Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
100 kg / 220 lb
Build type
Skin color
Star Tanned
Hair color
Eye color
Federal English
Born on Garrett Station in Frey into a mining family. My father mined Platinum, Painite and Gem Stones. My mother was a technician who serviced starships that visited Garrett Station. My family also included a sister and a brother. My father took his children mining the belts of Frey 4, Botho 3/4 and taught us the finer points of selecting the right rocks. My Mother would take us to the repair bays where we toured some of the starships. We were fairly well to do but educational opportunities were limited.

At eight years of age, I was sent to Sol and lived with an Uncle on Mars where I attended a private school. At eighteen, I was accepted by the Federal Navy Academy as an officer candidate. My academics, in addition to military training and studies, was specialized in languages, engineering physics and astrophysics. During military training, I exhibited talents in surface infiltration and acquisition, and exceptional piloting skills in navigation, reconnaissance and evasion.

At twenty-three years of age, upon commissioning, I received diplomatic credentials and tasked ferrying diplomatic personnel and diplomatic pouches to Federation embassies and consulates in the Empire and Alliance. I was tasked, on occasion, with sensitive and sometimes hazardous extradition duties delivering criminals from Empire and Alliance to Federal Authorities. These were always transactional exchanges of people, often unpleasant. I was able to travel throughout the Bubble with unhindered freedom and experience the Empire and Alliance. It was a wonderful opportunity to learn about how other people view the galaxy and understand their worldviews. I later served as military attache at several Federation embassies in the Empire and Alliance. I had my share of combat, mostly against pirates and slavers in anarchy systems which were enemies of the Federation. I later served on the Staff of the Federal Navy Academy as an instructor in flight school, engineering physics, astrobiology, and political (diplomatic) science to educate the officer candidates in the history and culture of the Empire and Alliance (how to get along with them).

At fifty-three years of age, I was honorably discharged from the Federal Navy as a Rear Admiral with full pension. During retirement, I continued my education on Mars at Olympic University in astrophysics and exobiology, eventually obtaining a doctorate in both. I would visit my father and mother in Frey, dally in mining, but I could never get a license to own and command my own ship. I missed the Federal Navy, I learned to love the freedom of being the commander of my own vessel.

At fifty-nine years of age, the Pilots Federation provided me with a Commanders License to purse a second career as an independent pilot. I took delivery of my complementary Sidewinder. It was like a new lease on life.