Personal content

Real name
Lon Moore
Place of birth
Year of birth
172.7 cm / 5' 8"
98.8 kg / 218 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
brown and grey
Eye color
American English
My journey began on the dusty plains of Lave, where the scent of space fuel lingered in the air and the promise of freedom beckoned from the horizon. With a heart filled with wanderlust and a ship fueled by ambition, I embarked on a quest to carve my name into the annals of the universe.

From the bustling trade routes of the Core Systems to the uncharted territories of the Outer Rim, I navigated through asteroid fields and danced with the gravitational pull of celestial bodies. Each jump into hyperspace was a leap of faith, leading me to encounters both perilous and profound.

In the shadow of distant nebulae, I honed my skills as a pilot, mastering the art of exploration, where the pulse of adventure beats in rhythm with the hum of my ship. It was not just the thrill of adventure that drove me forward—it was the people I met along the way; the friendships forged in the crucible of space. From fellow pilots sharing tales over a mug of Lavian brandy to the voice on the comms guiding me through the darkness, each connection reminded me that I was never truly alone among the stars.

As time passed and the galaxies spun on, I rose through the ranks, earning renown as a skilled commander and yet, amid the triumphs and tribulations, I remained grounded by the simple joy of exploration—the wonder of discovering new worlds and the beauty of witnessing the universe unfold before my eyes.

And so, as I continue to chart my course through the cosmos, I do so with a sense of reverence for the infinite expanse that surrounds me. For in Elite Dangerous, the journey is not just about reaching a destination—it's about embracing the unknown, one light-year at a time.