Personal content

Real name
Valen Tranquil
Place of birth
Year of birth
5.8 cm / 0' 2"
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
British/Federation Diction
Valen applied for a Pilots Federation license in 3307 and passed, wanting to see the stars, but not before a tumultuous time had gripped his life...

Born in 3281 on Titan City, orbiting Saturn's moon Titan, Sol. His father worked as a member of Titan City security, trained in dealing with hostile situations. Valen learned a few combat tricks/tactics from his father. Whereas Valen's mother, she worked as a nurse, also a decent pilot, she delivered medical supplies across the Saturnian moons as well as Titan city. He remembers her eyes very vividly, always holding the glimmer of stars whenever she stared out the windows. "A traveller's dream", she'd called it. That stuck with Valen with years to come. She mentioned her father, Valen's grandfather, that he was an explorer of sorts...travelling local space before the frame-shift drive. He came from New Caledonia, Tionisla, before settling down in the Sol system.

Valen's childhood comprised of school, games, social gatherings with his close-knit band of friends and wonder, mostly wonder. Like his mother, he had his eyes looking out towards the stars. An interest in ships, space travel and exploration formed; he would spend hours researching the subjects and even occasionally conversed with pilots, listened to where they've been or where they're going.

Amidst his later years, he started to grow tired of the station, and at times, helped both his father and mother with their jobs. Valen would help keep a look=out and reported anything useful for his father and the security team. With his mum, he would assist in delivering medical supplies either on station or one of the moons. Those moments he looked forward, and got a feeling of how free it was to "moon-walk". At breaks he would marvel at Saturn alongside his mother, both enjoyed the view. One time on their delivering ventures he tripped which caused enough damage to his suit to open a tear. Fortunately his mum fixed that, though on that day he'd learned that space may be indeed beautiful, it was also deadly, and terrifying.

In early 3307 Li Qing Jao station, Earth, was bombed by terrorists. Valen's mother was sent out to offer aid, unfortunately, when she'd arrived and began treatment, due to the station's hazardous and unstable environment- she was caught in an explosive blast, which in the process, killed her. Her remains were secured and brought back to Titan City in where Valen and his father mourned. She was cremated and her ashes were released amongst Saturn's rings.

'Their you go, you can see the stars..'

After the event his father grew bitter, reserved, and vengeful. Valen harboured similar feelings, which became the motivation to enlist into the Federal Marine Corps. Of course his father at first seemed afraid and opposed this decision (fear of loss), but with a lengthy conversation his father supported him. However, his father repeated that, "If it gets to much, or to dangerous, you come back- you'll always have a home here".
For most of that year, he applied to the Pilot's Federation to get a license, passed. and gave Valen ownership of his first ship; a Sidewinder MK1. He then departed for and trained in the Eta Cassiopeiae star system and received basic training from the Federal Army.

During 3308 he fought a fistful of battles against the NMLA. At the end of the year he relinquished his service, left the army and towards the beginning of 3309, had set out to explore the galaxy. It was at this time he became a close friend to Mathias Reacher (my old character on xbox), whilst on vacation to New Africa. A man who was also an explorer and had traversed many parts of the galaxy. Sadly he passed away soon after this new friendship. This loss, like his mother's, birthed a motivation. However, this passion had always been with him; it was only now it started to unfold and for Valen to realise his full potential.

On 6th December 3309, he became an Elite Explorer, recognised by the Pilot's Federation. Valen's prized ship: the Solace (Keelback), was the ship that achieved him this title.

As of the second Thargoid War (circa 3308), Valen had joined the battle, lending aid wherever he can.
Memorable Battles:
-Yemaki (3308)
-Muchihiks (3308/3309)
-Chinas (3309)
-Aowicha (3310)
-Vocovii (3310)
-HIP 19198 (3310)
-HIP 20890 {3310}
-HIP 29596 (3310)
-Holvandalla (3310)
-Vogulu (3310)
-Kagutsuchi (3310)
-HIP 19757 (3310)
-Nu Guang (3310)
-Obamumbo (3310)

From early 3310, after his journey in the Elysium Shore and Sanguineous Rim, and aside from the Thargoid War; he has revitalised his service to the Federal Navy in the form of mercenary work (Civilian service), and considers Eta Cassiopeiae as his base of operations. Their's not much use for an explorer amidst these times, but at heart Valen will always be an explorer, and always ready for the next sight-seeing adventure.
*Note from author: this is actually a new character of mine, now that I have the game on PC and no longer on Xbox. Used to be BORGGY, now CMDR TRANQUIL. My prized ship: Traveller's Dream (My old Asp X ship). Versed in the exploration playstyle.