Elite roleplay: Off station


Your ship, deep space, anything that is not happening inside the Citi Gateway or Ingaba...

General Roleplay Etiquette:

1. Control only the actions of your own character(s). (AKA: God Mode)
This doesn't matter how small the action is, even if it is as simple as scratching their nose or a direct reaction to something else that just happened. This applies to everything from casual conversation to full blown fight scenes. If you'd like someone to do something specific, PM that person, however keep in mind they are completely within their rights to say no. Especially if said action is inappropriate to their character and/or circumstance.

2. Don't brute force your way into another persons RP.
Approaching with a conversation starter is fine, or indeed some other small action. However charging in, guns blazing and disrupting the flow of another person/pair/groups conversation/arc is about as rude as doing so in real life. If something is going on that you'd like to participate in, be subtle about it. Put out a gentle hook for someone to take, but again, be aware that said hook may not be taken. If you fear it was simply unnoticed, PM the person or people it concerns. Or even leave a message in the OOC forums.

3. Good grammar and spelling is preferred.
We're not asking you to be perfect, but please at least demonstrate willingness. no1 iz gna tak u srsly usng txt spk. There's a wide variety of people here, many who speak English as a second, or even third language. There are even some with varying degrees of dyslexia and/or likely other issues that affect spelling/grammar. We accept them all here. However, people who aren't accepted, are those unwilling to accept polite correction. Remember that even a small thing like the placement of a comma, or the wrong use of there/their/they're can completely change the definition of an entire sentence.

4. Accept constructive criticism gracefully and politely.
If someone spots an issue with your writings, they may wish to help you improve that writing. They may do this through PM or even publicly air their thoughts on the OOC forum. If they have taken the time to be polite and explain what is wrong with your writing, the best way to behave is to respond in kind, using the same manner they have approached you with. It means they have taken an active interest in what you have written and wish to see more. Basically, you have a fan!

5. Don't take the actions or opinions of things done IN RP, to be directly relevant to the writers thoughts or opinions.
Basically, if some ones character calls your character a jackass, it doesn't mean the writer thinks you are a jackass. It's a ROLE they are PLAYING. Watch a movie. The argument between the characters isn't an argument between the actors involved. The same applies here.

6. It's not a popularity contest.
Your RP might be bustling with participants. You have 3 people off station in a fire fight, while another 2 are infiltrating the darkest areas of the station, meanwhile a group of 4 others are tracking your movements in an effort to stop you. Good for you, I'm sure it will be a thrilling read! But you know what? Sometimes the absolute BEST work, comes from two RP characters having a simple heart to heart. Both are valid, both are great, but NEITHER is categorically better than the other. Period.

Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

2. Respect the characters created by others.
We have a wide variety of characters already here. It's expected that some will be similar, just as it's expected that two characters will be vastly different. Opinions of each persons character will naturally be varied, but all are valid provided they follow the rules of the universe. You are allowed to interact with, or avoid interaction with, any character in the RP forums. But you have no right to belittle others for their creation. You are not an authority figure on writing, nor are you directly affected by another persons imagination. You might not like it, but you MUST respect it.

3. Be caught up on current events before joining in.
You need basic things like character descriptions in order to interact with them. You also need to know what's going on in the surrounding areas. This is simply because the people you are hoping to RP with, might be gearing up to something that you might not want to be part of. Or simply that the most recent post, out of context, could leave a different impression on the goings on than if you gather that context. We don't expect you to read every single post from the beginning of the forums, just enough to get that basic understanding.

4. Either subscribe to, or frequently check, the Roleplay: Q&A and OOC forum.
People may be discussing something relevant to you there, or even discussing you directly. Perhaps someone asked what the general consensus on the existence or non-existence of a certain object. Or we're just chatting about random gibberish. Either way, be aware of it and use it. If you're unsure about something, such as how guns would look and or behave, or even the music selection, use the OOC forum to ask. We don't have all of the answers, but the collective knowledge and logic usually allows us to overcome an issue and come to a decision on what should be allowed. Frontier Developments, and even David Braben himself, don't have the answers to every possible question that can be asked.

5. Large Scale events exploding out of nowhere are a complete no go.
We get it. Everyone wants their character to be noticed and for people to be tripping over themselves to interact with them. In some audiences, an introduction involving you blasting in for landing in a fiery wreckage of a ship, before cart wheeling out and sword fighting 35 Ninjas before whisking off with the local celebrity for a glorious night of passion, is in fact, cool. This is not one of those audiences. It is generally considered better to build your character up slowly over time. Eventually, you might even have a legitimate excuse to fight those Ninjas. Maybe even with other RP participants by your side.

6. Perfect characters are boring.
The point of a character arc, is that it is in fact, an arc shape. One who is morally unquestionable, fully kitted out and an infinite fountain of knowledge, cannot go through an arc. Give your character flaws. Be it a tendency towards befriending the wrong people, or a bad knee that frequently gives out at inopportune moments. It gives readers something to latch onto and empathise with. You can give your character exceptional capabilities at something, but it requires balance. She's a damn good pilot with no equal, but can't drive an SRV for peanuts. It can lead to some very interesting moments between characters, be it heartfelt or comedic.

Other Notes:
It should be noted that there can be exceptions to these points. For example, good grammar when a character is speaking is actually rare. Few people in real life actually speak with perfect eloquence after all. Or previously arranged actions during a fight scene, such as someone stumbling back after a punch. What's key to remember is context.

All in all, remember this is purely for fun. We have some seriously talented writers here, and others whose writing history starts and ends at high school. But many are willing to help out in whatever way they can. All it takes is that you ask nicely.

Also keep in mind that many people who RP here, also have logbook stories related to the character, or characters, they portray. If it looks like there's an "in joke" going on that you're unsure of, it's probably in those.

In fact, some users have even gone to the trouble of creating "alts" to RP with. If you read back far enough, it's usually pretty clear who has and hasn't, and which ones are the "alts". It's therefore not unheard of to see the apparent seizing of control of other characters. If you do spot one, point it out in the OOC section. If intervention is needed, it will be sorted quickly and (hopefully) politely.

Most, if not all RP participants here have Logbook stories pertaining to their character(s). These are for the reading pleasure of anyone who wishes to do so. While it can be useful to read them in order to gain a bit of backstory on a character you wish to interact with, it should not be assumed that your character shares that knowledge. Within the E:D Universe, these Logbooks either don't exist, or are private diaries kept by the characters. Either way, without explicit statements to say otherwise from the writer, your interactions should reflect that your character is in the dark about any information you, the writer/reader, have gained from reading the stories.
12 Nov 2016, 7:23pm
The powerfully built man eyed the opening door with great suspicion. He wasn't sure what he was getting himself into, and passing through that door seemed to be some sort of line of demarcation. It unnerved him more and the feeling of unease welled up in his belly.

He took a breath, and stepped into the elevator.
13 Nov 2016, 12:13am
The doors closed behind Stryker and while the numbers on the display began moving upwards, the elevator did the exact opposite.

The descend didn't last long and as the door opened Stryker stood in front of a petite woman much shorter than he was. Her red hair was restrained by various clips and bands and fell down in a halfway neat braid. The suit she wore gave her a professional aura anyways.

"Mr. Aune, this way, please.", she said in a businesslike tone while she pointed towards yet another self opening door a bit down the hallway. It was pretty plain and there wasn't much to see except for the two sentry guns to the left and the right of the elevator.
13 Nov 2016, 1:46am
Stepping into the corridor the only sound to be heard, apart from the thumping of his own heart, was the whirring of servo motors as the 2 sentry guns locked onto Strykers thermal signature.

Thinking to himself "make it look like you belong here" he strode purposely into step with the red haired woman
13 Nov 2016, 2:53am
Mads MarshallStepping into the corridor the only sound to be heard, apart from the thumping of his own heart, was the whirring of servo motors as the 2 sentry guns locked onto Strykers thermal signature.

Thinking to himself "make it look like you belong here" he strode purposely into step with the red haired woman

Bro, it would seem your taking control of my character!
He thought and said no such things. He did not do those actions. Rebecca is handling the NPC's for this portion of our RP.

If that is not the case, you need to be in communication with Rebecca and myself OOCly before interjecting yourself into our RP.

Last edit: 13 Nov 2016, 4:11am
13 Nov 2016, 7:41pm
Stryker considered the woman, and she was short. The red braided hair was oddly juxtaposed against the business suit. "You have me at a disadvantage, " he said in his low voice looking at where she was pointing. "And what will I find beyond those doors?" He asked her taking note of the sentry guns. He never thought a muesum would house asecret military instillation and was quite sure that whatever he had gotten himself into was quite serious and he probably can't back out of it.
13 Nov 2016, 8:21pm
The woman stopped and looked over her shoulder.

"You'll find two chairs, a table and a camera in there."

She turned around.

"But if you prefer we can hold our conversation here. It might take a while so I'd rather sit down."
13 Nov 2016, 8:58pm
Stryker nodded and removed the brimmed hat he was wearing and nodded his shaved head as he stepped into the room. He pulled out a chair and sat in it. He wondered if Rebecca Hail was going to send him off to that penal colony after all for that stupid accident. But then why did she say that if things went south, she might be able to lift him out before that would happen?

He continued to play it cool. He thought about interlacing his fingers and resting the hands on the table, but he didn't want to accidentally cut one off with that wicked mechanical claw like cybernetic. He remained quite, assuming the woman would proceed to ask him questions.
13 Nov 2016, 11:52pm
The woman entered the white coloured room after Stryker. It was a 5m x 5m quadratic room and as she said only a table and two chairs where in it.

She walked around the desk, sat down and opened two holographic screens, only readable from her direction.

"Mr. Aune, my name is Yvette Smith, I'm responsible for you today. Before we start with the actual interview, do you have any questions? I won't guarantee that I'm allowed to answer any question, but I'll try if possible."
14 Nov 2016, 3:24pm
The huge bodybuilder sat there, his blue eyes upon the petite woman. His elbows were resting on the table. There was a ripping sound as one of his huge biceps tore through the tight folded shirt sleeve. He glanced at it and shook his head.

"Sorry, I didn't know what to expect," he started to say, " So I bought this at a surplus to blend I'm, if needed. It's kinda hard to find attire in my size" Stryker shifted his weight before continuing. "I really didn't know what to expect. Commander Hail sent me here if I wanted a job, but I have no idea what that intailled." He took a breath. I would prefer a level of animosity. Now, what is this place, and who runs it. And I won't take, the Federation, as an answer."

Stryker then leaner back into the chair.
14 Nov 2016, 5:56pm
"Well, this is the cellar of a museum.", Yvette smirked a bit. "I'm not yet allowed to give you closer details. You'll have to sign this first."

She tapped repeatedly on her holographic terminal then she turned it with a quick move of her hand towards Stryker.

'Non-Disclosure Agreement' stood in big orange letters over a wall of legal text.

"To be clear, this isn't placing you under an obligation to work for us in any way. It's just requiring you to keep silent over any conversation or information you might have or get here."
14 Nov 2016, 7:34pm
Stryker would take his time reading over the fine print, making little comments like, "mmmhmmm,", and "yes I see...." and " I like how the 'I's' are dotted..." But he really was being meticulous. Satisfied that it was a nondisclosure form, he signed it.
14 Nov 2016, 10:20pm
Yvette pulled the terminal back.

"Well, Mr. Aune, this is indeed the cellar of a museum. It's currently used as an unofficial medical facility and as coordination center by the Federal Intelligence Service. Of course, this is, like anything else you might see or hear here, classified information. Do you have any more questions?"
15 Nov 2016, 12:41am
He looked at Yvette and tilted his head.
"Why me? What was it Commander Hail saw in me that she would lead me here?"
15 Nov 2016, 3:05pm
"That is something you have to ask herself. Now then, Mr. Aune, shall we begin the interview?"
15 Nov 2016, 9:35pm
He would nod his shorn head. "Yes, proceed."

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ROLEPLAY ONLY! Respect the universe settings!
If you are new here, please try to at least partially involve in the ongoing stories and conversations instead of establishing a completely different "arc". You can always turn it to a different story later.