Cmdr Grouchybhaal
Enforcer / Freedom fighter
Registered ship name
Bogan One
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette =BBIX=
Overall assets
Brotherhood of Bogans
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Commander Grouchybhaal, with his unmistakably Australian allure, was a figure that commanded attention in any room he entered. His physique, while slightly generous, exuded a raw, earthy magnetism that many found irresistibly captivating. The gentle curve of his belly hinted at a life well-lived, filled with the rich flavors of the Outback and the hearty laughter of a man who embraced every moment.

His head, though balding, shimmered under the starlight, each glint reflecting a story, a battle, a memory. The sparse strands of hair that remained danced rebelliously in the cosmic winds, a testament to his indomitable spirit. His eyes, sharp and piercing, held the vastness of the Australian skies, and they spoke of adventures in the rugged terrains and the deep mysteries of the universe.

But it was his demeanor that truly set him apart. Grouchybhaal had a presence that was both obnoxious and abrasive, yet undeniably sensual. He moved with the confidence of a man who knew his worth, his every gesture dripping with a raw, unapologetic sensuality. His voice, rough as the Australian deserts, carried tales of distant worlds and passionate encounters. And while his words might have been brash, they were spoken with a fiery passion that left many both infuriated and inexplicably drawn to him.

In the vast tapestry of the galaxy, Commander Grouchybhaal was a unique star, burning brightly with an intensity that was both maddening and mesmerizing.