Logbook entry

One With The Signal

17 Jul 2018Exorcist
Yesterday was exhausting but also very exciting for me. I received final confirmation of my full crewmember status with Radio Sidewinder. As a longtime fan I am proud to finally serve beside the brave men and women of the RSC.

In terms of exploration, I continue my slow journey back to the bubble this week with an ultimate goal of reaching Deciat sometime this weekend. I’ve spent the last two days in the Prua Phoe VL-X C17-67 system finalizing my catalogue of geyser activity on the 1B and 1C twin moons I call The Meatballs. The first moon was home to one of the most beautiful silicate vapor geyser sites I’ve ever found while the second moon was home to the darkest geyser site I’ve ever found. Before leaving I decided to check out some of the incredible mountain ranges on 1C, which are beautifully illuminated by the ambient glow from the galactic core.

Now it’s back into space for another 5,000 light year journey to my next destination. Only three more worlds to explore before home! o7

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