Logbook entry

SpaceTime 08123301

08 Dec 2015Himeno
What a night!
First the long Shopping Tour and then the Night in a Disco.
It is a other Disco on the Planet as the Disco on a Station.
We have Gravitation through the Rotation of the Station but there are Areas in the Discos with no Gravitation.
It is Fun not to be bound on the ground but you need Clothes for it.
With a Rock it will be embarrassing so I was  with a tight fitting Outfit there.
It was  Fun  not to bee cooped in the Ship and enjoy themselves.

But the Night was short.

At the next Day my Ship was waiting for me and was recently overhauled.

The Scrap was no more a Scrap.
I put the new Fright in the Cargo Hold und ut the new Suit on.
Before I set up the Helmet I put the Wire in my DataJack
The new Hard and Software was incredibly but for the first Moment strange.

After a short Time i found it normal and cosumize it for my needs.
At all Position in my ship I have the important  Displays through the interface.
After I was sitting on the Chair the Suit connect to the Ship Systems and Controls.
I don’t know how the most Pilots only fly with the Interface on the Helm and Front Screens.
The Hitch up in the Ship Systems make it easier to fly and to read the Display because the Ship is a part of you.
The Control and the Throttle Control are Manual but it is that you not lose yourself in the Ship but the rest are with Mind Control.
I love this Way of Flying even if it is not very common.
The other Pilots can never unterstand it and really  miss something

I get the Run Permissive and lift of  while the Landing Gear moved in.
After some seconds I  accelerated  and fly to the Passage to the free space as one of these idiots came towards me and almost my Ship rammed.

But to my Luck it was only a Shield Contact but i was angry.
It would have been even better if the freshly repaired  Ship be a Scrap before I left the Station.

I make some Deliveries a some Pirates get me out the Drive.
I get out the Weapons so fast i cloud as the Shield get the first hits.
I shot my Weapons on him to show that i am not a easy Target as my Sshield get down as one of his Parts  shot through the Front  Screen and burst them .

Now all to Full Thrust and to Power the Drive up because  I can not fly long with these Ddamage.
I got it in time to one of the nearby Stations and dock on it.
Now it cost some Credits to repair the Front Screen but  better the Window than me

As the Repair was finished i make some other Deliveries  and from Time to Time some Pirates get me out oft he Drive because they think I am her great Prey.

I must say the Cobra is a good ship and so the pirates was fast history.
But at one Pirate I must laugh because he ecjet the cargo after I hit him.
What? Attacking me and then  he wants to distract me  with his Ecject Cargoe because his Ship is weak?

I suspect that the Pirates get crazier.
But when he let me the Cargo I take it.
I but the Cargo in the Ship and set a route to the next Station.
I sell the Cargo but more as the cost of the Fuel  was it not.

One oft he new things on board was a working Landing Computer that works.
The old one has make nonsense but at the price of he ship it was no wonder

It i good to watch the computer how he lands an  i only have to check that he works like he should.

I have set the System that hen no Ship is in the 5km Radius  around me the Music on the Data Storage will be set to Full maximum  to Cover  the Silence of the Space and the vibration of the Engine.
But when i set the Cobras Engine to full Power it is a wonderful  feeling  to register the vibration  in the Body.

Sometime i let the Computer fly the Ship  and go to my litte Area in the back oft he Ship while i have the  important News and Data through the Interface
But one thing is improtant to me.
When I am not docked or in the Hangar  I don’t exit the Suit because they Rescued me some times.

I miss one thing.
I need someone on the Ship.
It is lonely but the Ship has space for two Person.
I will seek for someone that will fly with me.
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︎0 Shiny!
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