Personal content

Real name
Dantassii Tacatii
Place of birth
Year of birth
180 cm / 5' 11"
102 kg / 225 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Was blonde, now a bit gray
Eye color
Dantassii Tacatii was born 9 months into a 3 year exploration expedition that his parents had been hired for. He spent most of his first 2 years living in his parent's Python as they completed the expedition.

His parents enjoyed reading a series of books written in the late 20th and early 21st centuries by a relatively unknown author. The books were a combination of science fiction and fantasy and Dantassii was named after the main character of the series. The series takes place on a rather interesting world called Terrion.

The planet Terrion is an ELW in a system with a single class G sun and has a single moon. Terrion and it's moon are the only planets/moons in the system although there are several significant asteroid fields and 2 interesting stellar phenomenon in the system. Terrion orbits the primary star in a very eccentric orbit that spans the entire habitable region of the star. This means that the seasons on Terrion are driven by the distance from the planet to the sun and not its inclination to its orbit. This is also due to the fact that Terrion's equator is in line with its orbit, in other words it has an inclination of 0 degrees. Terrion's very small, tidally locked moon orbits in a geostationary orbit and Terrion's Day is 36 Earth hours long. Terrion's year lasts 720 of its days.

Dantassii hopes to 1 day discover a system that matches Terrion, and has named his fleet carrier ISO Terrion, which stands for In Search of Terrion.