Personal content

Real name
Jana Razeki
Place of birth
HIP 35910
Year of birth
175 cm / 5' 9"
60 kg / 132 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Dark brown
Eye color
[Emerald] green
Neutral English
Imperial origins

Jana Razeki was born on the Imperial colony world of HIP 35910 5 in 3282, as part of a middle-class family amidst a highly traditionalist environment, in an isolated settlement where outsiders were, at best, viewed with suspicion. Despite what her parents tried to instil her in her childhood, and following a formal education, it quickly became apparent in her adolescent years that her views and personality were not compatible with this environment, or Imperial culture, rejecting and rebelling against it. Corrective measures from educative establishments showed little effect in creating a course correction, and only hindered her progression through the system.

This was a great source of embarrassment to her parents, having only a single child. But when spoken to about it, Jana refused to give ground, unable to make her personal views and desires compatible with Imperial core values and decadence, which ranged from adopting a non-conforming clothing style and appearance for a woman within Imperial society, to disagreeing with the practice of slavery - that of Zemina Torval's Mastopolos Mining company in particular - and despising the Empire's 'human-first' approach on colony worlds, due to the effects it may have on their ecosystem, some of which she witnessed first-hand.

Those views singled her out in the traditionalist circle she grew up in, and made her the target of ridicule from more conforming peers, as well as a threat of consequences from the local authority if she didn't "reign in her discordant behavior and complied with the Empire's standards, as expected of its upstanding citizens".

Time in the Federation

At the age of 17, in the latter half of 3299, Jana took the decision to abandon the Imperial colony, clandestinely seeking refuge on a transport ship ferrying supplies back and forth from the settlement, which cut short her education. This decision was seemingly motivated by the visit of an Imperial Senator, the details of which have not been disclosed neither by the Imperial authorities, nor Jana herself. However, it can be inferred that this decision was cemented by it, as she departed the world almost immediately after this visit. Her parents were taken aback by this slightly, but chose to be as supportive as they could be, whether that was for their own personal gain, or caring for their child.

She left the transport ship with little to her name in personal belongings when it passed through Federation space and docked at a Federal starport, at the border of Federal and Imperial space, a few days following her departure. By then, a search warrant had been issued, which prompted her to continue hiding, until an opportunity provided itself to head further toward the core of the Federation over the next month, declaring herself to authorities and requesting amnesty from its government upon arrival in the YZ Ceti system, where no Imperial factions were present.

This request was quickly granted to Jana, and it was then that she changed her name to what it is now, lightly reflecting a distant Polish family ancestry of old Earth, though any cultural heritage from the family had largely been lost to time, and not passed on to her prior to abandoning the Imperial colony. Unfortunately, her predicament merely took another form, as she was now stuck in the Federal [societal] system with hardly anything to call her own except what she wore upon leaving, no work experiences or finalized education.

This meant that Jana, where she could have taken an Imperial slavery contract to enter indentured servitude and avoid falling into the bottom of the pit in Imperial space, was now at the very lowest end of Federal society, struggling to survive and break free of it for another three years, enduring the worst that it had to offer in turn, along with many other people that had fallen through and were left to fend for themselves with very little outlook to an improvement, in the hyper-competitive, corporate environment that the Federation provided.

A way out presented itself to Jana in early 3302, where a passer-by took note of her caring for an injured, stray animal, despite her own squalid conditions on top of the ongoing winter, and offered her light work in an animal shelter in exchange for basic living qualities. She, of course, quickly accepted, taking the cat with her, which allowed for it to be tracked and returned to the owner after a few months, during which time Jana worked as a part-time assistant in the shelter. The finder's fee was divided between her and the shelter, the small pay it provided for her volunteer work on top eventually allowing her to get off-world transport to a well-developed, independent system closer to the edges of the Bubble. After some fond farewells to the staff of the shelter, who had come to appreciate Jana as well, she set off to leave the Federation behind - which received a far less grateful goodbye, originating from around the middle of Jana's right hand - at the end of 3302.

Pilot's Federation

Jana's course from 3303 to 3308 took her past the Alliance, directly into independent space around the edges of the Bubble, though it was not far removed from Allied borders either, as she settled down in the Lhou Mans system, where she spent a few years working jobs that didn't require high qualification, in order to save up sufficient funds to apply for a license with the Pilot's Federation. She was accepted into it on February 3, 3306, not quite a month prior to her birthday, and spent two and a half years obtaining the necessary qualifications to obtain her flight permit, not entirely flawlessly passing the courses at first, but persisting until she succeeded nonetheless.

Since getting her license early in August, 3308, with 26 years, she has spent most of that year attempting to continue building a life for herself, away from the Empire, and the Federation, where she has control over every aspect of it, caring little for the Thargoids or the firing of the Proteus Wave. The most significant act was briefly picking up contact with her parents again in order to get the Imperial search order rescinded, and her ID removed from citizen registries, having no intentions to ever return to the Empire.

While Jana has had little qualms in working for the Alliance, having gotten no significant negative or positive impressions from them, she politely declined an offer for citizenship within it, a decision partly motivated due to its close ties to Sirius Corporation - that corporation is the reason she remains relatively cold toward it. She despises Sirius, the feeling originating from a hatred of large corporations developed during the years of homelessness in Federal society, but also how Li Yong-Rui is manipulating the Alliance. The Federation and Empire as a whole, however, have not been so lucky to be spared of those feelings, albeit without having received any negative attention from her... yet.

Then, in yet another cruel and ironic showing of fate, when she was about to set everything on its track, her new home system [of Lhou Mans] was almost immediately overrun in December of that same year when then-Maelstrom Oya arrived and unleashed its own fleet of Thargoids onto the surrounding systems, immediately capturing anything within a 15 light year radius, within which hers was located. She was not present within the system at the time and likely spared death or abduction thanks to that fact, running a delivery to another nearby location when the news reached her. This fact alone largely motivated her to take up arms against the Thargoids, if only in defense of the Bubble itself, and its people. However, she still holds hope and wishes to reclaim that system, despite knowing most of its people are not going to be there any longer.

And while she is upset at the Thargoids' actions, she rather puts the blame on Azimuth Biotech for triggering the large-scale invasion with the Proteus Wave, and the superpowers for supporting Azimuth, as well as continuing to let them persist rather than force them to meet justice, and be held responsible for their acts. Until then, she'll continue to fight back against the incursion to prevent it from affecting more people unwillingly drawn into a conflict not their own, be that through armed resistance, or pulling civilians and wounded out of the war zone. She may only be a relatively average pilot or ground operative, having trained for both in programs available to civilians, but it is enough to make a difference.

Rather recently – November 3309, at time of writing – Jana also participated in a bid to rescue the former Azimuth/Thargoid experimentation victim Kira Goto from Titan Hadad, alongside a combined task force of AXDF ships, rescue vessels provided by Aegis and other volunteer pilots. An operation that, likely, further motivated her to support operations against the Thargoids and further her ships’ combat capabilities by getting Guardian weaponry into her available arsenal, over simple standard-issue AX weaponry.

The restrictions imposed by that, however, may require her to get further engineering upgrades to the ship in order to power those weapons, which is problematic given her reluctance to support Sirius Corp., and use Guardian-hybrid tech in place of standard core module due to the likelihood of them being rendered inoperable by a Glaive.


Jana is a more extroverted individual who likes to hang around people more, though is still rather on the middle line between a full introvert or full extrovert. So, while she doesn't mind getting approached by people, or approaching them if they interest her, she also isn't the kind to immediately throw herself into a crowd and revel in the attention, liking to go into her personal spaces and relax to a book, some music, or a bath.

As a woman, she is not very conforming to the 'traditional' stereotype, instead tending more toward keeping a shorter hairstyle, swept backward to leave the forehead exposed, while the hair goes down to about the top of the neck, at the back. Her clothing, meanwhile, is usually in the direction of more or less baggy trousers, a closely-fitted shirt or top [depending on season] and a leather jacket left open, with sleeves stopping at or wrapped up to the elbows, equally dependent on season and weather allowing. This, of course, was not very compatible with the expectations of what a woman "should wear in public" in Imperial society, providing her another reason to dislike it.

She measures around 1.75 meters in height, with D cup breasts and hips matching her body, weighing in at about 60 kilograms, a weight she is mostly at ease with, if slightly on the low side. Her facial features are mostly reminiscent of a person with roots to western Europe, with a few traits pointing at a distant eastern European lineage.

[As hinted at in the biography], Jana does not view the Empire or Federation favorably, having entirely avoided to work for them or their auxiliary and aligned faction, showing little to no interest in obtaining the vessels locked behind the auxiliary navy ranks as a result - despite the known draw of the Core Dynamics or Gutamaya vessels to independent pilots, those are not rewards sufficient to make her overlook her past with both superpowers, even being inclined to oppose them in more or less direct ways, if and when her situation might allow.

Her hatred for Sirius Corp. is a somewhat annoying obstacle for her, thanks to the engineer Marco Qwent having close ties to them, yet there are no other alternatives to find high-grade, reliable power plant engineers within the Bubble, and she has little interest in heading out as far as Colonia simply to that end, or taking a chance with black market modifications.

Yet it may turn out to be a necessity to obtain access to more significant upgrades for her ships, thanks to the various referral requirements for other in-Bubble engineers. And collaborating with Imperial factions to gain access to Hera Tani's services is entirely out of the question, so it may be that she is required to temporarily pretend to work in Sirius' favor to obtain the relevant permit and engineer invitation, despite her objections to such support of the mega-corporation.

*Bio and profile picture may or may not get updated in the future.