Name: Children of Raxxla
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 23

Related minor faction: Children of Raxxla
Supported minor faction: Children of Raxxla

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About Children of Raxxla

There are many mysteries out there in the vastness of space. Not everything has been categorized and fully explored, neither – and thankfully – are the wonders of the galaxy understood. The Children of Raxxla embrace these wonders and mysteries. The path to understanding lies ahead and the illumination of the human mind through conceiving our place in the cosmos is the key to a prospering galactic community. As such, the Children also propagate the freedom of information and research and frown on those who would withhold or bend the truth to further their whims and plans. The Children seek to lift the veil that the power hungry try to impose on makind. They try to rouse those from their slumber whose minds have been clouded by lies and spin. Only when this veil has been lifted can mankind begin to understand all the wonders that are there and yet still hidden.

Who are the Children of Raxxla?

CoR are a player faction that has a large emphasis on role play - particularly role playing stories and in-game events that are linked to the mysteries of the galaxy.  They have no allegiance to any of the power blocs and treat all with equal suspicion.  As a result of this, and a consequence of their actions and accusations against certain leading power play figureheads and exposing the Shadow Cartel during the Dynasty Conspiracy, CoR are viewed as a dissident faction by those subservient to the major factions.

CoR were born out of the original investigations into the Formidine Rift, circa Feb/Mar 2015, although the group didn't exist in any official capacity until FD introduced player factions later that year.

In the spring of 2015, Frontier Developments abandoned the Rift mystery along with support for the official Elite author (Drew Wagar) who had introduced it into the Elite timeline via the book Elite: Reclamation.  Despite this setback, players who still enjoyed the brief history of the Rift story and following the adventures of the Elite: Reclamation protagonist (Senator Kahina Tijani Loren, aka Salomé), approached Drew and asked if they could adopt the character as their cult leader or figurehead and continue to role play the various adventures the character was originally implemented into the game lore for.  Drew agreed, and he even wrote a short novella that introduced Salomé to CoR.

Since the story was no longer part of ED and no more articles were to be written about it, many abandoned the quest in favor of the UA mystery.  CoR continued investigating the Rift (among other things), but in a purely role played capacity.  Eventually interest in the group activity waned during the winter of 2015 as the whole saga lost its momentum... the story gradually became a distant memory.

In early April 2016 Salomé did make a surprise reappearance in game - out at Beagle Point during the Distant Worlds finale where she addressed the last remnants of CoR who were still active and had journeyed to the far side of the galaxy during that expedition.  This encounter re-energized CoR and plans were made to revive the group.

On return to civilized space, the CoR pilots who attended the Sanctuary Hill meeting at Beagle Point, were given a directive by Salomé to set up listening posts along the borders of the Formidine Rift.

In the summer of 2016, a rewrite of some of the background lore was initiated by FD, with some aspects no longer being considered as canon.  Possibly unrelated, FD then announced that they were reinstating the whole Salomé story arc and Rift mystery, and had also brought Drew Wagar in to oversee how it was to be played out.  CoR were brought out of their slumber and were privileged to be allowed to be used as a conduit to bring aspects of the story alive in game where possible.

It must be stated here that CoR have not and do not get insider information that could help unravel the mysteries. They have never asked for it, and would never expect it. CoR are occasionally used as a vehicle to bring some aspects of the narrative alive in-game, via Alessia Verdi and past interactions with Salomé, and the snippets of GalNet articles that everyone has access to. It should also be emphasized that CoR did not have exclusivity over Salomé.  She was a public figure.  Other groups or lone wolf players who put the dedication and work in to unraveling the mysteries had also been included in her role playing narrative, and are responsible for bringing interaction and events alive in game.  Groups who are linked to Salomé and the characters from Reclamation include Loren's Legion, Phoenix Group, Federation Foreign Service, EDF and the character Raan Corsen.

CoR have a dedicated research team that work on the GalNet clues, lore, and public hints released by FD, and a dedicated role play team that work on events, articles, videos, and projects that are based on whatever direction those clues lead them. And although players have been assured that their in game actions can influence the narrative, none of CoRs role played events or articles (nor anyone else's) should be seen as official parts of the story until acknowledged as such by FD.

The Children of Raxxla rarely post on the Frontier forums about CoR affairs, and although its members are discouraged from revealing that they are a member of CoR, this guideline is not enforced.

CoR's Guiding Principles can be found here (please note that unforeseen in game events may dictate a temporary deviation from these principles on very rare occasions).


CoR are role players.  They role play semi-secretive commanders making their way through the game-world, and when something needs investigating they pull together, regroup, work on it, and where possible role play it out via in-game events before slipping away back to their 'normal' lives again during the quiet times. They have periods of intense activity, intermixed with long periods of dormancy.

To join the Children of Raxxla, please complete an application here.

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