Cmdr Yumasai
Outlaw / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Overall assets
Yomar Consortium
Archon Delaine

Personal content

Real name
Yuma Saideleer
Place of birth
Year of birth
170 cm / 5' 7"
65 kg / 143 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Yuma "Yumasai" Saideleer. Nicknamed "Yomar". Born on the 11th of August 3284 on planet Earth, located in the Sol system. Underboss & Vigo of Industry of The Yomar Consortium. Guardian Archaeologist, reputed for discovering 3307's first new Guardian structure.

Federal Roots
His mother worked as a financial administrator at one of Earth's corporations. His father was a smalltime but respected starship mechanic who had to compete with the big corporations.

In 3299, his father was found dead in his workshop. Federal Security Service investigated the matter and concluded he had committed suicide. There was no clear reason given, but the family has suspected since, that he has been unable to cope with fighting the large corporations, ultimately feeling very ashamed to admitt that he could not keep up, and that his smalltime business would be gone.

This has affected Yumasai since, who as a child, grew up fond of computers, software especially. Yumasai, as he grew into an adult, graduated and got his degree in Software Engineering, but soon pursued a path as a freelance hacker.

Yumasai also was interested into the military, and signed up to serve in the Federal Navy after receiving his license to fly a starship, making him a Commander. The Federal Navy rejected him, but, allowed him to serve in the auxiliary. Soon after, Commander Yumasai often became involved in military operations for the Federation: Rounding up criminals, investigating crime scenes and ensuring Federal law was enforced.

Nova Imperium
In late 3304, he noticed through GalNet the rise of a particulair Imperial organization: Nova Imperium. After having taken notice that Nova's ideals were with his own traditionalistic and militaristic as well as isolationistic mindsets, he grew more and more in favor for the organization, which worried the Federal Security Service, marking Commander Yumasai as a potential defector.

When Imperator Mordanticus clashed with the Imperial Fleet at the Battle of Paresa, Commander Yumasai decided to set out and aid the Imperator's fleet in an effort to help the organization. This proved futile, as the Imperator was arrested and later executed. Commander Yumasai meanwhile, was wounded during the battle in his left eye. He chose to adopt a Guardian-cybernetic eye, serving to his interest in hybrid Guardian-Human technology, to have overall improved visibility and awareness. The scar however, would be permanent.

To Commander Yumasai's shock, Arissa Lavigny-Duval decided to brutally purge any and all Nova Imperium supporters within the Empire. Feeling that that was not right, as Hadrian Augustus Duval has the better claim on the throne and that Arissa should step down, Commander Yumasai indeed did defect the Federal Navy Auxiliary.

Albeit, he took the choice not to directly work for Nova Imperium. Instead, Commander Yumasai opted to join Benelux Commanders, a grouping of Commanders from Sol that were born in Earth's Benelux region, where Commander Yumasai also hails from. Despite this, Commander Yumasai decided nonetheless to seek out Nova Imperium, and has agreed to serve it as an auxiliary asset.

On the 15th of September, 3305, Commander Yumasai decided to leave behind Benelux Commanders in favor for full membership in the Nova Navy, having been rewarded the rank of "Admiral" for his displays of commitment and aid to the Nova cause. In early 3306 however, Nova Imperium's situation deteriorated rapidly from a combination of retiring officers and a large offensive under command of Lavigny Legion assets intended to ramp up efforts to wipe out the Imperator's Armada. This largely succeeded, making Nova Imperium even lose it's capital of Dyson City.

After using his Admiral status within the Imperium to locate the Imperator's underground hideout and receiving permission to leave the Nova Navy with Honor, Commander Yumasai contacted his old friends from Benelux Commanders and asked wheter he could return. Turned out he could, with full reinstatement of former status. Nonetheless however, Commander Yumasai made an agreement with the Imperator to remain a Nova Imperium auxiliary asset. 4 months later however, the Benelux Commanders found that Commander Yumasai no longer was able to fit in the squadron. To that extend, Commander Yumasai was stripped of his positions within the squadron, and left to his own devices.

This is where Commander Yumasai contacted the Imperator once more. Explaining the situation he found himself in, and evaluating the situation that Nova Imperium found itself in, he asked the Imperator if he could return to the Nova Navy once again with full honors. The Imperator agreed, and thus, Commander Yumasai operated as the Chief of Staff inside the Nova Navy once more from its base of operations in the Paresa system. Aside from his duties in the Navy, he personally also pursued Guardian research, especially in the field of archaeology.

On September 21st 3307, Commander Yumasai was granted a honorable retirement from the Nova Navy after being one of it's Praetors for a long time. He however, then informed the Imperator that he'd like to spearhead the hunt for Guardian Technology by looking for remnants of the Guardian Civilization to the east of the Bubble, around the area of Gamma Velorum, the rumored Guardian Homeworld.

The Imperator granted Commander Yumasai his permission, and henceforth, Commander Yumasai reported to Praetor Harrison Wells (Commander mMONTAGEe), as he was the supervisor of the Nova Science Team (NST), to which the Guardian-specific branch, The Guardian Specialists, answered.

On October 21st 3307, Commander Yumasai was called by the Admiralty Board to return from retirement. Agreeing on the terms that Admiral Aghaius also could join the Board (to spread the workload), Yumasai since then accepted and once more sat in the Admiralty Board as an Admiral, reporting to the Praetores.

Birth of the Yomar Consortium
But that all changed on November 2nd, 3307. A news article revealed that Hadrian Augustus Duval had forsaken the Imperium in favor of enjoying protection by the Imperial Senate. Yumasai and his close friend, Gerard Aghaius, set out to the frontier of the bubble to establish a criminal syndicate and ultimately forming a consortium (taking the name of Yumasai's nickname) with local organizations and individuals in a pursuit of wealth, through any means nessecary. This venture ultimately failed because Mr. Aghaius had secretly never broken his ties with the Nova Navy.

Returning to Nova Paresa, the rebranded Imperium
On August 8th 3308, Commander Yumasai returned into service of the Nova Navy, but only in the capacity of a Guardian Archaeologist. On August 9th, he became stranded into space when the Bright Sentinel (Upon which Yumasai was aboard) exploded in the aftermath of the Proteus Wave's second pulse, but was rescued from certain death by a rescue party from the nearby NNV Dangerstar, a Nova Navy fleet carrier. On August 14th, Commander Yumasai got clearance from the Dangerstar's medical bay, and proceeded to conduct further archaeologic expeditions of the Regor sector for the Nova Navy.

Appointment within Imperial Intelligence; Leaving Nova Paresa behind?
On October 25th 3308, Commander Yumasai has been seen in a black suit reminiscent of Imperial troopers affiliated with Imperial Intelligence. Said organization is thus far refusing to answer on any official inquiries, citing operational security as reason not to give any details. These rumours have been dismissed however, as on March 3rd 3309, Yumasai was seen furiously stepping out of a Nova Navy conference room, shouting "You folks have no idea what the old Imperium was about, you have all betrayed the ideal, and this time I am done with giving you guys second chances!". Some say that Yumasai started a Trotskyist movement, the Revolutionary Workers' Vanguard.

Encountering the Yomar Consortium
On June 17th 3309, Commander Yumasai has reportedly been seen back in the outer rim. Here he encountered the consortium he had founded with Gerard Aghaius. His old mate Avetre Snow, a notorious pirate, had taken over in the time Yumasai was gone, but, the criminal organization had retained its corruptive grip on the Gullveti system. Leonidas and Yumasai came to the conclusion that the Consortium had served its time, and each went on with their own business.

A member of the Frumentarii
On August 10th 3309, Commander Yumasai was on his way back to the Core Worlds from his expedition in the black. He had a moment of reflection on his past actions, and came to conclude that he was wrong the entire time. The Interstellar Communist Campaign had given up on trying to liberate people out of fear that it might spark conflict with others. He reflected on the Empire and thought about it. Aisling Duval's policies and her attempts to reform the Empire as well as the fact that the Empire can be changed through the Senate, added that it does not fear to engage its opponents, not to mention the fact that Hadrian Duval seeks to build an Empire that respects everyone, from slave to senator, he came to his own conclusion that not the Empire, not Nova Paresa, was wrong. It was him himself.

He took a deep breath and opened his communications array. He transmitted a communique of apology and reflection towards the Admiralty of the Nova Navy, in the hopes of being admitted back into the Navy. Not with any privileges this time around. Just as a lowly rank-and-file member would do. He expected a rejection, but to his surprise, the admiralty gave him approval to return at once to Nova Paresa space. He was to head to Gliese 9043 and deliver his exploration data there.

When he arrived, an Imperial soldier, dressed in gold armour, rather than the standard white/red armours used by regular Imperial soldiers, came by and handed him a letter. He did not say a word, safe for "Memento Mordanticus" as he walked away giving the letter. Commander Yumasai opened the letter, and to his surprise, it was a letter containing no name, only a rather specific signature that Yumasai remembered from his early days in the Nova Navy. It read:

Dear Commander Yumasai,

I hope this letter finds you in good condition. I want to inform you that Victor Dangerstar has alerted me of your return and more importantly, of your reflection. In the time you have been gone, I have acquired the need for personal agents outside of my security detachment to ensure the continuation of the stability and security of our society. For that I have made the Frumentarii; a collection of personal enforcers. And through this letter, as you are reading this, I name you as one of them. You shall obey my word without question. In terms of command, you remain employed in the Navy, and as such the Admiralty remains in command over you, the exception being direct commands publicly broadcasted, but I dare to say that that will rarely if never at all occur.

You shall be put into command of a Drake-class fleet carrier, the "Augustus Duval". You will have the authority to commission warships for your own use as you see fit. Try your best to make usage of Imperial designs where they are applicable. Last but not least I ask that you adorn yourself with the same style of equipment as you saw on my messenger. I have arranged for your equipment to be delivered to your locker. It has a silver coating, but you can expect an upgrade to gold as you progress. Ave!

Memento Mordanticus,

The Promised Prince

Meeting an old friend; returning to The Yomar Consortium
On August 11th, Yumasai met with an old friend of his, Ironwatsas, aboard the Augustus Duval. There, the two discussed their adventures since their previous seperation at the time of Imperator Mordanticus' execution. Obviously you, the reader, cannot be given the details. But what has been observed is that after their meeting, Yumasai displayed a change of heart and told the crew of the Augustus Duval to scrap the white paint and to rename the vessel as "The Amber Palace". The crew was not exactly sure what was going on, but followed the instruction. Real resistance arose when on September 19th 3309, Yumasai ordered The Amber Palace to set course to Gullveti, home of The Yomar Consortium. Yumasai was pretty clear towards the crew:

I am blazing my own trail and it was a mistake to deviate from that course. Thanks to my friend Ironwatsas and people such as Commander Hekateh, I now know my trail: To continue what we once started, and that I left behind into the hands of Avetre Snow. Those Imperials from Nova Paresa have my gratitude however, they still provide a social system better than the Federation or Alliance can ever achieve. But the Imperials will pay for my services just like any other contractor. The exception being solely Nova Paresa, for all that is has meant for me over the years. If they need my help or if they are attacked, I will help them, free of charge.

As for you, the crew? You can choose to abandon ship if you want to. But if you do not do so, I will expect you to tend to this ship, not as an Imperial but as a free person operating under no laws other than the Consortium's.

~ Commander Yumasai, addressing his crew at the time of issuing the command to set course for Gullveti

Once arrived in Gullveti, Yumasai has been welcomed by Avetre Snow and summarily reinstated as Underboss, alongside the position of Vigo of Industry, being responsible for all legal and... less-legal shipping operations and mining efforts. He has since set up the Saideleer Labour Services, a business entity that focusses on arranging the acquirement and transportation of labourers to their contractors. Rumors exist that SLS is a front for human trafficking but these rumors have been set aside as corporate slander aimed to discredit the business.

Voices in my head
On January 2nd 3310, Yumasai heard rumors of Harrison Wells' death. Wells was a fellow scientist Yumasai worked with during his time in the Nova Navy. Yumasai ran to his docked Anaconda and ordered the ship registrar to edit the name into Procyon. Then, he had the old Guardian-Human hybrid hull restored. Avetre Snow had caught wind of what was happening and rushed to the hangar and into Yumasai's ship. There, he asked Yumasai what was going on with him. Yumasai behaved strange as he stared ahead of him, standing at the bridge:

My friend is dead... My dream is dead... (holding a hand before his implant Guardian-Human hybrid eye) and this thing... should have been fried... along with me... (Shrieks as he holds a hand infront of the implant again, as it coursed a jolt of pain along his eye socket)

(He looks up) Something... in my head... something talking... (He looks down and his expression turns shockingly) The inhibitor chip! (He takes a moment to collect himself) ...corroded despite Ram Tah's and the Dangerstar's medical officer's reassurances? (Then he takes a pause as he stares ahead)

Rebuild? Hmpf.. no.. Harrison was right... I miscalculated... (He then turns around, facing Avetre, a mischievous look on his face) I couldn't have miscalculated. It was working wasin't it? Yes..... (He turns around again)

We can rebuild! Enlarge the containment field, make it bigger and stronger than ever! But we need to plug the power in at Dyson or Destiny again... (Facing Avetre again) Break in? No no no, I am not a criminal... (Facing the void again) That's right... the real crime would be not to finish what we have started... We'll do it again. The power of the Guardians harnessed by humanity! Nothing will stand in our way! Nothing!

(He then presses buttons on the controls, starting up the engines. Avetre barely makes it out of the ship)

"He's gone crazy!", Avetre tells the others. "He wants to rebuild his reactor. He'll blow up the entire core!"

Yumasai, albeit it is debateable how much was left of the actual Yumasai, went out in the void, hunting for Guardian technology so he can one day rebuild the reactor and complete the experiment he conducted for Harrison Wells. Latest intelligence reports also indicated he was rumored to lead a cell of revolutionary socialists in an attempt to "free his fellow brothers and sisters".

An old friend; Offer is made
On March 21st 3310, Yumasai received a long-range incoming transmission. As he walked over to answer it on his bridge, he was shocked at first. "Harrison Wells? But the guy's dead... someone must've taken over his ship or at the very least... his transmission codes." Regardless, Yumasai gave it the benefit of the doubt and soon enough, an actual holographic projection of Harrison appeared above his intercom. Yumasai was shocked.

"Yumasai, hah, good to see you after all this time. Hey wait, you look.... different... are you okay?", Harrison started. Yumasai explained what had happened and explained his believe in Harrison's death. Shortly afterwards, Harrison answered: "Hmm... It is troubling indeed. I am starting to believe that that eye implant of yours indeed has had some more damage than we may have initially assessed. But, there is a solution..... but... you will have to agree.".

"Agree to what?", Yumasai asked. "Well, obviously we cannot let you back into the Nova Navy. Your mind is too unstable for that. But, I have discussed with the Praetors, and they are fine with you working as a Guardian Specialist under the banner of the Nova Technocratic Scientific Assembly. In short, you will be under my care. We are old friends, and I know you longer than today.". Yumasai answered: "So holdup, you are saying that I am to conduct Guardian research and be an asset of the Nova Science Team directly, where I conduct my research in exchange for receiving help with this... thing?" (He'd put his hand infront of his implant eye)

Harrison responded: "Correct. You will help to advance our research efforts in the Guardian section, providing premium findings to me so that I can forward them to my contacts within the Empire. And in return, I will assemble a team of my best health staff to try and see what we can do about that implant of yours. There surely must be a way you can keep it, but where it can stop messing with your mind."

Yumasai stumbled his lips as he could hardly believe what just happened. First his friend, whom he believed was dead, suddenly popped back up. And then he gets an offer to work for his old friend in exchange for receiving aid with the implant? He took a moment to think, but after a while, gave Harrison his answer as he bent his knee and lowered his head. "My friend. I accept on my own terms instead: I will do archaeology for NST, but otherwise resume my operations in the outer rim, you know what I am talking about. Long live the Empire my friend." Harrison smirked, and said: "Long live the Empire. I will arrange for the medical staff to head to your current location. Assistance will not be great until you arrive to visit me at Indri, but it is the best I can do until then".

Present day; Archaeology and more...
To the present day, Commander Yumasai predominantly explores the Regor sector, the rumoured homeworld area of the extinct Guardians, for Harrison Wells. All in the hope of finding artifacts and uncovering lost technology that may assist the Empire and by extension, Humanity. In exchange, he receives psychological treatment from Harrison's team of specialists in relation to his implant.

Other than that, Yumasai currently is sometimes reported in the southwestern rim of the bubble, conducting work for Avetre Snow and the Consortium as Vigo of Industry. Reports come in that piracy has increased in neighboring areas around Gullveti and that NST has seen an increase of dubious shipments, whilst NST representative refuse to give clarifications to the press regarding the contents of the shipments...