Inara API

More about Inara API is on the API page, general dev guidelines are here and more detailed documentation about the events and data format here.

Just a note for tool authors using Inara API - please ensure your apps are doing  TWO requests per minute AT MAXIMUM. As I have discovered, many users are using multiple apps at once (nothing wrong with that), but are also updating their profiles from all of the applications at once, which is causing quite serious overhead. For such reason, I have needed to make API requests limits much tighter. For bots and other similar non-demanding apps are requests rates set same as before. If do you need another requests rate limit, please send me a PM.

Inara API update for Odyssey:
  • The header property isDeveloped was renamed to less confusing isBeingDeveloped. You don't need to change anything on your end though, the old property will still work.
  • A new event addCommanderTravelLand for commanders landing on the celestial body was added (should be triggered at journal's Touchdown, DropShipDeploy and similar).
  • The events addCommanderTravelCarrierJump, addCommanderTravelDock, addCommanderTravelFSDJump and setCommanderTravelLocation now contain optional properties for the star system coordinates, celestial body and celestial body coordinates. It's not required to set, it may however help to further precise commander's location when the star system is not in the database, etc.
  • The events addCommanderTravelDock, addCommanderTravelFSDJump and addCommanderTravelLand are now having boolean properties isTaxiShuttle and isTaxiDropship for travelling with Apex or Frontline Solutions ships.
  • New events setCommanderInventory, resetCommanderInventory, setCommanderInventoryItem, addCommanderInventoryItem and delCommanderInventoryItem added. Those are supposed for handling the new Odyssey events like ShipLockerMaterials and similar, you can however use it also for the existing engineering materials or ship cargo instead of the existing dedicated events (but you do not need to, they are not going anywhere).
  • New events setCommanderSuitLoadout, updateCommanderSuitLoadout and delCommanderSuitLoadout for the suit loadouts added.
18 Sep 2019, 7:19pm
Well, that update today seems to have it fixed. EDMC is also working without asking for login.

Happy I am!
24 Sep 2019, 9:05pm
i almost fell out of my chair, I was just able to connect my inara directly to frontier without using EDMC
25 Sep 2019, 3:02pm
Iirlyi almost fell out of my chair, I was just able to connect my inara directly to frontier without using EDMC

Pretty sweet isn't it . . .
Check out all the cool stats you can get now under your commander logs.
27 Sep 2019, 6:15pm
hi Artie,

getting the following error when I try to import my frontier data

Not possible to obtain user journals from cAPI. The Frontier's service is down or cAPI didn't return any relevant data, please try to repeat your request later.
[httpCode: 500, fetchCode: 0]
Error: There was not possible to update your commander data.

on the surface it lloks like a frontier issue, but just putting this out there
28 Sep 2019, 5:33pm
Sweet Update, nice Stats. The Devs kept their promise.
I like!
29 Sep 2019, 7:14am
Prof Patten-Pendinghi Artie,

getting the following error when I try to import my frontier data

Not possible to obtain user journals from cAPI. The Frontier's service is down or cAPI didn't return any relevant data, please try to repeat your request later.
[httpCode: 500, fetchCode: 0]
Error: There was not possible to update your commander data.

on the surface it lloks like a frontier issue, but just putting this out there

I've got the same issue
01 Oct 2019, 11:43am
Prof Patten-Pendinghi Artie,

getting the following error when I try to import my frontier data

Not possible to obtain user journals from cAPI. The Frontier's service is down or cAPI didn't return any relevant data, please try to repeat your request later.
[httpCode: 500, fetchCode: 0]
Error: There was not possible to update your commander data.

on the surface it lloks like a frontier issue, but just putting this out there

I've got the same error, too!
01 Oct 2019, 2:45pm
Unable to import commander data again from Frontier <sigh> This started yesterday for me. Same error that everyone else is posting.
01 Oct 2019, 7:41pm

vote the bug on the forum at the link above so it gets some love
01 Oct 2019, 7:41pm
New to Inara and Elite but got this same error trying import my data.

Not possible to obtain user journals from cAPI. The Frontier's service is down or cAPI didn't return any relevant data, please try to repeat your request later.
[httpCode: 500, fetchCode: 0]
Error: There was not possible to update your commander data.

on the surface it lloks like a frontier issue, but just putting this out there[/quote]

I was able to resolve my issue. I was launching on a containerized browser window which didnt have access to the program files directory.

Last edit: 02 Oct 2019, 6:29am
02 Oct 2019, 2:30pm
yeah - see the banner on the top of the updates/bug reports section here.. we're patiently waiting for FD on this
03 Oct 2019, 4:49pm
Today I played a bit and after that I'm succesfully imported my frontier data. Looks like it is working again now after the last update.
04 Oct 2019, 11:56am
Unfortunately, it's still not solved, regarding my logs. Although it may work for some commanders sometimes, there is no guarantee. Until Frontier will solve it on server's side, the issue will be still present. You can also put your vote to the official bug tracker here:
07 Oct 2019, 1:51pm
Artie, I started to use EDMC as a work around to the failure to sync. Since the patch, INARA has been syncing fine, though I'm still using EDMC to keep info up to date. Awesome app you created / maintain.
08 Oct 2019, 8:04am
Sorry, I'm confused. I've try several times to connect to Frontier via API this ends up in error.
So I connect via API to Sony and thats works.
My question: Are the information connected via API to Sony the same as connected via API to Frontier?
If not, whats the difference?


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Inara API is... well... see sticky post for the details.