Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
180 cm / 5' 11"
Build type
Skin color
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Eye color
Old World
Originally from Leesti in the Old Worlds, Maeran moved to Khernidjal in 3301. Maeran prospered in his new home, starting a business and a family. Becoming involved in Alliance politics, Maeran has represented Perez Ring Brewery on the Alioth Council and been present for many of the decade's major events for the Alliance.

Born in Leesti to a family with a history of space trading, Maeran chose to flee the pirates of the 'New Caribbean' and set up home close to the heart of Alliance space.

Maeran founded his Laden trading company, moving ores and refined metals in the mining economies around Alioth. In time the business diversified with mining, mineral exploration and passenger divisions. Maeran also contributes ships and crews to the AID/PRB navy that also serve the Alliance Defence Forces.

5 years after Maeran's arrival in Khernidjal, a Federation aligned corporation established itself in the system.

Maeran took the case to the Alliance and, faced with war, the corporation agreed to a controlled migration into uncontested space.
Unfortunately, the deal failed and Maeran, along with his new colleagues in AID campaigned to return Khernidjal to the Alliance.

After this success, Maeran went on to become an agent, and then a Councillor on behalf of AID and their faction, Perez Ring Brewery; maintaining and protecting this region of the Alliance core worlds.

Maeran was personally involved in the defence of PCP space from the Dark Marauders and the Marlinist war. He has also run evacuation and humanitarian efforts in the face of Thargoid attacks on human space.