Elite roleplay: Off station


Your ship, deep space, anything that is not happening inside the Citi Gateway or Ingaba...

General Roleplay Etiquette:

1. Control only the actions of your own character(s). (AKA: God Mode)
This doesn't matter how small the action is, even if it is as simple as scratching their nose or a direct reaction to something else that just happened. This applies to everything from casual conversation to full blown fight scenes. If you'd like someone to do something specific, PM that person, however keep in mind they are completely within their rights to say no. Especially if said action is inappropriate to their character and/or circumstance.

2. Don't brute force your way into another persons RP.
Approaching with a conversation starter is fine, or indeed some other small action. However charging in, guns blazing and disrupting the flow of another person/pair/groups conversation/arc is about as rude as doing so in real life. If something is going on that you'd like to participate in, be subtle about it. Put out a gentle hook for someone to take, but again, be aware that said hook may not be taken. If you fear it was simply unnoticed, PM the person or people it concerns. Or even leave a message in the OOC forums.

3. Good grammar and spelling is preferred.
We're not asking you to be perfect, but please at least demonstrate willingness. no1 iz gna tak u srsly usng txt spk. There's a wide variety of people here, many who speak English as a second, or even third language. There are even some with varying degrees of dyslexia and/or likely other issues that affect spelling/grammar. We accept them all here. However, people who aren't accepted, are those unwilling to accept polite correction. Remember that even a small thing like the placement of a comma, or the wrong use of there/their/they're can completely change the definition of an entire sentence.

4. Accept constructive criticism gracefully and politely.
If someone spots an issue with your writings, they may wish to help you improve that writing. They may do this through PM or even publicly air their thoughts on the OOC forum. If they have taken the time to be polite and explain what is wrong with your writing, the best way to behave is to respond in kind, using the same manner they have approached you with. It means they have taken an active interest in what you have written and wish to see more. Basically, you have a fan!

5. Don't take the actions or opinions of things done IN RP, to be directly relevant to the writers thoughts or opinions.
Basically, if some ones character calls your character a jackass, it doesn't mean the writer thinks you are a jackass. It's a ROLE they are PLAYING. Watch a movie. The argument between the characters isn't an argument between the actors involved. The same applies here.

6. It's not a popularity contest.
Your RP might be bustling with participants. You have 3 people off station in a fire fight, while another 2 are infiltrating the darkest areas of the station, meanwhile a group of 4 others are tracking your movements in an effort to stop you. Good for you, I'm sure it will be a thrilling read! But you know what? Sometimes the absolute BEST work, comes from two RP characters having a simple heart to heart. Both are valid, both are great, but NEITHER is categorically better than the other. Period.

Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

2. Respect the characters created by others.
We have a wide variety of characters already here. It's expected that some will be similar, just as it's expected that two characters will be vastly different. Opinions of each persons character will naturally be varied, but all are valid provided they follow the rules of the universe. You are allowed to interact with, or avoid interaction with, any character in the RP forums. But you have no right to belittle others for their creation. You are not an authority figure on writing, nor are you directly affected by another persons imagination. You might not like it, but you MUST respect it.

3. Be caught up on current events before joining in.
You need basic things like character descriptions in order to interact with them. You also need to know what's going on in the surrounding areas. This is simply because the people you are hoping to RP with, might be gearing up to something that you might not want to be part of. Or simply that the most recent post, out of context, could leave a different impression on the goings on than if you gather that context. We don't expect you to read every single post from the beginning of the forums, just enough to get that basic understanding.

4. Either subscribe to, or frequently check, the Roleplay: Q&A and OOC forum.
People may be discussing something relevant to you there, or even discussing you directly. Perhaps someone asked what the general consensus on the existence or non-existence of a certain object. Or we're just chatting about random gibberish. Either way, be aware of it and use it. If you're unsure about something, such as how guns would look and or behave, or even the music selection, use the OOC forum to ask. We don't have all of the answers, but the collective knowledge and logic usually allows us to overcome an issue and come to a decision on what should be allowed. Frontier Developments, and even David Braben himself, don't have the answers to every possible question that can be asked.

5. Large Scale events exploding out of nowhere are a complete no go.
We get it. Everyone wants their character to be noticed and for people to be tripping over themselves to interact with them. In some audiences, an introduction involving you blasting in for landing in a fiery wreckage of a ship, before cart wheeling out and sword fighting 35 Ninjas before whisking off with the local celebrity for a glorious night of passion, is in fact, cool. This is not one of those audiences. It is generally considered better to build your character up slowly over time. Eventually, you might even have a legitimate excuse to fight those Ninjas. Maybe even with other RP participants by your side.

6. Perfect characters are boring.
The point of a character arc, is that it is in fact, an arc shape. One who is morally unquestionable, fully kitted out and an infinite fountain of knowledge, cannot go through an arc. Give your character flaws. Be it a tendency towards befriending the wrong people, or a bad knee that frequently gives out at inopportune moments. It gives readers something to latch onto and empathise with. You can give your character exceptional capabilities at something, but it requires balance. She's a damn good pilot with no equal, but can't drive an SRV for peanuts. It can lead to some very interesting moments between characters, be it heartfelt or comedic.

Other Notes:
It should be noted that there can be exceptions to these points. For example, good grammar when a character is speaking is actually rare. Few people in real life actually speak with perfect eloquence after all. Or previously arranged actions during a fight scene, such as someone stumbling back after a punch. What's key to remember is context.

All in all, remember this is purely for fun. We have some seriously talented writers here, and others whose writing history starts and ends at high school. But many are willing to help out in whatever way they can. All it takes is that you ask nicely.

Also keep in mind that many people who RP here, also have logbook stories related to the character, or characters, they portray. If it looks like there's an "in joke" going on that you're unsure of, it's probably in those.

In fact, some users have even gone to the trouble of creating "alts" to RP with. If you read back far enough, it's usually pretty clear who has and hasn't, and which ones are the "alts". It's therefore not unheard of to see the apparent seizing of control of other characters. If you do spot one, point it out in the OOC section. If intervention is needed, it will be sorted quickly and (hopefully) politely.

Most, if not all RP participants here have Logbook stories pertaining to their character(s). These are for the reading pleasure of anyone who wishes to do so. While it can be useful to read them in order to gain a bit of backstory on a character you wish to interact with, it should not be assumed that your character shares that knowledge. Within the E:D Universe, these Logbooks either don't exist, or are private diaries kept by the characters. Either way, without explicit statements to say otherwise from the writer, your interactions should reflect that your character is in the dark about any information you, the writer/reader, have gained from reading the stories.
23 Aug 2019, 10:48pm
EC opens his eyes, sits up, and grabs what is left of his glass of Old Sol.

He manually stops the music... no way COVAS would have heard him anyway. As he shuts it off he can still hear a different song playing. It takes him a minute to realize its coming from the Hand.

EC Grins to himself and knocks back the rest of the glass, getting up to stash it someplace safe for the trip.

He was about to radio over to the Hand, but reconsidered... if the music is as loud inside as outside, that would never work. He opted to flash the Arbiter's ship lights at the Hand instead, before settling in.

The music coming from the hand stops after a few seconds, and Kaisla crackles over the comms link.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm sending the boys over."

"Thanks, doll. We've got some Guardian fun to go have. Should be relatively uneventful. Then we'll go meet your friend who tried to kill us then saved our lives and now might try to kill us again. You can tag along, or meet us after. Your call just let me know."

"OK let me talk to Lamb, Kai out." she says before closing the link.

It was about this time the door to the bridge opened and Raven stumbled in, looking positively disheveled.

"What the holy hell happened to you?" EC asks

Raven just looked at him.

"Kaisla started a mosh-pit." Echo answers for him, looking for a place to stash the few jars of jam he was carrying.

"Awesome, sorry I missed it."

Raven plops into his seat and begins silently strapping in as EC prepares for takeoff.


EC initiates the drop from frame-shift, and the massive Guardian beacon races into view. It was just as fascinating as he remembered it.

"Wow. I forgot how imposing that thing is." Echo says, staring through the canopy glass, mesmerized by the monolith in front of them.

"Yeah. At least this time we won't have to spend 2 hours calibrating our lasers to something those charge points are expecting. We have an actual Guardian weapon." EC says, turning to Raven.
"You ready man?"

"Lets do it!" Raven says, hyping himself up and grabbing his helmet.

Raven straps himself into the fighter and secures his Remlok helmet, checking systems on the Guardian fighter one more time.

"You good?" EC's voice comes over the communcations link.

"Yep, ready for launch." Raven said. He really shouldn't be nervous... they know what to expect this time.

The last time they were here, they were not expecting it to expand and move and shoot electricity... the V.G. Odysseus got a little smacked around that time. This time he'd be much more maneuverable.

The fighter bay hatch lowers, and Raven guns the throttle, blasting out in front of the Arbiter. Raven rolled the craft in a little flourish and then pulled around over the top of the Arbiter to set off looking for the charge points.

Coming across the first one, he slows and lines up with it, launching a barrage of blue energy from the shard cannons. It glows blue and emits a beam of light.

On to the next, and then the third. As the final charge point emitted a beam of light, the entire structure began to move and emit electric beams spanning from one section to another. Raven had to gun the throttle to get out of the way in time, weaving in between the moving parts before exiting the other side to safety.

From the Arbiter, EC and Echo watched as the massive structure completely reconfigured itself.

"It's remarkable that this has continued to work autonomously all these years." EC remarks.

As it finishes, it reveals a blue glowing orb spinning at its center.

"OK Raven, there's the core." EC calls out over the radio.

Raven pulls the fighter around to lock onto the core, and initiates a scan. After a few seconds, the structure once again begins to move, and once again, Raven is forced to dip and dodge around several of its massive moving arms.

This time the structure configures itself as a tower, of sorts, with an object of Guardian origin being presented from its spire. EC knew from experience that this was actually an ancient Guardian key, which could be used at certain Guardian ground-sites... it was how they had obtained the technology and plans to create the fighter in the first place. But for the time being, it was just about the size of a cargo canister, and would be perfect for converting into a concealed escape pod. Espionage at its finest.

Echo programs the collector limpet as EC locks onto the ancient key, opening the cargo hatch. The limpet blasts off to collect the key.

"Good thing you remembered limpets this time." Echo jests.

"Yeah yeah... shut up. Scooping that thing manually was a pain in the ass." EC recalls... the space was barely wide enough for the Odysseus, and he had, again, bounced it off the structure a couple of times.

At this point the collector limpet was making its approach, and secured the ancient key in the cargo hold.

"OK Raven, we're good. Dock that thing and lets find out about this rendezvous." He turns to Echo
"You know if Kai followed us?"

"I dunno, I'll open a comms link for you."
24 Aug 2019, 11:13pm
“Yah Echo, we’re here,” Kai responds. “Hey! Tell Raven to bring that thing back over here, I want a go!” Kai hadn’’t been able to take her eyes off the show. It was impressive the thing she yearned for most right now was to be in the fighter instead of Raven. God, that looked like a blast!

EC pips in, interrupting her day dream. “Hey Sparrow, we’re ready to go. We have what we need here. You get any word on the rendezvous?”

“Uh, negative. Not yet, let me shoot him a message and see what our next step is.” Kai says as she bangs a message out on her wrist link. It takes several seconds but Otto gets the transmission through Holly’s frame and then back to the FDL for re-transmission.

“Okay, message sent. I suspect we’ll hear back shortly.” Kai says snapping her focus back outside the windscreen.

“And hopefully someplace neutral.” EC confirms everyone’s thinking as they finish rounding up Raven and securing their ship.


Johnston felt the vibration of the comm link on his wrist. Currently his Lieutenants were discussing the results of their system searches with members of the Late Harris’ associates.

Johnston looked up at the nearest agent and leaned in. “Possible lead, I need to take a call. Excuse me.” And stepped out of the conference room.

He slipped into a latrine just down the hall and locked the door. Turning on the sink and ensuring there was sufficient water filtering out of the faucet, he ducked into a nearby stall and hammered out a quick message on his comm link and ensured it cleared through its appropriate encryption before flushing the empty toilet, washing his hands in the scalding water and turning the sink off.

Walking back into the conference room he snagged his most trusted Lieutenant. “I’m leaving. I need 12 hours to take care of some business - do whatever is necessary to ensure I’m not followed.”

The Lieutenant, a man he had served with for several years in the Federation before working together in civilian security forces, nodded curtly. “Yes Sir. I know just the diversion.”

Johnston stepped out of the room and headed down the corridor to the docks.


Kaisla’s comm link chirped in response. She glanced down at it before keying the intercom switch. “Zende, Vuia Survey. Its only 547 light years from here.”

“Roger that, we’ll plot a course to enter system an hour prior to your arrival. If we see anything, we’ll notify you.” EC closed the comm link and leaned close to Raven. “Keep sharp, its not that I don’t trust Kai - I don’t trust this Johnston fellow not to be leading us into an ambush.”

Raven leaned back in the co-pilots seat going through the status of the weapons systems. “I wouldn’t have it any other way boss.”

Kaisla set about the task of preparing the navigation system to make several jumps. Although 579 Light Years was easily obtainable in several jumps, Kaisla plotted a two hour course through numerous different systems just in case it they picked up any tails.

Lambast came forward to the cockpit, wiping synth fluids casually off her hands. “Do we have a place to meet?”

“Yeah,” Kaisla said switching her focus between two screens and Lambast. “Holy shit. Are you doing an entire autopsy back there?”

“As a matter of fact,” Lamb responded while pulling a liver from her apron, “I am. Its quite fascinating technology. What did Johnston’s message say?”

Kaisla contained a gag, “It was clever. He said that a mutual friend of ours relocated when Adele took over Eravate. Said we should go get some noodles.”

“That clever bastard.” Lamb said replacing the liver in her apron pocket. “I will say, if he was trying to go through all this effort just to trap us, he could have just announced the location over open comms.”

“True. It took a minute, but I was able to find the exact restaurant he was talking about. Surprised the old man is alive....he didn’t even change the name of his joint.”

“It’s like old Wo’ang always said...sell people what they want...” Lambast said as she turned, going through the door to continue her autopsy.

Kaisla paused while punching numbers into the nav computer before saying to herself, “Yeah, then why open a noodle shop?”

Last edit: 26 Aug 2019, 7:13pm
24 Aug 2019, 11:33pm
Johnstons' Lieutenant left the conference several seconds behind him. He walked briskly down corridor of the small office center that the search party and investigative branch had acquisition-ed on the Conduit. He nodded to several officers as he walked through the rows of cubicles and sterile offices before turning left through a cluster of partitions, ending at a secure door. He punched in the access key on the keypad and the door, marked "Evidence - Authorized Personnel Only" opened. Inside the small evidence locker, he walked up to a shelf and removed a inert chunk of plastic explosive and fuse. These items had been planted here ahead of time by some officers on Johnston's pay roll several days earlier.

He walked out of the evidence locker and exited the security station into the main causeway. Pushing through the throngs of transient people, he made his way to the lifts. The lift ride to the docking bays was a short trip and pretty soon he was strolling down the corridors through the Large pads. He double checked his slate and confirmed the bay number before flashing his credentials to a set of security guards outside. "Mr. Smith told me to bring him his data transfer unit." The guards looked to each other, "Well? Unless you want to answer to Mr. Smith, let me through!" The lead guard held up his hands, "Hey buddy, we don't want no trouble from management okay? Chill." The guard punched an access code into the keypad and the docking bay opened.

The Lieutenant strolled into the bay and walked up underneath the giant Federal Corvette sitting on the pad passively. Those bastards had a fleet of them, a fleet of ships that is the rival of smaller system governments. He quickly afixed the Plastic Explosive squarely underneath the ship and inserted the fuse. Then, from his jacket pocket he retrieved a detonator and cap. He fixed the cap to the fuse, jamming into the plastic seal and programmed the detonator. He strode back out of the bay and walked up to the nearest guy. "One of the crew asked for you guys, said they were hungry."

The guard rolled his eyes. "How many times do we gotta tell those assholes we aint their personal delivery service?" As the door opened the Lieutenant peered into the bay, "Does that look normal?" He asked to the other guard. The other guard looked in the direction he was pointing. "I don't see anything?" the guard said.

"No, under the strut, look." The guard gave the Lieutenant an appraising look before finally giving in, "Fine, I'll check it. Watch the door will ya?"

As he walked into the bay after the second guard, the Lieutenant closed the bay doors. Both guards turned to look as the doors sealed shut, the closest one making a jog to get back to the keypad. The Lieutenant depressed the detonator.

Just as Johnston's Corvette lifted from dock, and explosion sequences on the other side of the Conduit. It ripples throughout the other half of the ship quickly as Johnston cranes to watch it. "What the fuck?"

His comms break squelch. "Good luck Sir." Then the comms goes dead as the rest of the back half of the Conduit erupts in a ball of flame.
25 Aug 2019, 12:15am
Maul Montresor

He sighs and goes back to flipping through shows again.

Khelan wanders into Maul's room munching on some sugar coated buzz bombs from a small packet and carrying a package under his arm.

"Look at the state yer in ya lazy basturd, lyin aboot watching shite oan the gogglebox in yer scants while folk come in tae make sure ye've no forgotten how tae breathe. If Ah hidnae seen ye smack offa ma canopy like a fuckin great big bug Ah'd say there wis fuck all wrang wi ye."

He pulls up a chair and sits down beside him, carefully putting the package down on the floor before lowering his mirrored glasses to look him in the eyes.

"Seriously tho mate, ye did good Ah'm really proud of ye. It wisnae yer fault that bawbag Morgan opened fire oan that 'conda, ye wurnae tae know. Naewan is blamin ye fur that an neither shud you. Even that Vera chick says it wisnae yer fault so dinnae ye go beatin yersel up aboot it ye hear me?"

Khelan puts his feet up on Maul's bed and sighs.

"Ye might hiv figured oot by noo Ah used tae be in wi Shin and his crew a bit deeper than Ah've previously let oan. Ah never telt ye aboot it because well Ah'll be honest wi ye ah thought it wisnae the bloke Ah thought Ah wis these days but that shite wi Theodore kinda made me realise that Ah've no changed that much no matter how hard Ah try tae deny it. Y'see Ah used tae dae stuff that made a lot of folks fear me an if they ever foon themselves infronta me then they knew they wur infur a world of hurt an Ah'll be honest Ah used tae enjoy it when ye look intae a blokes eyes an ye see denial, then fear followed by the acceptance that they ain't gonna see their loved wans again it makes ye feel like yer some sorta deity ye get me? "

"Ah've done things that makes that Morgan twat look like a Saint. Ah'm no proud of it but it's a part of who Ah am no matter how much Ah try tae deny it. All ah can dae is tae try an make sure that the folks who hiv tae die are the wans who truly deserve tae die. That's wan place Omi differs frae Shin, she'll try tae find a peaceful solution before resorting tae violence."

He picks up the package and hands it to Maul inside is Khelan's leather jacket with the snarling winged wolf's head on the back.

"Ah want ye tae hiv this, no because it makes ye the Pilot fur Shinigami but because it makes ye wan of us, ye'see bud Ah want ye tae become ma number two because ye'll dae yer best tae keep me oan the straight an narrow an Ah know ye'll no be afraid tae tell me tae stop bein a twat. Dragons are supposed tae use their strength fur good of mankind and that's wit ah want ye tae dae. Ye unnerstand?"

"Ah don't want an answer right away but Ah want ye tae think aboot it long an hard. The jacket's yours no matter wit ye decide it'll bring ye luck an wi yer ugly mug ye need all the luck ye can get."

"Shin's funeral is in a couple of days so once ye get oota here Ah'll get ye oan the Prid an we'll head tae Tionisla tae say oor goodbyes."

He gets up to leave and pauses at the door.

"Ah've said it before an Ah'll say it again. Yer a good man Maul Montresor."
25 Aug 2019, 2:01am

“It’s like old Wo’ang always said...sell people what they want...” Lambast said as she turned, going through the door to continue her autopsy.

Kaisla paused while punching numbers into the nav computer before saying to herself, “Yeah, then why open a noodle shop?”

She should have known better and not shown Kai what she was working on. A lack of consideration for her friend was a mark of her frustration with the task. It was to be Wo’ang King Ramen again. Now that was a personal insult to Lambast and she knew it. There was a chance Johnston had picked the place because Wo’ang was so slimy, nothing could stick to him, not even surveillance, but Lamb felt it was her disgust for the personal and professional hygiene of the man that made Johnston chose the location. Well total lack of it. Lambast liked Johnston, he had been an invaluable alley in a time of great need, but Lambast had been a bitch to him at first. Mr Waistofspace, Simpleton and useless sack of pointlessness in a uniform where just a few of her pet names for the man before she knew better. At least this meeting was something Lambast could make headway on.

Trying to finding a weakness to exploit on the Avatar Drone had done nothing but reveal how superior the Avatars components were. Everything was by far superior to the human counterpart. Lambast had found nothing that worked practically well on the components, well noting that wouldn’t harm a normal person as well.  What she did find was everything was an improved copy of human anatomy. It made no logical sense, if this Spiritweaver was making a machine for the task of killing people, or otherwise doing his bidding and passing for human, why give it kidneys at all? Would it really need to eat and drink? All she could guess was the Avatar needed more bio-energy than a normal human could produce so it would have to process fuel more efficiently. Why the slavish adherence to the human form. There had to be a reason, but Lamb couldn’t see it.

Active samples were currently being subjected to every radioactive element in Lambs collection, sonic projections and an impressive spectrum of light radiation. That was all the small Laboratory on board the Hand could manage and that was also about the extent of Lamb's scientific knowledge in the field. The head was of most interest. Its brain was, just like an organic brain a computer. This one however had an access port. Not a physical socket, but a digital connection. Once Lambast realised what the signal was that registered once the head had a bit of charge, she disconnected it and locked the head in a radioactive materials storage chest just in case it could communicate.

The little she had managed to find out about Spiritweaver coupled with the computer brain gave her some hope. She had found nothing about the “man” himself, just a few shady quasi religions built up around a figure going by many names. The Evolutionair, The Combine, The Newman and other such titles. No direct information on Spiritweaver it's self, but maybe a way in. A bunch of disenfranchised and deluded idiots should be quite easy to infiltrate if they have a chance of getting closer to the thing its self.

It, the thing was Lambasts new term for referring to Spiritweaver. If this Avatar Drone was just a tool Spiritweaver made for other people, Spiritweaver its self must have improved far beyond human. Facing it without knowing what it was would be suicide. The brain was a weakness she would be looking for. If she could make her own super brain, Lambast would have a way to download her mind in case she was killed. It may not be life, but it was better that total death. Any threat to that bank of consciousness would be a weakness difficult to ignore. Also if a signal could be sent out, maybe one could get in. It was all supposition, but it was also the only glimmer of light her poking around in the dark had reviled.

Finding out who was going to be in Zende, Vuia Survey would be relativity easy in comparison. Time for hours and hours of cross-referencing lay ahead. This task required tea. Lambast had deeply enjoyed the tea Kai had brought for her, but this job needed tea she grew up on. A good hot mug of PG Tips sweetened with cheap white sugar. Ship registrations, bank transactions from the Conduit and Johnston fleet needed compiling, and weeks of docking logs from Zende and transactions in that system needed to be compared to find any matches. Lambast trusted Johnston, but he could have missed something. Any interesting names that turned up would also need checking. Preparation was half the job done. It would be best to get a map of the Ruin as well and take a virtual tour to familiarise herself with the place if anyone had bothered uploading a map.

While the information was compiling, lambast went to the galley to cook Ramen. She didn’t have any noodles, so pasta would have to do, but there was no way she would be eating anything Wo’ang had even looked at for a bit. She cooked enough for four and then some for the lads including drinks and packed two hampers for later.

Non-slip boots were a must, there was no running on Wo’angs floor otherwise and her only non-slip boots were work boot. Well, that made the wardrobe choice easy, ship maintenance chic it was. Bit of a shame because her foil was going to look very out of place with that outfit, but as needs must. Just a shame her armoured flight jacket was also back home.  Gloves, oh my yes there would be gloves, and a maintenance bracer would be coming too. That small computer would detonate the plating removal charges she was taking, just a few distractions to use should they need to run. She’d leave surveillance to people that knew better about such things. While the ship fitter on leave look seemed to be the order of the day, the hull breach foam gun could come along. Not deadly, but easy to aim as its spray is quite wide from a short distance. A pair of daggers up the sleeves and that would do for protection. EC and the boys were coving them from a distance, and Kaisla was quick enough to shoot a man already pointing a gun at her.

Anything else needed would have to wait until the information had been assessed and other uninvited guests found out.

Last edit: 26 Aug 2019, 8:18pm
25 Aug 2019, 2:53am
*ding, ding, ding*

A pair of beady, black eyes filtered through several inches of thick glass peered up over the greasy serving window. The eyebrows extended at least an inch higher than Wo'ang's already absent hairline should allow.

"Mr. Poolease man?!"

What would normally be considered shuffling, came out like a *slurp* in Wo'ang's shop as the old man went to make for the front counter. Wo'ang Ramen King (or as the shop sign illuminated: WANKER, on account of also absent neon), was not known throughout the universe for the hygiene of his establishment. Or the noodles come to think of it. In fact, it was generally known that if you wanted to have any kind of life expectancy or perhaps, dreams of dying by the blaster; then don't eat anything out of Wo'ang's establishment. Rather, Wo'ang "Ramen King" was known to have a higher death count with his "Moo Goo Surprise" than most hardened pirates. Rather than as a supplier of tasty cuisine, most people preferred Wo'ang's ability to be slicker than his cooking grease. He had a fantastic way of avoiding Federal, Imperial, Alliance, Independent and come to think of it, any law enforcement (at least those that didn't want to die from Salmonella). Wo'ang's shop acted as a way station, communications hub and place of business for people that were not even classy enough to use the dive bars doted throughout the universe.  

"Oh Mr. Poolease man, I know you didn't come all this way just for some of my famous noodle!" Wo'ang creaked as he arrived at the counter. To the look of him, it hadn't looked like he aged at all since Johnston had last seen him, nearly ten years ago back on Cleve Hub in Eravate. Perhaps he also bathed in his own cooking oil and that had its own set of preservation qualities.

Johnston pushed the mental image out of his head. "Actually, I'm rather surprised you're still alive old man." Johnston said as he approached the counter. He went to lean on it before thinking better of it. He placed his hands in his pockets instead.

"How many time I tell you? My food healthy for you." Wo'ang said as he examined the counter and then too, thought better than to lean on it. He stuck his bony hands in his apron instead.

"If by healthy, you mean you don't eat it, then yes." Johnston parried back. They were use to this sort of exchange and it had become a sort of contest to see who would win out.

"No. You right. I don't eat my food either. I eat down the way at the Lotus Flower." Wo'ang adjusted the binoculars suspended to his head by a set of wiry frames.  

"Still using the accent I see?" Johnston asked.

"Certainly, give people what they want. Recently I discover that not my noodles." Wo'ang said, chuckling through one of three teeth he had left.

"That's a recent discovery is it? Must have been heartbreaking." Johnston pushed aside an unknown bug to inspect a menu. "Come to think of it, I'm not sure any one has discovered THAT kind of bug..."

"New ones pop up all the time." Wo'ang replied, nonplussed. "What can I do for you this time Mr. Poolease man?"

"Need to hold a meeting here with some of friends. I'm sure you've seen some of the local feeds about the commotion at the Conduit. They stepped in something deeper than your Gai Pan Pork and it smells just as bad."

"Hey! Gai Pan Pork is my best selling dish!" Wo'ang exclaims in mock indignation. "The one I did sell only made the customer very ill, not dead."

Johnston glances up at him. "So can we make sure our meeting here is....private?"

"Ahh but you owe me then Mr. Poolease man." Wo'ang holds up a bony finger, the yellowed nail waving small circles in the damp air.

"I don't know the health ladies here Wo'ang, I can't falsify your inspection results." Johnston says as he sticks the menu back together.

"No - I want a number five from the Lotus Flower with extra sesame seed." Wo'ang sits back against the serving window and strokes at his wispy beard.

"That's it?"

"Yeah, that it....oh here, take punch card too. Next meal free. After this one of course."
25 Aug 2019, 4:01am
Khelan He gets up to leave and pauses at the door.

"Ah've said it before an Ah'll say it again. Yer a good man Maul Montresor."

Maul remains silent as Khelan leaves the room. He was in slight shock. He figured Khelan had a questionable past but was surprised to hear him be so open about it.

His eyes slowly move down to the package wrapped in brown paper and tape. He taps his fingers on it before laying it aside on the table next to his bed and attempting to resume the show he that he had randomly stopped on. The show starred a crew of fictional space explorers. It had corny effects and the dialog was quite bland. Maul briefly runs his eyes over the package before his gaze quickly snaps back to the holo screen as a line of dialog catches his attention:

"It's a big galaxy out there, Daniel." One man says to another pointing out of the canopy of their fictional ship. "You can explore every inch of it, every little crevice but do you know what you aren't going to find?" Daniel looks at the man with anticipation. "Purpose. You'll never find a purpose for life or for any of this. That's something you have to find inside yourself and only you will know when you find it. Hell, some people never find a purpose. And that, Daniel..." The man pokes Daniel's chest. "is when you gotta make your own."

Maul smirks. It may have been corny but it struck a chord with him. He sits up and throws his legs over the side of the bed and grabs the package to rip it open. The jacket contained inside was a symbol for the future. He was no longer alone and that's something he had always feared; true loneliness.

He holds it up and admires the snarling winged wolf's head on the back and smiles.

"Hello purpose." He says quietly as he rubs his fingers over the stitching. "Let's hope you're a good one."

Maul folds the jacket up and lays it back down on the bedside table.

He grabs the remote and ponders on changing the channel again. He smirks and lays it back down on the table. He made his choice and was finally happy.

Last edit: 26 Aug 2019, 4:33am
25 Aug 2019, 10:54pm
Khelan walks along into a non descript apartment complex and heads up a flight of stairs. He pauses outside a door. The door's sealed shut by its electronic lock but he looks down at a small piece of tape hanging from the frame. The adhesive on the tape is still pretty clean indicating that the door was only opened recently.

He presses his hand to the door panel and it slides open revealling the blackness inside the apartment, he steps through the door and it closes behind him plunging the entire room into total darkness.

Suddenly he's hit around the waist by an impact, powerful legs wrap around his body trying to throw him off balance but he wraps his arms around the attacker pulling them in against him.

"Hullo Omi." he says before giving the command to turn on the lights.

Omi unwraps herself from around his waist and steps back to look at him.

"I never understood how you always know that I'm in here" she says "I've got access to the most modern lockbreaking tech and I know I didn't trip any alarms silent or otherwise getting past your security."

Khelan smiles at her. "Trade secret hen." he responds before pulling a dust sheet off of a sofa and sitting down.

"You didn't come back here when you were last on station, why is that?" she asks.

Khelan looks around the moderately sized apartment decorated with random plastic collectable figures from movies and TV shows on a lot of the shelves and flat surfaces oddly juxtaposed by the traditional style Japanese artwork on the walls.

"Ah figured Ah hid nae reason tae come back here. It wis ancient history." he shrugs "Besides Ah wis mair innerested in getting Maul fixed up."

Omi nods and sits down beside him

"How is he?" she asks

Khelan looks at her "Ye already know the answer tae that. Mair importantly how're ye?"

"I asked you first" she says with a smile

"He's alright.... Considerin he got the shite kicked oota him then bounced affa ma canopy." he says "Now it's yer turn, how're ye?"

Omi lowers her head sadly.

"I'm fine." she says "Well as fine as I can be all things considered. I can't believe he's gone, I knew it was coming but I tried to ready myself for it but you can't really."

Khelan nods slowly.

"Ah know" he says softly. "Ah don't need tae ask how yer getting tae Tionisla dae Ah?"

"I'm assuming that you're going to offer me transport on the Prid?" she asks

"Well if ye can handle the smell then yer welcome. Tho Ah need tae warn ye that Maul fuckin stinks when he let's wan go." Khelan says with a smile "Seriously Ah hid tae get Leo tae crank up the air scrubbers tae max tae try and deal wi the stench."

Omi laughs gently and smiles.

"Thank you." she says softly.

"Well Ah'd be a pretty shite bloke if Ah didnae offer ma fiancée a lift noo wouldn't Ah?"

Omi nods in agreement.

"Hold on, did you just say Fiancée?" she asks

Khelan stands up and heads over to a small cupboard, he opens the door and takes out a small box within. He flicks the box open to reveal a thin silver ring with a modest diamond set into it.

"This is wit Ah came here fur. Ah know ma timing is shite but ye already knew that. And Ah figured noo's as gud a time as any. Ah wis gonnae dae this two years ago but ye know wit happened but that's no gonnae happen again Ah swear."

Omi looks at him her brown eyes wide with surprise and rimmed red with tears.

"Ah love ye an Ah wannae spend the rest of ma life wi ye Omikuma so will ye..." he chokes a little bit before continuing "Will ye marry me?"

"Yes" she whispers in reply before collapsing into his arms tears flowing from her eyes.
"Yes" she sobs as his arms fold around her holding her in close.
26 Aug 2019, 5:57am
Mauls wakes up to see Vega sitting in a chair next to his bed, staring at him.

"You look like shit."

Maul grunts as he sits up in his bed.

"Well then, I'm looking about the same as I feel."

Vega smirks and slowly nods.

They sit in silence as they struggle to find something to talk about. Maul hesitates but finally breaks the tension.

"I'm sorry, Vega. I know--"

Vega cuts him short.

"Don't do that. It's not your fault. You couldn't have known that Bryce was going to do any of this."

Maul lowers his head.

"I should have just let you go after Lydia. I--"

She interrupts him again and nods.

"I know you were just looking out for me. If you would have let me go after them I would have wound up getting them killed or dying myself."

Maul looks up at her as she continues.

"Bryce is dead. He is the one responsible. Please stop blaming yourself, okay?"

Vega was clearly upset but was holding back her emotions. She never liked being vulnerable.

Maul nods.

Vega notices the jacket laying on the bedside table that Khelan had given him.

"So it looks like you're going to be sticking around here for a while, huh?"

Maul looks at the jacket and back to her.

"I think so. I figured it would be best to stay here for a while. The Corporation is going to be going crazy after what happened with Bryce."

Maul scoots to the edge of the bed and grabs the jacket to lay it in his lap. He looks back up Vega.

"You should stay here too. You know, just to be safe."

Vega smiles at him but it quickly fades.

"I appreciate that but I don't know if there's really a place for me here."

Maul tosses the jacket aside and scoots closer to her.

"Please don't go. I don't want to lose anybody else."

Vega could see the desperation in his eyes.

She nods.

"Okay, I'll stay."

Maul relaxes and scoots back.

"Sorry, I'm just..."

Vega interjects.

"I know"

She reaches out and grabs his hands.

"Everything's going to be alright. You're just stressed right now."

Maul clenches her hands tight and lowers his head.

"I'm so sorry, Vega."

She gives Maul a sympathetic look.

"I know....I know."

Last edit: 26 Aug 2019, 6:06am
26 Aug 2019, 4:37pm
A few hours later

Khelan walks through the docks heading towards hangar bay 12 where the Prid is docked. He walks up to the boarding elevator and gives his access code, the doors slide open, he steps in and the elevator takes him up to the crew level.

"Leo?" he asks

"What's happening dude?" responds the disembodied voice of Leo

"Plot a course tae Tionisla would ye? Best speed Ah dinnae want us tae be late."

"Righto commander. We'll be there before you know it."

Khelan takes out his pad and sends messages to let the others know that the Prid's ready when they are before heading off to his quarters.

"Leo let me know when the others are here wid ye? Ah'm gonnae take a wee bit tae masel and just relax."

Khelan lies down on his bed, turns on the viewer and lies back to watch one of his beloved ancient TV shows.

A hatch opens next to his bed and a mug of steaming hot tea comes out on a small tray.

Khelan takes it, takes a sip and smiles.

"Cheers Leo, yer a star."
26 Aug 2019, 7:16pm
"How are you feeling today?" Vega asks as she watches Maul gather his belongings and slide on his jacket.

"I'm just happy I'm finally getting out of here. Sitting in a hospital has a way of making you feel kind of useless, you know?"

Vega nods in agreement.

Maul grabs a bottle of pills that Dr. Kojima gave him and stuffs them into his jacket pocket.

"Alrighty lets go, Khelan's waiting on us."

Vega and Maul leave the medical center and head to the docks. As they approach hangar bay 12 they see Omi. The three of them exchange silent greetings and continue to board the Prid.
26 Aug 2019, 11:58pm
Khelan lies on his bed watching an old black and white movie about a giant radioactive lizard and the attempts of the military to stop it when Leo interrupts him by turning off the viewer.

"Wit the fuck Leo? Ah wis watchin that."

"I thought you might like to know Omikuma, Maul and that charming Vega lady are onboard. You did say that you wanted me to tell you about that didn't you?" Leo responds.

Khelan gets up off his bed and heads up towards the cockpit.

"Aye Ah suppose Ah did, be a pal an start the pre-flights wid ye?" he says

"Already done and the course is laid in commander. The only thing you need to do is ask for launch clearance."

Khelan smiles as he walks into the cockpit to find everyone there waiting for him. He sits down in his chair and the holo displays and instruments come to life.

"Hondo City, Anaconda Whisky Tango Foxtrot. Request launch permission."

"Anaconda Whisky Tango Foxtrot, Hondo City. Request granted commander. Tabi no dōchū okiwotsukete"

"Dōmo arigatō Hondo City, Anaconda Whiskey Tango Foxtrot out."

The Prid lifts smoothly off the pad and slides out of the mailslot into the darkness of space. Khelan lines up for the first jump and engages the Frameshift Drive. Leo counts down and the Prid jumps the first jump of many on the way to Tionisla.

Omi gets up off her chair and looks at Maul.

"Well we've got a bit of time to kill before we get to our destination, meet me in the cargo bay it's time you learned how to look after yourself."

"Dinnae beat him up too much will ye?" Khelan chuckles as Omi heads out of the cockpit.

"Don't worry I'll be gentle" smiles Omi as she leaves the cockpit.

Khelan waits until she's gone before turning to Maul.

"A wee bitty advice, if she bows tae ye bow back but dinnae take yer eyes affa her oar ye'll end up oan yer airse before ye know wits happenin. An if she asks ye tae help her back up dinnae dae it or ye'll end up oan yer airse. Lastly relax if ye can, it'll hurt less when she hits ye."

Khelan smiles at Maul before adding under his breath "cos she'll dae a lot of that."
27 Aug 2019, 2:00am
The Arbiter screeched to a halt upon entry into Zende. Normal space warped and flexed briefly, ice cascading in sheets off the hull of the smaller craft. Re-entry from witch space was an experience for any new aviators. Despite advancements in FSD technology in the last hundred years, entry and exit was still always a mind-fuck. Modern FSDs had done a lot to ease the transition compared to earlier FSD Drives but entry and exit was still a violent process and often, the most strenuous wear on a ship.

Echo and Raven didn’t need directions. Immediately after the post-jump systems checks, the two men were out of their chairs getting the ship ready. Each man had his job and they didn’t view it any differently than a normal job. Much like any professional that worked in weaponry, the guns were first and required very little in terms of actual preparation. These men lived by their weapons and it showed. Munitions charging ports were well-oiled and greased, feed linkages were smooth and buttery and batteries well charged. Hours prior, Echo had gone through and checked each cannon plug, cleaned and lubricated the plug pins and gone through a thorough set of checks to guarantee smooth feeding and operation. Raven went through and verified ships systems, shield charges, ports operation and the fighter. EC readied the ship by establishing the necessary security masks and counter-surveillance measures required to keep the small ship nearly invisible. They had scouted the system already and knew where they needed to hide to stay out of sight.

Within seven minutes, the Arbiter was ready to take on a fleet. “Six minutes, forty-three seconds!” Echo would yell from the weapons bay. The next fifty two minutes crawled by while they waited for the Hand of Lambast to arrive. Finally, a light winked in near the star. A single message broke squelch long enough to send a one line transmission burst. “We’re in.”

Rendezvous was equally quick. The two ships passed briefly and only remained docked for a long enough for the clamps to secure and pressurize the docking umbilical. EC transferred to the Hand and then the Python vectored toward Vuia Survey. The system itself had a sad story and the station was named as a tribute to the leader of a lost colony. Zende was not an easily hospitable system and the first colony was lost within the year. Shortly after the war between the Federation and Empire, systems were split coordinates-based and Zende was one of the systems that neither the Federation or Empire had wanted so it fell through the cracks. Neither government could locate resources or valid reason to pursue the system for exploitation. It wasn’t long before the system had been ear-marked by colonists that wanted to get out of reach of both governments. Despite funding issues, the first set of colonists struck out to the system but all communications were lost within the first year. Suspicions of the disappearance ranged the gauntlet from Thargoid to criminal to government involvement. The Caine Massey mining corporation, under the guise of seeking the lost settlers, sent out a scouting party to ascertain the exact disposition of the system. Although the settlers were never found, Palladium, Bauxite and Lepidolite was; and in large quantities. It wasn’t long before the Caine Massey corporation had a full contingent of ships establishing business and mining rights in the region under the front company, “Zende Partners.”

Back inside the Hand, EC leaned between the two pilot seats, “Are we worried about ships registrations here?”

Kaisla gently stroked the thrusters, lining up for the station beacon. “Nah, this system is independent and if there is anything we know about independent systems, they don’t play well with Federal or Imperial mandate. They could care less what the Feds or Imps want and wouldn’t take too kindly to anybody encroaching on their space.”

EC leaned back, crossing his arms. “Fair enough.”

Lambast piped in, “That’s assuming that whatever mandate is hunting us is linked to either Federal or Imperial decree. Although, I’ve known the station manager here for a few years being as we’ve done mining business pretty extensively in the past and would immediately recognize any of my guises.”

The Hand of Lambast was issued a curt docking clearance and Kaisla piloted the ship toward the mail slot. “Well, here’s where we find out,” she said mostly to herself.

Docking went smoothly and they didn’t run into any surprises. Kaisla lowered the Hand of Lambast down smoothly onto the pad. Lambast looks over to her appraisingly. “I keep telling you, the minute you want to call it quits doing this sneaky secret squirrel stuff, you have a job flying passengers for charter.”

Kaisla completes the rest of the shut down checklist, “I know Sis, but you know how I am. I would go crazy flying in straight lines all day.”

EC leaned forward between the ladies, ‘It’s just like exploration.....hours of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror.”

Kai leans back making an explosive gesture with her hands, “Poof! There I was dropped into a set of binary stars....” EC laughs.

The crew disembarked from the Hand and made their way through the station into the main mall. EC kept looking through the mainstream shops trying to find it. Kaisla chuckled, “Nah buddy, you’re looking in the wrong spots. You wont find Wo’ang’s shop if you’re looking for upstanding restaurants that you would actually want to eat at.” Lambast leaned down securing a tiny shape charge to the underside of a table in the food court. “Quite right, I would recommend a thorough decontamination after leaving too.”

They spotted a dark corner that appeared to be radiating a stench. All the other shops and even the mobile trollies kept a wide berth. Lights were intermittent or burned out in that corner. A neon like flashed above the hovel. “WANKER?” EC asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m surprised he didn’t at least get a new sign,” Lambast says as she continues walking toward the dark corner. The three entered the dingy shop. A bell above the door dinged pathetically. A set of beady eyes peered up over the serving window, a pseudo-Asian accent called out, “Ahhhh Miss Kayla, Miss Rambast. Been forever since I seen you. Thought maybe my rice did you in.”

EC looked around in disgust. He had been in some seedy places but this ramen shop appeared like it had never been considered new, opulent or even well-cared for. He couldn’t imagine that what would be served here would be considered food by any species with a digestive system similar to a humans. Johnston raised a hand in the corner booth facing the door. Kaisla scooted into the booth and Lambast adjusted her satchel, pulling a white cloth and smaller towels from her bag. Everybody stared at her. EC took up a seat across the isle, straddling the chair to keep his chest and therefore, weapon, oriented toward the blonde stranger. “This brings up some bad memories.” Kaisla comments as she scoots into the booth. Johnston laughs softly, “Its just like home eh? Yeah, I’ll give Wo’ang this, he sets the expectation and then sticks to it.”

“Give customer what they want.” Wo’ang says as he shuffles up to the table. Johnston leans past him, looking at EC. “Don’t order any food.”

“Hey! You stop scaring off customer!” Wo’ang protests.

“Won’t it look suspicious if we’re meeting here without eating?” EC asks.

Lambast interjects, “It would look more suspicious if we were eating.”

Wo’ang throws his pad on the table, “Now rook here....” he begins.

Johnston holds up his hand, “Wo’ang we have business to attend to, can we get some privacy please?”

Wo’ang, defeated, folds his hands into his greasy apron and shuffles off. “Ungrateful!”

“How bad is it?” Kaisla asked, leveling a look at Johnston.

“Bad,” He responds locking eyes with both the girls. “I assume this is your friend from the Conduit? The crack shot with the carbine that cleared out my security?” He leans over to shake EC’s hand.

EC responds by leaning across, extending a hand, “Silas.” After shaking hands, he folds his arms back down toward his concealed weapons.

“Charmed.” Johnston says, “But you don’t need to cradle your guns, I’m not here to set you guys up. I’m not a fan of these fuckers any more than you are.”

“You’ll understand if I’m hesitant to take your word for it.” EC says with a nod.

“Yeah, yeah,” Johnston says looking back at the girls, “Listen, when it was a simple bounty for breaking some station rules, I was willing to bring you in. I could tease both of you girls for being careless, we could have a drink and then split some pay. But this.....this goes way beyond that.”

Lambast sits up a bit, “I wasn’t involved in what happened at Citi or the Conduit, Kai brought me in when the death count started to ramp up.”

“Could of surprised me,” Johnston states, “Last time I saw the two of you, you were inseparable. What really scares me is the person that issued your original bounty, Tackworth, the station manager at Citi - he turned up dead about four days ago. That guy was connected. He had been managing that station for nearly 30 years. He was tied to most illicit organizations from here to Shinraz. Fed, Imperial, Pilot Federation, he had connections to all of them and everybody used him to handle business out there. That’s the thing with the faction out there and what pissed him off so much with your guys’ trouble at Citi. His rules were strict, no combat, no aggression, keep your dirty business quiet. Whoever is running this shadow organization made a call, ganked my contract and then killed him with no less fan fair than the death of a pad-hand.”

Lambast leaned forward, “What can you tell us about them?”

“They’re powerful. Very powerful. Hours after Tackworths death, a fleet of Corvette’s showed up with a team of storm troopers. They relieved me and my securities team of any data we had and locked down the Conduit. I’ve never seen efficiency like that - not even in the Federal shock troopers. Within a day, we had every system from the Conduit out to the edge of the bubble feeding in intelligence feeds and doing patrols. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were spies walking around on here reporting back - the thing is, by not trying to keep a low profile you guys were able to walk right in. They’re looking for people that are trying to hide. They expect you guys to be a harder target.”

“I know the station manager here.” Lambast provided.

“You did. After we leave, I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up dead for not reporting you.”

Lambast looked forlorn. “Can we get him a warning?”

“Not likely. Listen ladies, this is survival. Its no piss-ant crime boss on a colony this time. These guys are out for blood, every drop. You stumbled upon something you weren’t meant to find and now they want to make sure its not found again. Speaking of which, what did you find?”

Lambast pulled her ruck sack up through between her legs placing it on the table and pulling the flap open. Johnston peered down to look into the satchel. He let out a low whistle. “Is that an arm?”

“Yeah and that’s not all,” Lambast says as she shoves the satchel back beneath the table, “Its synthetic.”

Johnston stares, “That ain’t cheap.”

“That’s not all,” EC finally cuts in. “It appears that whatever these guys are planning that involve these synth soldiers, they’re also betting on having Thargoid help.” He glances back at the girls and they nod. “It also appears, we suspect, that whatever they’re working on, their also figuring out a way to target ships to get attacked by Thargoids. That’s about all we know right now.”

Johnston glances over to EC, “That’s some serious shit.”


“What’s your plan?” Johnston asks as he folds his arms behind his head.

“We haven’t really thought of one. Right now we’re just trying to process everything and figure out who these assholes are.” EC continued.

“I was able to get a single data drop before it started to raise some eyebrows,” Johnston says fishing in his pocket for a data stick. “Its basic stuff, ships, registrations and templated locations but that’s about it. Anything more than that and I wouldn’t of made it off the Conduit. They’re already pretty pissed working with me and one of my advisors decided to blow a hole in the Conduit to enable me to sneak away. Took out one of their Corvettes in the process.”

Lambast takes the data stick, “Sorry about your loss.”

Johnston gives a tight-lipped smile, “Appreciate it, but I have a suspicion it won’t be the last time blood will be spilt in this mess. That data stick also has the necessary encryption to maintain a secure line between us. As I find out more information, I’ll keep you informed.”

EC scoots his chair across the isle. “Why are you helping us?” He asks staring directly at Johnston.

“I’ve known these girls since they were kids. They’re the closest thing I’ve had to a family. I’m not about to turn my back on them now.”

EC looks at Lambast. “That works for me.”

With that, they stood and went for the door.

Wo’ang calls from the kitchen, “What? You leave so soon?”

Quiet greets the old man in exchange. “Nobody ever visit anymore.”
He says as he continues to shift the pile of goo on the grill. “Dammit, I burn my noodle....”
27 Aug 2019, 3:24am
Khelan "A wee bitty advice, if she bows tae ye bow back but dinnae take yer eyes affa her oar ye'll end up oan yer airse before ye know wits happenin. An if she asks ye tae help her back up dinnae dae it or ye'll end up oan yer airse. Lastly relax if ye can, it'll hurt less when she hits ye."

Khelan smiles at Maul before adding under his breath "cos she'll dae a lot of that."

"Thanks for the heads up." Maul says to Khelan as he leaves the cockpit.

He runs to catch up with Omi.

"You know, if Bryce wasn't like twice my size I wouldn't have gotten my ass beat so bad....well probably anyway."

He smiles at her and notices the ring on her finger.

"So, when did this happen?" He says pointing at her hand.

Omi holds her hand up and looks at the ring.

"Just the other night."

"It's Khelan, right?"

Omi gives Maul a nasty look. "Of course it is!"

Maul smiles. "Just checking. Congrats!"

She smiles back. "Thank you."

They continue on to the cargo bay.

Vega sits quietly in the cockpit with Khelan.

"Hey, um, I'm sorry about Shin." She shakes her head. "We've lost too many people lately. I just hope I can do something to commemorate Lydia. I did all of this to get her away from my sister and try to give her a normal life. I should have known better."

She starts to tear up.

"I'm sorry, it's just been rough.  Look at me, crying to someone who just lost someone that was like a father to them. It's just, I can't talk to Maul about this, he still blames himself for her death and I don't have anybody else."
27 Aug 2019, 7:52am
Khelan looks over to Vega and nods.

"Of course he blames himsel, it's just wit he does. In his mind he's tae blame fur all of this an it all started the moment he pulled the trigger oan that ship well afore he met me. He's wit ma creepy Auld Uncle Albert used tae call wan of life's dwellers. Ah used tae be wan too an tae a certain extent Ah still am, the trick is tae keep yersel distracted till yer brain his the the time tae work the shite oot wi-oot yer interferin. Ah'll guarantee ye that's why Omi is daein wit she's daein wi Maul right noo."

He pauses for a second before he continues.

"It's wan of the reasons Ah offered him a place as ma right hand guy. There's gonnae be a load of shite fur him tae deal wi an it'll keep him distracted frae the shite in the past."

Vega looks at Khelan as his words sink in.

"You really do care about him don't you?" she asks "Can I ask why?"

Khelan smiles at her before he replies.

"Aye, ye cannae no like him it'd be like kicking a puppy ye just cannae dae it. Ah used tae be a lot like him till Ah got mixed up wi Shin and his organisation, they gave me purpose an they gave me the confidence tae tell masell Ah dinnae hiv control over everythin an tae believe that."

*******Down in the cargo bay *******

Omi stands before Maul dressed in a simple black loose fitting sleeveless bodysuit.

"That Morgan gentleman may have been stronger than you but you are taller you should have had the advantage of reach and most likely speed over him. In a fight it's all about using your advantages and exploiting your opponents weaknesses. Sheer size usually means a lot slower unless he's jacked up on something but we'll come to that later."

She looks at Maul with a glint in her eyes

"I'm smaller than you, so while I should be faster you have the advantages of reach and strength over me so you should be able to hit me long before I get close enough to land a blow."

She stands before him arms at her sides and feet together and bows respectfully at the waist her eyes locked to his. She straightens up and smiles at him.

"Hit me "she says

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