Inara API

More about Inara API is on the API page, general dev guidelines are here and more detailed documentation about the events and data format here.

Just a note for tool authors using Inara API - please ensure your apps are doing  TWO requests per minute AT MAXIMUM. As I have discovered, many users are using multiple apps at once (nothing wrong with that), but are also updating their profiles from all of the applications at once, which is causing quite serious overhead. For such reason, I have needed to make API requests limits much tighter. For bots and other similar non-demanding apps are requests rates set same as before. If do you need another requests rate limit, please send me a PM.

Inara API update for Odyssey:
  • The header property isDeveloped was renamed to less confusing isBeingDeveloped. You don't need to change anything on your end though, the old property will still work.
  • A new event addCommanderTravelLand for commanders landing on the celestial body was added (should be triggered at journal's Touchdown, DropShipDeploy and similar).
  • The events addCommanderTravelCarrierJump, addCommanderTravelDock, addCommanderTravelFSDJump and setCommanderTravelLocation now contain optional properties for the star system coordinates, celestial body and celestial body coordinates. It's not required to set, it may however help to further precise commander's location when the star system is not in the database, etc.
  • The events addCommanderTravelDock, addCommanderTravelFSDJump and addCommanderTravelLand are now having boolean properties isTaxiShuttle and isTaxiDropship for travelling with Apex or Frontline Solutions ships.
  • New events setCommanderInventory, resetCommanderInventory, setCommanderInventoryItem, addCommanderInventoryItem and delCommanderInventoryItem added. Those are supposed for handling the new Odyssey events like ShipLockerMaterials and similar, you can however use it also for the existing engineering materials or ship cargo instead of the existing dedicated events (but you do not need to, they are not going anywhere).
  • New events setCommanderSuitLoadout, updateCommanderSuitLoadout and delCommanderSuitLoadout for the suit loadouts added.
23 Jul 2019, 3:23pm
Hi Artie,

you can add me to your list. Frontier and Steam Accounts are properly linked, Error HTTP 302, no matter what I do.

On a side note: I use ED Market Connector and it shows weird behaviour, too. On first start it authenticates successful, but any time it updates (automatically or manually) it says "Authentication failed" and prompts me in Chrome to login. When I enter credentials and login the Authetication is sucessful again. There is an open issue on Github about it and some people also think it's due to a change in Frontiers Login Progress.

Does anybody else in this thread use ED MC and experiences the same  by any chance?
23 Jul 2019, 9:04pm
Does anybody else in this thread use ED MC and experiences the same  by any chance?

Exactly the same issue. It's annoying as hell.
24 Jul 2019, 8:41am
Phloop Garou
Does anybody else in this thread use ED MC and experiences the same  by any chance?

Exactly the same issue. It's annoying as hell.

I'm pretty certain this is kinda related. I'll go and update the issue on github with a link to this thread.
24 Jul 2019, 8:34pm
HengstHi Artie,

you can add me to your list. Frontier and Steam Accounts are properly linked, Error HTTP 302, no matter what I do.

On a side note: I use ED Market Connector and it shows weird behaviour, too. On first start it authenticates successful, but any time it updates (automatically or manually) it says "Authentication failed" and prompts me in Chrome to login. When I enter credentials and login the Authetication is sucessful again. There is an open issue on Github about it and some people also think it's due to a change in Frontiers Login Progress.

Does anybody else in this thread use ED MC and experiences the same  by any chance?

Was gifted the game about a month ago, I am having the same 302 error for steam and Frontier. and I am getting the the same issue with E:D Market Connector as you are. every update it prompts for a log in. you're not the only one.
24 Jul 2019, 9:02pm
Yes, any app accessing Frontier's CAPI is affected by this problem for some players. I am not sure how to handle that in EDMC, but I think there is some option that may disable accessing CAPI and that way the errors may be avoided (although it will loose some functionality).
16 Aug 2019, 7:02am
Not sure if this relates to any of the above posts, but I recently picked up another "Elite" account on the STEAM SALE. This purchase cost me about $14 (USD) and supplied me with this new "NO-KEY INSTALL" version of the ELITE game.

It can not be installed or run outside STEAM and is not supplied with any official Frontier Developments product licence code. It also refuses to permit transfer of my game files through ED:MC to any of the third party destinations. EDDB, EDSM, INARA all kick to the Frontier Developments log-in screen for authorization. I am not very impressed with this new licencing agreement STEAM has struck with FD.

And yes, everything is set up using unique accounts, email addresses, identities, API codes, all commander names, codes, spellings and spaces meticulously logged, recorded and triple-checked.

So what am I missing . . .
Any tricks or tips?

Last edit: 16 Aug 2019, 7:30am
16 Aug 2019, 8:38am
No trick and unfortunately also no tip - this issue must be solved by Frontier, as their servers are currently providing no game data (cAPI profile, journals) for such accounts. I recommend to contact Frontier support, to "speed up" things and let them know this issue is important to fix.
16 Aug 2019, 10:59pm
Well, anytime I dock somewhere ingame i have to confirm my login on the frontier website so ED:MC can transmit my data.
Besides that ED:MC works fine. All data is transferred to EDSM and INARA.
It sucks and i hope it gets fixed soon, but at least it works somehow
17 Aug 2019, 12:26am
HengstWell, anytime I dock somewhere ingame i have to confirm my login on the frontier website so ED:MC can transmit my data.
Besides that ED:MC works fine. All data is transferred to EDSM and INARA.
It sucks and i hope it gets fixed soon, but at least it works somehow

I recommend to take a look into troubleshooting page for EDMC, if there is something about that. Otherwise, it's a case for Otis (EDMC author).
17 Aug 2019, 1:08am
Consider switching to ELA, it's purely journal based, it doesn't use the FDev API.
23 Aug 2019, 7:14pm
HengstWell, anytime I dock somewhere ingame i have to confirm my login on the frontier website so ED:MC can transmit my data.
Besides that ED:MC works fine. All data is transferred to EDSM and INARA.
It sucks and i hope it gets fixed soon, but at least it works somehow

I recommend to take a look into troubleshooting page for EDMC, if there is something about that. Otherwise, it's a case for Otis (EDMC author).

I tried all that, did not help.

IIRC the link I provided before suggests that this is mainly an issue for people who bought the game via steam after a certain date.
So my issue is pretty much what Wiplash 1983 wrote, with the exception that EDSM works fine as long as I log in on the Frontier Page everytime EDSM asks me to. Annoying but bearable.

BUT: I tried linking ny Frontier Account to Inara again right now and it worked! So for me at least this one is sovled, although I don't know why.
24 Aug 2019, 7:03pm
Huh, Inara still says CMDR Name Verification Peding, although it updated my data a lot of times in between. Any Idea?
26 Aug 2019, 12:27pm
PSA: Elite Log Agent now supports multiple INARA CMDR accounts (better late than never)
31 Aug 2019, 6:25pm
There is a reddit post which states that Frontier will fix the issue in the next major update and that it's indeed related to the new "keyless" Steam purchases:
31 Aug 2019, 6:49pm
Yep, Kaalkaulious forwarded the reply he received here earlier. But thanks for the heads-up, too!

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Inara API is... well... see sticky post for the details.