Fleet carrier details

Fuel level
84% (841)
Docking access
Allow notorious

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Squadron asset
Amaranth was an imaginary unfading flower of violet colour in poetry of the past. Its name comes from the Greek word 'amarantos', 'immortal' or 'unfading'. 'Amaranthine' emerged as an adjective of anything of undying quality or having violet colour.

Station update
31 May 2024, 12:33am
Location update
31 May 2024, 12:33am
Market update
31 May 2024, 12:33am
Shipyard update
Outfitting update
Services and crewUpkeepTariff
Bartender | Ayla Pate1,750,000 Cr-
Black marketInactive0 Cr-
Captain | Catalina Richard5,000,000 Cr-
Commodity market | Esther Bell0 Cr-
OutfittingInactive0 Cr-
Pioneer Supplies | Pearl Adams5,000,000 Cr-
Rearm | Aiyanna Jefferson1,500,000 Cr-
Redemption office | Mckenna Pruitt1,850,000 Cr-
Refuel | Lucero Miranda1,500,000 Cr-
Repair | Aryana Summers1,500,000 Cr-
Shipyard | Betsy Hampton6,500,000 Cr-
Universal Cartographics | Kensi Aguilar1,850,000 Cr-
Vista Genomics | Valentina Burnett1,500,000 Cr-
Tritium depot | Marbella Weiss0 Cr-
Fleet carrier
Total commodities exported257
Total commodities imported31,048
Credits earned from commodities25,957 Cr
Credits spent on commodities2,872,112,304 Cr
Credits earned from stolen goods0 Cr
Credits spent on stolen goods0 Cr
Total travel distance89,501.34 Ly
Number of carrier jumps386
Total ships sold0
Credits earned from shipyard0 Cr
Total modules sold70
Credits earned from outfitting353,194 Cr
Total ships restocked201
Total ships refuelled593
Credits earned from refuelling0 Cr
Total ships repaired320
Redemption office exchanges251
Redemption office payouts124,854,643 Cr
View fleet