Inara API

More about Inara API is on the API page, general dev guidelines are here and more detailed documentation about the events and data format here.

Just a note for tool authors using Inara API - please ensure your apps are doing  TWO requests per minute AT MAXIMUM. As I have discovered, many users are using multiple apps at once (nothing wrong with that), but are also updating their profiles from all of the applications at once, which is causing quite serious overhead. For such reason, I have needed to make API requests limits much tighter. For bots and other similar non-demanding apps are requests rates set same as before. If do you need another requests rate limit, please send me a PM.

Inara API update for Odyssey:
  • The header property isDeveloped was renamed to less confusing isBeingDeveloped. You don't need to change anything on your end though, the old property will still work.
  • A new event addCommanderTravelLand for commanders landing on the celestial body was added (should be triggered at journal's Touchdown, DropShipDeploy and similar).
  • The events addCommanderTravelCarrierJump, addCommanderTravelDock, addCommanderTravelFSDJump and setCommanderTravelLocation now contain optional properties for the star system coordinates, celestial body and celestial body coordinates. It's not required to set, it may however help to further precise commander's location when the star system is not in the database, etc.
  • The events addCommanderTravelDock, addCommanderTravelFSDJump and addCommanderTravelLand are now having boolean properties isTaxiShuttle and isTaxiDropship for travelling with Apex or Frontline Solutions ships.
  • New events setCommanderInventory, resetCommanderInventory, setCommanderInventoryItem, addCommanderInventoryItem and delCommanderInventoryItem added. Those are supposed for handling the new Odyssey events like ShipLockerMaterials and similar, you can however use it also for the existing engineering materials or ship cargo instead of the existing dedicated events (but you do not need to, they are not going anywhere).
  • New events setCommanderSuitLoadout, updateCommanderSuitLoadout and delCommanderSuitLoadout for the suit loadouts added.
27 Nov 2017, 4:54pm
Artie If it is the Inara rank, then it looks it is a problem on my side.
I will check, thank you for the report.

Ok cool
28 Nov 2017, 3:14pm
Minor update:
- content-type for the outgoing data was changed to application/json
- getCommanderProfile event was enhanced by additional properties, but the commanderRanksPilot property format was slightly changed, so please adjust your apps accordingly if you are using it

The Inara ranking not updating was not solved yet, it is a deeper problem (I do not want to trigger the recalc too often on any minor credits change), so it will require more time.
28 Nov 2017, 5:14pm
ArtieMinor update:.....The Inara ranking not updating was not solved yet, it is a deeper problem (I do not want to trigger the recalc too often on any minor credits change), so it will require more time.

No problem is best to take time over it
29 Nov 2017, 10:41pm
I started using today the API with EDMC.
I noticed the ships I had were populated but not the details (loadouts) nor the stored modules. Is this on the to do list?

Kudos for the API
30 Nov 2017, 12:55pm
Yes, it is a planned feature. But as the stored modules aren't currently in the journals and I also would like to have unique modules IDs (on the ships and also stored), it waits when such information will be available. Probably with the next major game update (Q1 2018), if such information will be there.
30 Nov 2017, 2:42pm
ArtieYes, it is a planned feature. But as the stored modules aren't currently in the journals and I also would like to have unique modules IDs (on the ships and also stored), it waits when such information will be available. Probably with the next major game update (Q1 2018), if such information will be there.

Sounds like it will happen
02 Dec 2017, 1:37pm
I am on xbox, can I take advantage of this api business?
02 Dec 2017, 2:06pm
Unfortunately, no. As this require a data from the game journals or Frontier's cAPI and there is no such thing on consoles, there is currently no application that can do the updates for console players via Inara API.
02 Dec 2017, 2:07pm
ArtieUnfortunately, no. As this require a data from the game journals or Frontier's cAPI and there is no such thing on consoles, there is currently no application that can do the updates for console players via Inara API.

02 Dec 2017, 7:21pm
Will their be scope for this app to show details of mods configured to ships
02 Dec 2017, 9:31pm
Hi, I have been using EDSM API for a long time in the ED Market connector, I see there is an Inara API tab also in Settings.  Can someone advise do I use or generate a new API for Inara or should I copy and paste my current API into Inara thus keeping data current?  Apologies if this sound stupid but it has created an unknown question I need answering. o7
03 Dec 2017, 10:19am
Delta 2-7Hi, I have been using EDSM API for a long time in the ED Market connector, I see there is an Inara API tab also in Settings.  Can someone advise do I use or generate a new API for Inara or should I copy and paste my current API into Inara thus keeping data current?  Apologies if this sound stupid but it has created an unknown question I need answering. o7

If you mean the API key then use of the Inara API will need an Inara API key, the EDSM API key definitely won't work.
03 Dec 2017, 9:23pm
[quote If you mean the API key then use of the Inara API will need an Inara API key, the EDSM API key definitely won't work.[/quote]

Thanks, I discovered that when I tried to paste it in and learned each 3rd party app has unique API codes, I have since generated and activated Inara API in EDMC.  

Many thanks Athanasius
06 Dec 2017, 5:05am
My computer is coming up with an error when I try to install this. I am on Windows 7 Home Premium and it is saying "This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify this is a valid Windows Installer package."

I downloaded the version that is meant for Windows, not the one for Mac.
07 Dec 2017, 1:46pm
Moonfire95This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify this is a valid Windows Installer package.
The download got truncated and/or corrupted. Please try downloading again.

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Inara API is... well... see sticky post for the details.