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Real name
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Year of birth
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Operator: R3 a.k.a. R3PER
Real Name: unknown
HT/WT: 182cm/90kg
Sex: Male
Birth Year: 3255 estimated
System - Planet of Birth: HIP 53688 - 4 B (unconfirmed)

It is believed he was born to parents working at the Mendez Drilling Rigs owned by the independent faction, Future of HIP 53688. While still a young child a religious extremist faction, Angelic Order of HIP 54692, pushed into the system in a War with the Future of HIP 53688. Though the war was close, The Order was able to gain control of Zuniga Metallurgic Claim on the same planet as the Mendez Drilling Rigs. At the same time, small victories in neighboring systems allowed this zealot group to rise in popularity and power within the Alliance. With their newly acquired political position, they soon began pressuring the other factions in the systems. They often sent agents to sabotage sites and rough up settlement occupants to persuade them to convert or leave. In a tenuous coalition with Hip 53688 Crimson Cartel, a local anarchy faction in control of a casino on the plant, Cartel members were paid by the Order to disrupt other faction sites.

A plea by the miners at Mendez Drilling was made to the Controlling faction in the system and Alliance affiliate, Virundir Intersolar LTD to come to the aid and pressure The Order to stop it's hostilities. Unknown at the time, but chief Alliance party members had already put pressure on Virundir Intersolar to "turn a blind eye" to The Order's unlawful activities.

In 3269 a group of saboteurs planted explosives on two of Mendez's drilling riggs. Orders had been given to not harm any residents or workers, but the bombs were detonated without checking for personnel. 7 were killed including R3PER's mother.

In the months following, the families of the survivors began planning a retaliation against the Angelic Order. Large amounts of explosives were gathered and 6 sites were chosen for the counter strike. The plan called for destruction of key facilities at the sites, and murder of all of the inhabitants of the sites. Keller's Industrial was their first target, 90% of the building were leveled to the ground and all 45 personnel were killed. The attack on the second target was started before reinforcements had reached the first site. The second target, Blaylock Arsenal was a large military supply site, that unknown to the rebels, high ranking Alliance military personnel and Alliance Spec Ops detachment were on site obtaining a major arms shipment. The explosives were planted but before they could be detonated several rebels were spotted and the alarm was raised. R3PER's father was in the ammunition warehouse planting explosives when the alarms sounded. Hearing the radio chatter of his friend being taken into custody he made the choice to detonate his bombs before they found him. Knowing he would be killed as punishment, he detonated the warehouse killing himself and 24 of the settlement inhabitants including one of the Alliance generals. The uprising was called "The Brown Coat Rebellion" after the brown coats all worn by the rebel miners.

The group was quickly tracked back to the Mendez riggs and Alliance enforcers quickly descended on the base and rounded up all of the family members of the rebels. In an attempt to quickly restore order and conceal the local corruption that caused the conflict, all of the family members of the rebels were taken to Fo Hi. Fo Hi is a small prison colony system at the far end of Empire space. The scientists working for the Moritasgus Imperial Corporation in Fo Hi paid a large sum to Alliance party members to have the family members sent to them. They negotiated a contract which they stated family members would be cared for, given work at Nakajima Dredging Installation and would not be told of their family's involvement in the uprising. This however was a ruse. The families were in reality taken to Rah's Plantation, a covert genetic laboratory experimenting on genetic enhancements.

R3PER and the other rebel family members were tortured and subjected to genetic altering procedures and medications. Many of the people died, but R3PER and 4 others seemed to respond well and it appeared the physical and mental enhancements were a success. They were all code named R1 through R5. With testing now in it's 6th year, the chief scientist decided to attempt cloning the 5 as she believed the success had to do with their specific DNA. The 5 tried many times to plan an escape, but they determined the site design and security could not be bypassed successfully without outside assistance.

Soon key military leaders in the Empire took an interest in the research, each having aspirations of obtaining the drugs to establish their own elite fighting forces. During a site visit Obrek Zephyrus, a Duke and senior military consultant for Zemina Torval was taken hostage by one of the 5 (R4). Prior to the visit R4 had suffered a severe head injury and his mental state had deteriorated. R3PER, knowing the torture R4 would receive, quickly attacked and broke R4's neck saving the Duke. The Duke, feeling a sense that he owed a debt, asked R3PER what he wanted. R3PER responded only with "freedom". Duke Zepherus seeing an opportunity to seize all of the research for himself, devised a plan to provide an opportunity for escape. Knowing an escape would give him reason to take control of the site if it proposed a security threat to the Empire. As he could not actively participate, he planted several items and access codes to facilitate the escape. If the remaining 4 could get to the surface, a modified sidewinder capable of transporting 4 people would be hidden a few kilometers from the base exactly one week after the last visit by Duke Zephyrus.

On November 5th, 3275, the group put the plan into action. Donning staff suits and using the codes, they quickly accessed the unsecured area of the site. They locked the staff in holding cells and then sabotaged the sites communication equipment. They downloaded all of the genetic research data and destroyed the site information systems and backups. While on their way out they found the clone storage, they decided to take their clones pod's with them with the intent to hide them on the planet and return for them later. Once on the surface they loaded the clone pods on SRVs and began to drive away. They failed to notice a lone sentry that had been outside when the escape began. The SRV R1 and R5 were in exploded from the shots killing them and their clones. R3PER and R2 were able to get out of range before the sentry aimed at them. They reached the Sidewinder, loaded the clones in storage racks, and took off.

Duke Zephyrus had given them instructions to fly to Serrao Beacon in the HIP 1795 system to meet with his contact at the Frontline counter. R3PER and R2 decided to off load the research data and clones in a different, non-empire system as insurance in case of a double cross. They traveled to the Gundji system and hid the data and clone pods in the southern ice fields of Gundji A 1. While landed they discovered a short range tracking beacon on the ship. The beacon was removed and taken to Harrison Dock in the system and left on a hanger support beam. They then flew to Serrao Beacon and approached the Frontline contact, who was surprised to see them. Believing this to be a result of the tracking beacon being removed R3PER and R2 left, instructing the contact that they would send a new meeting location. The meeting would be with the Duke himself if he wanted the genetic research data.

The meeting was set at Cramer Dock in the Plutarch system a week later. The week was to give the Duke enough time to figure out all of the data was destroyed at the site. The system was a large Federation system where Empire rank would be the least problematic. The Duke arrived and requested all copies of the data and the surviving clones. R3PER and R2 negotiated that the Duke would keep the R4 clone still at the site, and in exchange for the data, a case of 20 million credits and 2 unmarked clean Asp Explorers left here at Cramer Dock. The ships and credits were delivered, and all the genetic research data was handed over to the duke. R3PER and R2 then sold both Asps and decide to part ways and take shuttles out of the system.

R3PER booked a shuttle directly back to Gundji, purchased a Type 6 and picked up his clone pod.

It is believed that he spent years establishing contacts and building funds to find a way to revive his clone. The only thing known about his clone is that the pod that was found and believed to have held him, was labeled only with SR-01 and that it is possible he uses a name with the initials S. R. It is further speculated that in collaboration with his clone R3PER was able to ascend both the Empire and Federation ranks simultaneously, and being identical genetically, there would never be evidence of this left behind.

Duke Zephyrus was killed not long after he met with R3PER and R2. Neither is suspected in the slaying as it happened deep in Empire territory.

Currently R3PER is a highly sought after Freelancer and Assassin who operates near the bubble for the highest bidder. It is believed he still holds great hatred for the Alliance for their role in his parent’s deaths and his imprisonment. He is documented as the Deputy Squadron Commander of the Brown Coats whose commander is Saros Raxxla. Many speculate that Saros is his clone, but it has not been verified and since Saros and the Squadron are based in Colonia, unlikely it will ever be.