Cmdr Ba Bel-Zahrim
Special agent / Freedom fighter
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Overall assets
Pranav Antal

Personal content

Real name
Ba Bel-Zahrim
Place of birth
Omicron Gruis
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Ba Bel-Zahrim was born into an aristocratic family in the Empire. His father was a committed nihilist, and Zahrim received an education that emphasized anarchist political theory and revolutionary thought. During his time in the Empire he became a successful military leader and council member in an imperial force. After liberating Omicron Gruis, however, Zahrim acquired a taste for a lavish playboy lifestyle that seemed to be at odds with his professed political thoughts.

Conflicts over ideology led to Zahrim’s resignation from the council and his military duties. Increasingly he operated on his own and ran a secretive business, which at times drove him to the remotest corners of the galaxy. Returning to his anarchist roots, Zahrim engaged in guerrilla activity and carried out or organized with POGO notorious attacks against the establishment and the authoritarian tendencies in the galaxy, most notably robbery of military and private courier vessels. As a fighter for freedom he often engaged in strikes against suppressors. The raids led to the trade of highly illegal goods with factions of all superpowers.

Zahrim's extravagant girlfriend, Metal Barbie, has a distinct affinity for low temperature diamonds. The two of them enjoy themselves together with the infamous assassins, The Intergalactic Butcher Babies, in POGO’s headquarter Inferno Port with a lot of rum.