Personal content

Real name
Jarrus Tano
Place of birth
Year of birth
1.9 cm / 0' 1"
Build type
Skin color
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Eye color
Registered CMDR: JT442
Registered Primary Vessel: Imperial Cutter 'Invisible Hand'
Full Name: Jarrus Tano
Citizenship: Imperial
Date of Birth: 3264
Place of Birth: Chona, Torval Space, Empire


A former Special-ops Technician with a deep love of galactic mysteries, and a penchant for Black Ops. Jarrus Tano, service number JT442, (JT to everyone) was born to a military family and served as a ground-based operative in the Imperial Navy. During  an incident in the Sorbago Slave uprising of 3300, he was very badly injured when Zemina Torval's troops launched an orbital bombardment on his location. JT was lucky to escape with his life, but was released from service following a lengthy stay in a military hospital.

In December 3301 he rented a Sidewinder and became an independent pilot. As of June 3303, Imperial records suggest that he joined a fledgling Exploration unit named Deep Recon X (DRX), quickly rising up to the Command Team, and also has strong links to the Children Of Raxxla. His role within CoR was not known during this time, although he is suspected of High Treason and terrorism in support of the late former Senator, Kahina Loren (Salome). He was noted as being one of four Grand Admirals during her failed attempt to destroy civilisation.

Alliance and Federal records of JT are sketchy. It is known that he is relatively wealthy and appears on the Elite Hall of Fame within the vaults of Shinrarta Dezhra.

During late September 3303, he split from DRX and formed a new group with some of his former DRX collegues, most notably Cmdr Dell Tarrant. The Shadow of the Phoenix have not published any details of their operation nor political agenda, although several Elite-ranked commanders joined Tano and Tarrant. His time with this group was limited however, and he passed leadership to Cmdr Sirrus Tamus before gradually fading from public eye.

It is believed that he rose to a leadership role within CoR during 3305. Following the publishing of several high profile documents, notably "The Holdstock Report", he stepped down from CoR Consular duties and became an advisor. He has appeared as an advisor to several notable groups, including the Independant Raxxla Hunters. It is understood that he has slipped back into the dark underworld once more. His current whereabouts are unknown.