Personal content

Real name
Gan Ger
Place of birth
HIP 16753
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
I was born with a twin brother in the star port Liman Legacy in the HIP 16753 in 3271. My parents met out on a science vessel observing non-human signal sources. I had a normal-ish life with them. Not many of my piers xeno studying parents. Well, in fact none of them. I was to be in the science and exploration life style as my parents where. My brother perused a difference path in the Federation ranks. He was actually still in the science field with the Navy back in the core systems. But one day the Thargoid attacked the region. They attacked the station and we where being evacuated. We got separated in the panic and sections of the star port being sealed off from breaches and decompression. I never saw them again after that. I was successfully delivered to a near by rescue maga-ship. I was there for days waiting for my parents. Then the M.I.A. Board updated. They were never found. After that I was a bit lost. Wandering from here to there. And one day, again I ended up in settlement that had been attacked, but this time by humans. After some assistance from a random guy. He got me off that planet. Loaned me a small ship too. I decided I was tiered of being lonely, directionless, defenceless and broke. I took this opportunity given to me. I had to start somewhere though. I bought this funny little cargo ship and Barbra Crew gave me work.