Inara API

More about Inara API is on the API page, general dev guidelines are here and more detailed documentation about the events and data format here.

Just a note for tool authors using Inara API - please ensure your apps are doing  TWO requests per minute AT MAXIMUM. As I have discovered, many users are using multiple apps at once (nothing wrong with that), but are also updating their profiles from all of the applications at once, which is causing quite serious overhead. For such reason, I have needed to make API requests limits much tighter. For bots and other similar non-demanding apps are requests rates set same as before. If do you need another requests rate limit, please send me a PM.

Inara API update for Odyssey:
  • The header property isDeveloped was renamed to less confusing isBeingDeveloped. You don't need to change anything on your end though, the old property will still work.
  • A new event addCommanderTravelLand for commanders landing on the celestial body was added (should be triggered at journal's Touchdown, DropShipDeploy and similar).
  • The events addCommanderTravelCarrierJump, addCommanderTravelDock, addCommanderTravelFSDJump and setCommanderTravelLocation now contain optional properties for the star system coordinates, celestial body and celestial body coordinates. It's not required to set, it may however help to further precise commander's location when the star system is not in the database, etc.
  • The events addCommanderTravelDock, addCommanderTravelFSDJump and addCommanderTravelLand are now having boolean properties isTaxiShuttle and isTaxiDropship for travelling with Apex or Frontline Solutions ships.
  • New events setCommanderInventory, resetCommanderInventory, setCommanderInventoryItem, addCommanderInventoryItem and delCommanderInventoryItem added. Those are supposed for handling the new Odyssey events like ShipLockerMaterials and similar, you can however use it also for the existing engineering materials or ship cargo instead of the existing dedicated events (but you do not need to, they are not going anywhere).
  • New events setCommanderSuitLoadout, updateCommanderSuitLoadout and delCommanderSuitLoadout for the suit loadouts added.
22 Aug 2018, 3:38am
I Have an engineer (Felicity Farseer) who I had unlocked prior to installing the Companion App, it still doesn’t recognise that she is unlocked or the upgrades I have unlocked with her. I have since unlocked another engineer and done some upgrades and they are reflected.
Not sure what the bug is, but something isn’t working.
22 Aug 2018, 4:05am
Unfortunately it is working as intended.

Engineer rank/status is only updated on each individual engineer rank/status change, if you have unlocked them prior to using the API it will never update. Best to set this manually.
22 Aug 2018, 4:56am
RenraikuUnfortunately it is working as intended.

Engineer rank/status is only updated on each individual engineer rank/status change, if you have unlocked them prior to using the API it will never update. Best to set this manually.

This is my point, I have increased the Rank since installing the plugin, and yet it has not recognised the change of status.
22 Aug 2018, 9:56am
Hard to tell, I don't see any engineer rank up for you in the recent API logs. So if your standing with certain engineer was increased (there was an engineer reputation change event in the journal), Inara received no information about it. Otherwise as Renraiku said...
23 Aug 2018, 2:42pm
Hello commanders I am working on a couple programs the one i want to bring up is a shopping list for your missions.
I haven't found anything like it online yet so I wrote this.

It monitors your journal for mission data and location
Then takes the EDDB market and station data and tries to fill your order the with as few jumps as possible

Its just a personal script at the moment but i would like to see other people able to use it.

Pm me if you have interest and can help me make it more then it is for personal usage.

28 Oct 2018, 3:24pm
Are you planning on making an Inara app for smartphones? Would be neat!
28 Oct 2018, 5:17pm
TryddleAre you planning on making an Inara app for smartphones? Would be neat!

Oh yes that would be super awesome. That or maybe a more smartphone friendly interface ?
28 Oct 2018, 5:21pm
No immediate plans for that, as it require a tremendous amount of time to fit everything Inara has into it. There may be further improvements how the site layout works on smartphones over time, though.
28 Oct 2018, 7:10pm
ArtieNo immediate plans for that, as it require a tremendous amount of time to fit everything Inara has into it. There may be further improvements how the site layout works on smartphones over time, though.

I would actually prefer that to an app!
01 Nov 2018, 5:24pm
ArtieThere may be further improvements how the site layout works on smartphones over time, though.

Maybe a viable middle-of-the-way idea would be to implement a progressive web app - you could then re-use back-end endpoints while still benefiting from native resources, i.e. push notifications.
02 Nov 2018, 8:49pm
Hmm... I'm trying to write Electron app that can comunicate with INARA but i'm receving:
{"header":{"eventStatus":400,"eventStatusText":"This application has no access allowed."}}
What can I do?
02 Nov 2018, 9:00pm
Please send me a PM with some details as mentioned here, your app needs to be white-listed first.
03 Nov 2018, 1:25pm
I have an issue where if I try to start EDMarketConnector a pop-up error message appears and says that errors occured and I should check EDMarketConnector.exe.log for details. Opening EDMarketConnector.exe.log shows me these:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 44, in <module>
 File "l10n.pyo", line 18, in <module>
 File "locale.pyo", line 581, in setlocale
locale.Error: unsupported locale setting

I tried a few fixes but nothing worked so far.
03 Nov 2018, 1:45pm
Please take a look here if it is a known issue and/or there is a solution for that. Otherwise, put the issue there...
03 Nov 2018, 2:03pm
I posted the issue there

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Inara API is... well... see sticky post for the details.