Logbook entry

StarDate 22123301

25 Dec 2015Himeno
Test ……Test…..

Good, it seems that it works.

It is now 11 Days since the Ship System crashed.

After 6 Days a other ship found me on this route.

I had a Delivery to a isolated system as the Engine Systems and the Navigations System crashed.
I used to stay every Night at a Hotel.

But now? Now i have to stay in space with my Anti Gravitation Bed.
I had try some Beds, Water Bed and Hammock but nothing can match with a Anti Gravitation Field.

I have tried everything but nothing works and I don’t hope to stay here for ever
At the first Day I tried to repair the System.
At the second Day I tried to pass the Time.
I make a Party on the third Day.
For some one that watches me must it be a strange.

A Ship without working Engine and Navigation and on it was a Party.
Yes a Party.
The Ship has some small Holo Projectors and so I make some Party Guest.

I had some Drinks and Music on Board.
I know that I am a Music Head and now the Bass came from the Speaker.
And I Dance with my Guests.

It must be funny for someone that watch.

On the 4th Day i go to my Antigrav Bed.
No one Answer to my not signal so I toke some SimChips.
But later the Communication and Sensor System toke me out because a Ship came near.

I don’t love the SimChip because they make someone to a Junkie but what should i do?
Watch 24 Hours the Space?
Good the Frameshift Jumps are dangerous but the Windows go black when we Jump.
When the windows don’t go black and you look in the Jump Space you can go crazy.

The ship are coming closer and to my luck it was no Pirate.
After a short talk he brought my and the Ship to the next Station.
In the Hangar they found the Problem and so I have some Days free.
What luck for me.

The Ship will be in the repair and upgrade and there goes my Credits.
But the Station has some Habitat Rings with a little Ocean and Isle and I could get some Holidays.

I got enough Credits to got the Holidays and I take it.
I need it After that 4 Days in Space

I set a Body Check on my List and a Upgrade for my DataJack that makes some Problems.

Today you need only to stay some Hours at a Hospital but in the old Days you need to stay Days in it.
My other Cyber Parts will also be check and with the Arm and Leg was easy because for it I don’t need a Operation for it.
This is the good that I can take it off.
They don’t look like Mechanic Parts and only on a small Ring on the Connection you can see that it is no normal Body Part

Today there is it normal but there was a Time where People like me don’t could live normal.
Now there are People that change her complete Body.
But People like me need these Parts to live normal.
I know that I had Accident and it was my Fault.

The Check needs 1 Day but after that i have 5 Days for free.

Lie on the Beach and the Sun shine on the body is wonderful.
I don’t change the Body Color because I love my palness.

The Engineer make good work to create these Habitats but it is the experience of it.
500 Years ago there was the first Habitat Ships to colonize the Space.
They were giant Ships with Cities and Oceans in it.
It is a great work to make this kind of Ship and I have a great respect for that work.

I rest these Days and organize some Things for the Ship.

On the last Day i meet a Guy in one of the Pilot Bars.
He looks like a Good and he has the Same Taste with clothes like me.
His name Was Dimitri ( some old Names from Earth) and he looks for a Ship too work.
After a while we decide to try it and now he is on my Ship.

He has a DataJack but he likes to fly manual with the Data on his Helm Screen.
I don’t know how someone could fly like this but I accept it.

When I fly the Ship is it for him strange because he cannot see what I see and only the Controls are moving.

I have looked some systems but it is for my own safety.
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︎0 Shiny!
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