to a horse that’s doing an impression of Kaisla"

Kai looked for some sort of reflective surface. She found none.
“I forgot about that and I do not look like a horse, what a mean thing to say. Take the stick, I’ll go see if I like this face enough to keep it for a while”

Lambast took the vacated seat.
“I’m going to start calling you Corporal Nobbs. He’s short and ugly with listening difficulties”
Called Lambast as Kaisla went to find a mirror.

“Well that makes you Sargent Colon. He’s fat and ugly and not as important as he thinks he is”
Lambast could hear the smugness in Kai's voice. That was a good come back and Kai deserved the smug moment. Lambast had to admit defeat.

“Oh well played, hoisted by my own reference. Touché"

Last edit: 21 Aug 2019, 1:40pm
21 Aug 2019, 2:23pm
Kaisla scrubbed industriously at her face. Lamb was right, she hadn’t removed most of the synthetic attachments from their disguise. Life just got too busy with getting the ships ready for jumping and heading out to get to the Guardian site.

Her wrist link chimed. A message relayed from Otto - any messages addressed to the FDL was jumped straight to the wrist link so that she could use the ship’s geo-locational address as a proxy for any communication relay’s. This would ensure that even if someone was connected or smart-enough to get through the layers of security and track down the exact location of the signal source, it would lead them to the FDL and not Kaisla’s actual location. She had also ensured to transfer most of Otto’s programming to the wrist gauntlet so that if ‘they’ did track down the FDL and destroy it, it wouldn’t wipe out Otto’s functionality. Kaisla glanced at the link after it chimed; a one line message: “I’m waiting.”

She finished removing the prosthetics and make-up and then went into her secure quarters, closing the door. She opened the link and typed a quick message: “Who are you?”

“. . . .” Indicating the stranger was forming a new message. It finally populated as Otto decrypted it: “Looks like you finally became the best pilot in the universe but its not going to do you any good if your dead.”

The memories of her excursion with her child-hood friends in her dad’s old Type-2 came rushing back with sudden realization.

“How did you find me?” Kaisla typed back.

“. . . .” Finally, “My friends back at Cleve very-clearly remember the silver-haired girl that created such a mess before she left.”

Anger flushed her face as she typed in her message, “Those fuckers deserved it after what they did to my parents.”

Otto decrypted the next message: “Undoubtedly. These are not low-level factional thugs chasing you this time. Now dangerous and well-connected.”

Kaisla’s mind was running a mile a minute. “That’s not very helpful.” She typed quickly. Lambast would get curious about what was taking her so long.

Finally, “We need to meet in person. Bring friends. Truce.”

All the hairs on Kaisla’s neck stood on end, she typed, “How can I trust you?”

A new message pinged: “For old times sake, you have no choice if you or friends want to survive. Out of time.”

Kaisla indicated to Otto to kill the link for now. It was time to fess up to EC and his crew. She didn’t trust this stranger and she wasn’t sure if this was part of a more complex trap. She remembered Johnston clearly from her time on Cleve and the way she and Lambast went through and systematically crippled the entire underground business operating on the station. It had ruffled a lot of feathers and pissed off a lot of people. Her and Lambast had left many bodies floating in space and where Federal law enforcement wanted to bring the two women to stand trial, station management was grateful at the excuse to clean the station up without implicating themselves in the cause. This had formulated a strange alliance between her and station security. On one hand, they couldn’t abide bloated bodies floating around the station. On the other hand, they were grateful for the renegade justice despite the Federal pressure to arrest them and extradite them to the Federal authorities. Johnston had been pretty instrumental in ensuring that her and Lambast were able to conveniently escape on several occasions. It was a shock to her when he had shown up on the Conduit looking to collect a bounty on her but people changed professions often enough.

While deep in thought, she had made her way back to the cockpit. Taking the co-pilot seat, Lambast glanced over at her. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Kaisla straightens up, “Our friend on Cleve. He was in the Corvette yesterday. He was the reason we got away so easy.”

Lambast’s eyebrows arch higher on her forehead, “Oh. Oh my....”

Kaisla opens the link to the Arbiter. “Hey Si, we need to have a talk.”
21 Aug 2019, 7:24pm
EC turns to look as the door to the bridge opens and Raven comes striding in with a smile on his face.

"Damn, that thing is fun." he says, setting down his helmet and plopping into a copilot seat.

"You're a natural in it too. Guess we know who's dealing with the Guardian beacon." EC says, turning back to his instrument panels and going through his pre-flight checklist.

"Cool, you figure out where that thing is then?"

"Yeah, I'd bookmarked it. Synuefe EU-Q C21-15. Already sent it over to the Hand." EC says, checking life-support functionality.

"Why are you doing pre-flight checks while we're in flight?" Echo asks him.

"Eh, because I'm neurotic, I guess? I dunno. Let me lock in the route and we'll go... ope!" His people descended from the old Earth's American midwest. You wouldn't normally know this, but once in a while a gem like 'ope' would slip out. In this case it was because of an incoming message while he was setting his route.

Kaisla opens the link to the Arbiter. “Hey Si, we need to have a talk.”

"Your place or mine?"
21 Aug 2019, 10:25pm
Safely having arrived in Synuefe Eu-Q C21-15 several hours earlier. Each crew had taken to their specific tasks getting the aircraft and gear ready for their excursion to the Guardian beacon. This provided enough time to discuss final preparations, nap or, a break for lunch. The docking had gone smoothly and now the crew was again, clustered around the opulent living quarters that Lambast insisted on (“Just because we’re in space doesn’t mean we need to live like savages!”)

Raven carefully examined little square “sandwiches” which had had the crusts removed. Echo had already eaten his body weight in jam and EC just sat politely sipping at his tea. As soon as it had been set on the table, Kaisla had leaned over and with a wink, poured a shot of bourbon in his cup. Lambast had pulled the large screen down and Kaisla downloaded the text conversation from her wrist slate to the screen. The crew sat now, staring at it as it scrolled slowly across the screen. After it finished, everyone sat there speechless for several minutes.

EC finally broke the silence. “Just.....how many people did you space?”

Lambast chuckles. “Only like 25-30.”

Echo looks up from his spoonful of jam. Given his up-bringing, he had never experienced jam and the notion that it went on “toast” was lost on him. “Mppphh, thas a lot of peffle to kill. Raventh..I think that’s more than-“

“Shut up Echo.” Raven said, leaning over and spreading the contents of the spoon on a piece of toast. Echo stares at the toast.

“Well, no you’ve ruined it.” Echo says, looking disheartened at the toast.

“That’s How you’re supposed to eat it you buffoon.” Raven crosses his arms.

EC looks over with a sharp look, “Will you two shut up please?” EC turns back to Lambast. “Why did you two go on a killing spree?”

Lambast leans forward setting her cup on a saucer. “Well, its actually quite interesting given we were only, what Kai, you were 14? I was 16 I think.”

EC continues to stare. Kaisla cuts in, “We discovered a criminal racketeering business in Cleve hub. They killed my parents trying to extort them for money. With her help, I posed as a prostitute, infiltrated their organization and murdered every single fucker I could find. Well...Lamb helped too. We spaced a few together,” She says giving Lamb a fond look.

All three men stare. Raven finally breaks the silence, “I’d quite like to hear about that some-“

EC yells, holding his arm out, “DROP IT!” All three fall back in silence. Finally, EC asks, “What does this Johnston character have to do with it?”

Kaisla continues, “I had a run in with Johnston several years earlier when I nearly crashed a Type-2,”

Echo whistles, “Haven’t heard of those in awhile....”

“And,” she continues, “he knew me. After what happened to my parents, I took our Sidewinder and flew it to the station; I was hell bent on finding out where they were berthed, selling the deed to the ship to buy some missiles and before the bank collected the ship, crashing the whole lot into their penthouse. Lamb caught wind of my plan and was able to get ahold of someone at Cleve that would listen to her. It happened to be Johnston and he let me get as far as docking before he arrested me. Everyone had heard of what happened and they all knew something had to be done but nobody knew what to do. The station made a lot of money and got a lot of clients from the illegal traffic in and out of Cleve. They couldn’t go to the station manager because he was in on it. Anyway, his plan was to scold me, repossess the Sidewinder until I was old enough to own it and sending me on my way.”

EC continues to stare down Kai, “Continue please.”

“Well, that would have worked had I not escaped, and bolted for the Sidewinder. Lamb just happened to have got there and she grabbed me. She assured him that she would take me home and make sure I didn’t do anything stupid. After nearly a year of no action or even a trial for my parents,”

Kai nods to Lamb, “And when her dad was told nicely to stay in his lane, her and I formulated the plan of getting me in there as a prostitute. I killed my first four by the time Johnston found out. By then I had kinda become an underground hero. He was pretty instrumental in keeping the mob away from my trail and helping me dispose of bodies where they wouldn’t raise any eyebrows. I didn’t know he had taken up bounty hunting when we saw him at the Conduit.”

EC continues to stare at Kai, “Do you trust him?”

“No...not really,” Kaisla starts, “but he alludes to some other organization pulling the strings, powerful people. It must have been quite a risk to let us go like that.”

Raven interjects, “Listen girly, he might have put his neck out a lot for you in the past that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s willing to do it for you again. Even more so if these people are willing to wipe people out like Echo wipes out jam jars.”

Its Lambs turn to speak up, “I think he’s given us his gesture of good faith.”

Suddenly frustrated, EC stands, “No - he’s made this personal for you two. He’s said, ‘Hey, I’m a friend, I can help,’ but in reality he probably just put his ass in a sling and this is a ruse to get you to trust him so he can turn you in to his buddies and save his own skin.”

Kaisla, looking like a scolded child and reaches out for EC’s hand, “No..I understand, I understand your speculation and normally, I wouldn’t blame you. But I have a gut feeling. I’m not asking you to go with me or stick your necks out. We can set it up so I make the meeting and the rest of you stay safe. But if we need to make a getaway, I would like you guys on my side.”

Lambast looks up, “Like hell you’re going in there alone.”

“Son of a bitch.” EC says as he turns and downs the rest of the tea before grabbing the bottle of bourbon next to Kaisla and taking a big swig. “We focus on the task at hand first. Then, we engineer this meeting to go in our favor. My crew and I run the shots. If for any reason we don’t like what’s happening, we pull you out. If you refuse, I’m not sticking my crews neck out to save you. Fair?”

“Fair.” Kai says with a grin. “Hey....don’t finish ALL of it!”

Last edit: 22 Aug 2019, 12:13am
22 Aug 2019, 4:15pm
Maul Montresor

"Yeah, let's head home."

Headhunter arrives in system and Khelan sets course for Hondo City.

He turns to face Maul, notices the size of his pupils and smiles.

"Ah'd say that derm's takin effect, Ah've no ever seen ye this chilled oot. Ah'm startin tae think Ah shud keep a few nearby tae slap oantae ye whenever ye start tae get too antsy."

Headhunter drops out of supercruise at Hondo City and Khelan activates the comms.

"Hondo City, Chieftain 242. Request permission to land at pad 13."

"Chieftain 242, Hondo City. Welcome back commander, it's great to see you again. Permission granted to land at pad 13."

"Hondo City, Chieftain 242. Send word to Dr Kojima. My passenger is in need of medical attention"

"Chieftain 242, Hondo City. Roger that Dr Kojima has been informed, medical assistance will meet you at pad 13."

Khelan rolls Headhunter into a gentle banked turn and heads to the mailslot. The ship judders slightly as it passes through the magnetic containment field and into the station.

He takes position above the pad and smoothly lowers the ship down to land as the flashing lights of an ambulance head towards them it's siren wailing.

Once he touches down he quickly kills the engines and pops the hatch open to let the medics onboard. Two medics quickly make their way into the cockpit accompanied by the same Doctor who treated Maul the first time they were on the station. They help Maul onto a stretcher and carry him out to the waiting ambulance.

The Doctor notices the patches on the shoulders of Maul's flightsuit and nods to Khelan. Before heading out to the waiting ambulance.

Khelan activates the pads hydraulics and Headhunter lowers down into its hanger underneath the pad.

"Leo send word tae Omi, Ah'm headin tae Dr Kojima's place Ah'll be there if she needs me."

"Will do bud" responds Leo as Khelan pulls on a jacket from a locker and heads out to the station, pausing only to pat the side of the ship affectionately.

"See ye later beautiful." he says to the ship before he walks away towards the medical center.
22 Aug 2019, 6:49pm
A few hours later.

Maul lays in a bed in the medical center flipping through shows on the holo screen for a moment before giving up and turning it off.

Dr Kojima enters the room.

"How're we feeling Mr. Montresor."

"Pretty good now with all this shit you guys are pumping into me." Maul says pointing at the IV bag.

The doctor smiles.

"Great." He looks at his charts. "It looks like you have a few bruised ribs and took quite a pounding to your head."

Maul smiles. "You should see the other guy."

The doctor doesn't acknowledge him as he was busy filling out some papers.

"So doc, when do you reckon I can get out of here."

The doctor finishes and looks up from his charts.

"We'll have time to talk about all of that later. For now you need to get some rest."

Maul nods in agreement as Dr. Kojima leaves the room.

He sighs and goes back to flipping through shows again.

Last edit: 23 Aug 2019, 2:13am
22 Aug 2019, 9:08pm
“Fair.” Kai says with a grin. “Hey....don’t finish ALL of it!”

EC looks sidelong at her, bottle still against his lips, and pauses for a second before tipping the bottom back down.

"...Sorry." he says, handing Kai the bottle of bourbon, just as something in his pocket beeps.

Kaisla snatches the bottle from him, raising an eyebrow at him as she takes a swig.

EC shakes his head with a grin and pulls his data slate from his pocket, seeing the notification that the Animus had made it safely to Indigo Dock. They'd need it later, but for now it didn't make sense to have that many ships in play.

"Well, I guess on the upside... he's seen what you can do if he decides to screw you over." EC remarks.

Lamb half-raises her hand like she was going to speak, but decided against it.

"It can't be worse than what Echo is doing to that jam." Raven says, looking at Echo.

"Screw you, Eugene" he says, taking another bite. Raven's eyes go wide.

"Hey, hey, that's below the belt Ramón". Echo was unfazed. He knew he'd won that round.

"...OK that's enough of that. I'm going back to the Arbiter, going to get it ready and meditate."
Of course, by 'meditate', what he meant was, blare some metal and get his mind right.

He turns and walks through the door, headed toward where he'd left his helmet, hearing the door close in behind him.


He stops at the sound of Lamb's voice, containing a hint of uncertainty that he had not yet heard from her, and turns to face her. He didn't say anything, but his body-language indicated that he was ready to listen to whatever she had to say.

"You know, she had no choice."

"What do you mean?" EC asks

Lamb takes a few steps closer, concern in her eyes.

"It was my fault. I got her into that mess in Cleve and after the first one, well... it couldn't really be stopped, you see. Nasty business, racketeering, and they don't take kindly to such... disturbances."

"I understand," EC started to reply, but was interrupted,

"No, you see, it was kill or be killed. She really didn't... wait what?" Lamb was caught off-guard, expecting a different response.

EC chuckles before responding.
"I said I understand. My family escaped from slavers after they assaulted my mother, and my dad... well, those particular slavers didn't die well. My sister is actually my half sister, if you can connect those dots. After that, I learned everything I could about combat and began... well, we'll call it a 'career' in vigilante justice. You can guess what my first 'mission' was... suffice it to say there is one less slave ring in the galaxy now."

Lamb takes a second to process what EC had just told her.
"I just wanted to know that the bubbly woman-child you see in there, that's no facade."

"Doing what needs to be done is a nasty business, sometimes. But it doesn't necessarily make you a bad person. I knew what I was getting into." EC scrunches up his eyes, and after a moment adds, "Well... no I didn't. That's a lie. But I didn't have any doubts about Kai. Echo and Raven maybe... but I'll talk to them."

The pair exchange an understanding look before Lamb turns back toward the door.
"Good afternoon, Silas."


Walking into the bridge of the Arbiter, rocks glass in hand, he walks over to the small refreshment bar containing the coffee machine, and reaches into the far back of the small cabinet below it, fishing out a 25 year old bottle of Old Sol and pouring two fingers into the glass.

He takes it over to the pilot's chair and sits, passing the glass through the radar display and setting it right on the center of the console.

"COVAS, queue my 'meditation' playlist." he says, closing his eyes and putting his feet up on the navigation panel console.

***** Playing Shattered Skies *****

He was surprisingly relaxed, considering the music was loud enough to be heard from the Hand.
22 Aug 2019, 11:23pm
Kaisla sits at the table trying to coax the last little drops out of the bottle.

Lamb walks over to Echo, secretly slipping him a few jars of jam. "There you go love. Have as much as you like."

The vibration reverberates through the chairs on the Hand.

Kaisla stands bolt upright, dropping the empty bottle on the floor.


"Yes Ms. Kaisla?" Holly dutifully responds.

"My playlist! Crank 'As the Sea's Divide' and angle external speakers to the Arbiter!"

"Aye Commander."

Echo crumples his head into his hands, "uuugh! Fuck...not another one."

Raven laughs.

Lambast pulls some ear plugs from her vest pocket.

Kaisla, grabbing another bottle of bourbon from the box in the corner, pulls the cap off, runs over to Raven and drags him out of his seat, head banging.

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